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2024-05-20 11:27:45

Thanks to @… Bunny #PHP will support client properties in the upcoming 0.5.6 and 0.6 releases. Client properties can be used to set a human readable name to your connection with #RabbitMQ:
2024-05-06 18:28:41

Another reason to run things such as #RabbitMQ as a cluster: If the #Docker image is missing the #arm64 arch one pod will stay pending while the continues working
2024-05-06 18:28:41

Another reason to run things such as #RabbitMQ as a cluster: If the #Docker image is missing the #arm64 arch one pod will stay pending while the continues working
2024-05-10 20:54:35

Merged #php #amqp #rabbitmq
2024-05-20 11:34:23

Had fun this weekend working on a performance focussed proof of concept using Bunny in the #PHP #queue interop contracts. The first metrics are in using the #RabbitMQ cluster on my #Raspberrypi #Kubernetes home cluster. (Which isn't meant for high performance. Still pleased by these numbers.)