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2024-04-25 15:44:53

Classes are not a tool for code organization.
They're a tool for problem/business definition.
Using them as an organization tool is how you get 10,000 line trainwrecks.
#PHP #Programming
2024-05-24 21:13:00

Amber, the #ProgrammingLanguage compiled to #Bash
2024-05-23 19:41:16

If I didn't think testing and UIs were like oil and water this conversation would convince me of that... I'm going to add junk to my markup to make it testable, really? How do I test that checking a checkbox really changed the CSS that a third party framework just changed?
#software #programming
2024-05-23 07:07:35

I think I might start the lesson with a prayer, just so I can segue into "speaking of apparently pointless - but really deeply worthwhile - rituals, let's go over the Bubble Sort"
#CSEd #ComputerScience #Programming
2024-06-14 13:58:10

I am not a number. I am a #programming #meme.

You are NaN.
I am NaN.
We are not the same.
2024-06-14 13:46:34

Which are your favorite Delphi plugins?
Vote anonymously here: #programming
2024-06-12 02:54:52

where's the "oops, all boilerplate" frameworks?
2024-05-18 06:24:56

Do any other #webdevelopers get irritated when you occasionally use website builders? I mainly get annoyed at them when ik how to do something that it doesn't allow me to lol
#programming #web
2024-05-08 10:55:30

Career goals. Absolute programming badasses.
#NASA #programming #Voyager

Y'all, the world is sleeping on what NASA just pulled off with Voyager 1.

The probe has been sending gibberish science data back to Earth, and scientists feared it was just the probe finally dying.  You know, after working for 50 GODDAMN YEARS and LEAVING THE GODDAMN SOLAR SYSTEM and STILL CHURNING OUT GODDAMN DATA.

So they analyzed the gibberish and realized that it was a total readout of EVERYTHING ON THE PROBE.  Data, the programming, hardware specs and status, everything.  They realized t…
2024-06-12 20:10:26

Went ahead and posted the code for the NWS weather stuff to GitHub for ya @… however I'm not vouching for its quality. #python #programming
2024-05-04 14:24:59

What happens, when you join two paths in a #programming language when the second one is an absolute one?
join("foo", "/bar")
returns "foo/bar" or "/bar"?
The wonderful @… wrote a great article about that y…
2024-06-12 04:44:47

The more familiar I get with #Java virtual threads, the more impressed I am by them. Yes they require a bit of care, yes the runtime/programmatic introspection story is currently hot garbage, but boy when you get it right they can give HUGE performance improvements. #Programming
2024-06-13 07:13:14

Played Font Tournament and found my preferred font for coding. Neat idea:
#programming #fonts
2024-06-07 08:52:26

Today is a kind of day where I'm trying to refactor something just to end up doing `git reset --hard` and start again.
Not even 10am and I've already had to do it twice :(
#programming #refactoring
2024-05-02 20:53:52

Are there any software #testing frameworks that support testing outcomes other than PASS and FAIL? E.g. “message successfully received but content needed to be lossily reformatted”? Wondering how APIs would look like. #programming
2024-05-14 09:08:03

Rosetta Code, a #programming chrestomathy site
2024-05-30 15:07:43

so today I made my very first unique code snippets.....
and why the hell didnt I do that sooner?!?!
#Coding #Programming #GameDev
2024-05-29 12:17:42

Ahh race conditions, the gift that keeps on giving ... sometimes. #programming #debug
2024-06-09 22:53:27

The #Perl #programming language core team has just released version 5.40.0! Check out the announcement:
2024-06-13 01:41:38

🎛️ What autoconf got right
2024-05-13 15:27:09

Teaching #Python folks the joys of clear and explicit object type definitions. An interesting experience...
2024-06-05 21:00:47

Hello Everyone, I need a little Dev/programmer help. I would like to create a simple to use application for Girl Scout cookie sales. Does anyone know of a database, spreadsheet, or .csv that can be run with out a server? I basically want 10 phones/tablets to share and update a file.
#programming #girlscouts
2024-05-06 16:54:12

Okay, this should be good enough to get things done. The file format supports monochrome and 8-bit RGB data along with static and animated images and should be fairly easy to read off of an SDcard connencted to the Arduino. Pretty happy with the result, but now I need to figure out how to properly document all of this... #programming

A screenshot of ImHex showing two files: a monochrome graphics file and an RGB graphics file.  The right-pane shows the pattern editor code for each field, and the pattern data shows the resulting data.
2024-05-13 03:34:28

Never* use git pull.
2024-06-03 17:23:43

So, what happened to the C `constexpr switch`? Or is the cruelty of `constexpr if` chain the point? 😕
#cpp #question #programming
2024-06-17 05:28:32

Just installed .NET 8 on Fedora. I'm super pleased at how seamless it worked. Let the ASP.NET web development commence! #programming
2024-06-12 15:01:25

The more experience I get, the more I absolutely detest "fluent builder APIs."
They seem so slick to the person writing them, and look like a DSL in simple cases, but make even slightly interesting cases a bloody nightmare.
Stop. Just Stop.
2024-06-05 19:43:27

Alright, I've got the maps being generated and shared via a quick `python -m http.server` command and being fronted by my `nginx` server. Everything looks good from outside the network. Now we wait for the next watch/warning to pop. #programming #python

The output of the script showing new watches/warnings being processed from the NWS API.
2024-05-03 12:51:39

Code Review Comment Prefixes for Clearer Feedback
2024-05-18 14:28:31

Please, web app developers, consider how your users will upgrade. If your upgrade process is "remove the old one, unzip the new one", then it's not an upgrade process. It's an encouragement to never upgrade.
#PHP #Laravel
2024-06-02 16:49:26

Making progress on the push notifications. Targeting Discord at the moment, but I think that the maps really help out with the information. Not satisfied with the formatting, but I'm not sure how much I want to dedicate to it. #programming #python

A Discord embed that shows a Severe Thunderstorm Warning issued by Norman OK.  It contains the Affected Areas, Description, and a map with the warning polygon.

Better look into this BEFORE buying a car. (They're all horrible, and WE'RE ALL at risk.)
#CarSurveillance #CarHacking #Bad #Programming
2024-06-17 17:35:01

GDPR and the Right To Be Forgotten (RTBF) and other Rights
A bit of a longer read.
I recently had the opportunity to engage a bit here on Mastodon on the question of data privacy and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). I’ve had a chance to think about this a bit more and am providing the following thoughts. This is not a complete analysis of data privacy under GDPR, but I hope it will be helpful for organizations or agencies who fall under this regulation. I appreciate those who commented previously (references below).
First, some disclaimers:
-       I am not a lawyer. I recommend you talk to one if you are developing software that handles private information or are simply storing or sharing private information.
-       I have read the entire GDPR and recitals, but I am not current on recent legal refinements.
-       I have also read other data compliance regulations such as CCPA and at one point I read all of the data privacy regulations of all 50 US states.
-       Why did I do this? My company was subject to GDPR and a number of other privacy regulations and we were selling a data security solution. Our customers had a reasonable expectation that we would help them meet compliance regulations.
-       We developed internal policies and procedures to comply with GDPR.
-       We honored all GDPR requests related to RTBF.
-       We consciously designed systems that supported and enabled GDPR compliance.
-       We invested in and partnered with a blockchain start up and designed and developed for IPFS.
Some definitions might be helpful. GDPR refers to individuals (individual people like you and me) as Data Subjects. The rights granted are granted to individual users and consumers. Organizations that collect private information about Data Subjects are Data Controllers. When we stored information in our CRM we were a Data Controller as defined by GDPR. It takes a bit of reading to get used to these definitions, but they are fairly straightforward.
Context is important when understanding a regulation like GDPR.
I benefited from my time living in and starting a business in Europe (West Germany, in the 1980s). This part of the world had experienced unspeakable horrors during WWII and were living very close to the repression that existed just across the border in eastern Europe. Repressive regimes abuse confidential information and weaponize secrecy in order to exert control over others. My colleagues from Germany, Italy, France, the UK and Poland understood this in a fundamental, human way. I see GDPR as a natural expression of their desire to protect their nations, their communities, their families and themselves. This is why I deeply respect the EU’s right to promulgate these privacy regulations.
Under GDPR the individual becomes the ultimate owner of their private information. There is no implied ability of a Data Controller to override that right (with some exceptions, see below), or to assume that any rights granted to a Data Controller by an individual are permanent and immutable. An individual can give a Data Controller permission to store their private information, and, importantly, an individual can revoke that permission. This is a fundamental difference with how we in the US tend to think of privacy. It is very important to fully grasp this concept if you are planning to do business in the EU.
The Right To Be Forgotten (sometimes called the Right To Deletion) gives the individual the right to ask for their data to be removed from a Data Controller’s system and for that to occur in a timely fashion. But it is only one right defined under GDPR. There are others:
-       Right to opt in or out of data sharing.
-       Right to change data sharing permissions.
-       Right to know with whom data has been shared.
-       Right to correct data.
-       Right to assume data is pseudonymized, usually with encryption.
-       Right to be informed in a timely way of any data beach.
This is not a complete list of the rights and responsibilities conferred under GDPR, but these are probably the most well-known, and probably where many organizations fail to implement proper controls.
Of course, there are exceptions to data privacy rights under GDPR. Some of them are:
-       Legal requirements to retain data (tax history, etc.).
-       Some freedom of information requirements.
-       Some public knowledge aspects.
-       General public health and safety.
Please note that GDPR does not provide an exception to the rules because your technology prevents you from meeting RTBF deletion requests (looking at you, blockchain and IPFS). There is no programming around these requirements and clever developers do not get a magical pass to ignore them.
It is also important to understand that RTBF is still being refined. This is a bubbling pot of legal activity. In my opinion the direction seems to be in favor of protecting Data Subject’s privacy rights and enforcing RTBF.
GDPR applies to the EU countries and to anyone doing business in the EU. There are lots of other privacy regulations that are similar to GDPR. In the US, there is the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (CPRA). The UK, Australia, New Zealand and many other countries also have privacy regulations that are similar in intent. Once you start absorbing the requirements of these regulations you start to think of private information in a new way.
Ok, now for some recommendations:
If you are a software developer creating that killer app and the next big Unicorn, build in GDPR support right from the beginning. We know how difficult it is to “bolt on” security after the fact. It is equally hard to re-engineer applications to meet GDPR. So, get it right from the beginning and avoid some angst as you approach an IPO or a global rollout.
If you are a business and have dreams of scaling your business beyond your local community, think about how you collect, store and share information about individual consumers. It is almost certain you are going to run into some flavor of GDPR at some point and you will want to be prepared. If you are not covered by GDPR, CCPA or other privacy regulations now, you may soon be.
If you are using social media platforms as a part of your marketing strategy (who isn’t ???) be sure you understand how your social media provider meets GDPR. Sharing sensitive data with social media and big data brokers can be a GDPR nightmare. Make sure your social media partner has processes in place to meet GDPR data deletion requests.
It was previously mentioned here that developer tools like git and Gitlab would likely not come under GDPR controls. I think the point was that tools like git and Gitlab are not typically used to collect information on individuals, and I think that is correct. It is not that GDPR exempts developer tools from its compliance scheme (it doesn’t), it is just that it is rare to use developer tools to store a lot of personal information. One caution: be careful about test data that you might store as a part of automated testing routines. Don’t store test data with information about real people! Anonymize or tokenize the data before adding it to git.
What about Web3 technologies?
Web3 technologies like blockchain and IPFS can make it extremely difficult (nearly impossible) to meet GDPR requirements for RTBF. If your application ingests data to blockchains and/or IPFS, or provides a public gateway to allow this type of data ingestion, I would recommend implementing application logic to prevent sensitive personal data from being added. I’ve built blockchain and IPFS applications and there is no effective delete function. If you have to store sensitive data, I would recommend against using these technologies.
Lastly, remember that you will probably need proper legal advice (that is not me!) related to GDPR and other compliance regulations. Governance and compliance are proper components of a business plan and software design process.
Here are some resources that may be helpful:
EU General Data Protection Regulation (lots of resources here):
#GDPR #CCPA #CPRA #Compliance #Security #BlockChain #IPFS #Software #SoftwareDevelopment #Programming
2024-05-31 17:41:05

Okay, after a few hours of troubleshooting I've got the county and warning polygons rendering correctly. So much profanity, but it works. Aspect ratio and zoom levels also seem to work. Next up: linking the messages with the images. #programming #python

A Flood Watch set of county polygons rendered in Plotly on top of a MapBox/OpenStreetMap map  The counties are bordered in red and colored in a more transparent red.
The breakdown in `geopandas` with respect to the counties in the Flood Warning along with some troubleshooting information.
2024-05-31 01:09:40

I evidently need more projects, so I've decided to setup a push system for watches and warnings from the National Weather Service. Then I decided that it would be cool if I plotted the areas and generated images for those watches/ far, things are looking pretty good from a mapping perspective, just need to tweak a few things for the webhooks. #programming

A picture of a map with the counties of a severe thunderstorm watch plotted in red.
2024-06-11 18:56:19

Setup documentation for a library: "Here's 40 lines that show how to set it up in one specific way. Good fucking luck understanding what it means in order to do it any other way."
Don't let this be you.
#Java #Kotlin
2024-06-09 07:15:57

After becoming pretty comfortable with web development using PHP, I think it's time to learn Laravel. Seems most PHP jobs I've been seeing want Laravel experience, and I know nothing about it. If anyone sees this who's familiar with Laravel I'd love any tips !
#programming #coding
2024-06-11 20:01:21

Ah, things I found interesting...
- Figuring out if there are `NaN` numbers in a Python list: `any(i != i for i in float_list)`.
- Replacing single newlines while ignoring double newlines: `"\n\n".join([i.replace("\n", ' ') for i in cool_string.split("\n\n")])`
2024-05-07 08:30:37

Yesterday grug discovered website about other grug. Other grug talks complexity, e2e testing, refactoring, more topics. grug finds it interesting, grug finds it funny read, grug shares to other grugs out there. grug hopes helps other grugs out there.
#dev #development #developer #programming
2024-05-09 19:42:16

Always remember the P7 rule:
Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
#Software #Programming #Design #OOP
2024-05-09 19:42:16

Always remember the P7 rule:
Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
#Software #Programming #Design #OOP