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2024-05-21 15:59:59

Und heute ein Lifer: ein Karmingimpel in seiner ganzen Pracht. Sorry, schärfer hab ich den bei diesem Wind und auf die Entfernung nicht bekommen. #birding #poland

Ein kleiner Finkenvogel im Wipfel eines Nadelbaums. Brust und Kopf des Vogels sind deutlich rot gefärbt, Bauch cremefarben, Rücken braun. Im Hintergrund blauer Himmel.
Derselbe Vogel vor unscharfem, grünem Hintergrund, jetzt von hinten. Der Rücken ist braun, Kopf und Nacken rot. Der Vogel hat den Schnabel zum Singen weit geöffnet.
2024-06-16 09:09:51

Kleiner Snack gestern in Szczecin 🤤 #foodporn #poland #szczecin

Ein Tisch bei Kerzenschein mit einem Teller mit gesoßtem Entenfleisch, Gemüse und einer dunklen Beilage, einer Flasche Wasser, einem Glas dunklem Getränk mit einem Strohhalm, Salz- und Pfefferstreuer und einem Serviettenhalter.
2024-05-28 09:24:40

"Poland unveils details of €2.4bn fortification of eastern borders"
No. The #Tusk government is not doing great in regard to #migration
Article on the plans for a massive fortification of #Poland
2024-04-24 03:07:32

Isn't it terrifying that polish government agency workers are telling people how to find stuff on their website via third-party search engines (and it's already an improvement that they are talking of "search engines" or asking people to input search terms in the address bar, rather than talking of #Google specifically), rather than giving them the website URL and having them use the internal search engine? It's a huge #security threat, that's just waiting for someone to #SEO malicious results in there.
2024-06-09 19:21:01

#Poland #exitpoll results of #EuropeanElections, for those interested 😉 via Polsat News
Civic Coalition won their 1st
2024-04-07 15:00:03

"Poland tops 17 GW of PV capacity"
#Poland #Solar #SolarPower #Renewables
2024-04-24 03:07:32

Isn't it terrifying that polish government agency workers are telling people how to find stuff on their website via third-party search engines (and it's already an improvement that they are talking of "search engines" or asking people to input search terms in the address bar, rather than talking of #Google specifically), rather than giving them the website URL and having them use the internal search engine? It's a huge #security threat, that's just waiting for someone to #SEO malicious results in there.
2024-06-09 19:21:01

#Poland #exitpoll results of #EuropeanElections, for those interested 😉 via Polsat News
Civic Coalition won their 1st
2024-04-06 10:19:26

In the past, I've heard that police in #Poland can take your driver's license (for a car) if they catch you driving a bicycle after alcohol.
Consider the new regulations, can they also confiscate your bicycle? Or perhaps the regulations accidentally allow them to confiscate a car instead?
2024-04-09 06:01:57

OFFICIAL RESULTS of local #elections in #Poland are now available.
Voivodeship (regional parlaments) votes, cumulative:
PiS - 34.27%
KO - 30.59% (~1/2 mln votes less than PiS)
Third Way - 14.25%
Confederussia & Non-Partisan - 7.23%
The Left - 6.32%
2024-06-07 15:43:57

Imagine we have such a party running for EU Parliament 😬 #Poland #EuropeanElections
2024-04-01 05:38:15

#Poland is a truly Catholic country. That's why, when you're walking through an empty-ish park at 7 AM on Easter Monday, you get sick, because of all the stench of alcohol. Bottles and cans everywhere. And it's the kind of park that's locked for the night.
2024-04-02 16:54:28

Weird stuff is happening in polish hospitals.
"Do not throw [toilet] paper into the urinal!!!!!"
"chewing gum and condoms!!"
2024-05-28 06:44:41

Draconian penalty on Polish radio station for a news - cancelled by court
Back in Dec 2022, Radio ZET reported on US Secret Service passing Ukrainian President Zelenskyy through #Poland territory w/out asking Polish counterpart for help due to apparent mistrust.
2024-05-21 19:42:58

#Chociwel. A town over a lake, and I don't think there's much more to say. The road around the lake is a bit muddy but walkable (you just have to be careful not to stray from the road marked on OSM). Mosquitoes were present as well.
It's reachable via 5 AM set of trains from Poznań (with leg-stretching in Krzyż and Stargard), 9 AM there. Then a quick round round the lake, 10.13 return train, short change in Stargard and back in Poznań at 1 PM.
#lake #WesternPomerania #Poland #hiking