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2024-08-26 09:53:20

@… provides software and systems for street level photograpy with free licencing (CC) and open source mapping services and clients.
Contribute your data here, it is a free alternative for google street view, mapillary and similar services.
Currently mostly active in France, where development takes place (including the governmental
2024-09-22 16:16:49

🇬🇧 Hi, I'm Tomasz! Hello everyone from! I moved here from my private instance
2024-08-12 09:30:58

Es gibt einen Account namens (#Trump.
Inhalt: Anzahl und Größe der jeweiligen Vers…
2024-07-01 15:56:56

(1/2) This is unusual and disturbing: My Facebook account was suddenly suspended today for “violating community standards.” The automated menus for the appeal do not indicate what standards were allegedly violated or which post(s) were allegedly contentious.
I had not posted on the EdCampOKC Facebook page for awhile, and just shared a post there about the web domain expiring, so that’s the most logical culprit.
The FB ban appeal process did not ask me to explain or provide any ba…

Notification of a suspended Facebook account, showing the account holder's name and photo. It explains the suspension, the reasons behind it, and the steps to appeal within 180 days before permanent disablement.
2024-07-19 15:24:48

Parte 2
Ogni macchina in cui fallisce l’aggiornamento rimane un fermacarte fino all’ assistenza di un sistemista che rimette le cose a posto.
Quale è il problema?
Il fatto che si è bloccato un numero enorme di macchine e server?
Non è questo il vero problema, secondo me.
Il vero problema è che si è permesso ad un azienda ‘privata’ di fare aggiornamenti su macchine e server senza l’intervento umano!

Blue screen of death
2024-08-28 13:30:08

Gibt es im #fdroid Store einen Ersatz für #googlewallet?
Is there a replacement for google wallet in F-Droid store?