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2024-06-12 06:57:00

SecureNet: A Comparative Study of DeBERTa and Large Language Models for Phishing Detection
Sakshi Mahendru, Tejul Pandit

Threat actors impersonate GitHub's security and recruitment teams in phishing attacks to hijack repositories using malicious OAuth apps in an ongoing extortion campaign wiping compromised repos.
Since at least February, dozens of developers targeted in this campaign have received similar fake job offers or security alert emails from "" after being tagged in spam comments added to random repo issues or pull requests using compromised GitHub accounts…
2024-06-13 05:16:51

Oh, nein! Eine Warnung der Feinrippträger.
Was soll ich tun?🤣

Phishing mail, die  als Absender unter der domain feinripptraeger registriert ist.
2024-06-17 16:42:30

The post is from a new employee at a large company who oversees phishing training. The employee is seeking advice about how frequently others accept LinkedIn pitch call invitations solely for the Amazon gift cards that are offered.
2024-06-14 07:25:22

A Passwordless MFA Utlizing Biometrics, Proximity and Contactless Communication
Sneha Shukla, Gaurav Varshney, Shreya Singh, Swati Goel