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2024-06-01 17:31:35

Hey siri what is the UV index
hey Google, what’s the UV index.
Glad I have a Google Home and a Apple HomePod.
Surely makes my life easier /s
#siri #googlehome
2024-06-02 03:15:02

The essence of #Siri. AI sauce won’t improve this flavor.
2024-04-12 09:19:03

Die schlauen Schwestern von #Siri und #Alexa - Wem es als #Callcenter Betreiber nun Dollar- oder Eurozeichen in die Augen treibt, der sei allerdings gewarnt: Auch die Server kosten, und deren Einrichtung,…
2024-06-10 18:36:05

Hey Siri, please define "Original Images".
#WWDC #Apple #Siri
2024-06-15 15:05:28
Content warning: LLM fail, explicit language

Apple's already got problems. What the hell happened here? Capitalized also. This was just regular ass Siri dictation.
There is no way you can just dictate something and send without proofreading…
#ios #siri #apple
2024-06-10 18:47:52

“Would you like to ask ChatGPT?” is the new “I found this on the web” 😜
#siri #wwdc #wwdc24
2024-05-12 09:30:03

iPad: Für mich seit einigen Jahren keine Notwendigkeit mehr. Mir genügt die Kombination von Macbook Air mit M1-Chip und iPhone 13 Pro vollkommen. Meine Begierde nach einem neuen Gerät könnte geweckt werden, wenn in der nächsten Generation von iPhone und MacBook wirklich für mich nützliche KI-Funktionalität drin wäre. Denk ich (derzeit) an #Siri in der Nacht ...
2024-04-21 15:09:12

Das Erlebnis des Jetzt
#SiriHustvedt #books #bücher #AlbertEinstein

Foto von Seite 46 des Romans damals von Siri Hustvedt
Zeichnungen von Albert Einstein aus dem Roman Damals von Dirk Hustvedt. Darunter ein Zitat von Carnap über Einstein: Das Problem des Jetzt beunruhigte Einstein ernsthaft.
2024-05-21 08:00:38

A bit of a rant (AdTech, Surveillance Tech, AI)
So… "#Microsoft announces #Copilot Plus PCs with built-in AI hardware". What joy/buzzword splurging this is…
#AdTech, #Alexa, #Nest, #Siri, "integration with OpenAI" do not help here either. Nor do things like the #BBC saying "just ask your smart speaker to play Radio 2" (:rolled_up_newspaper: News flash, your speaker isn't smart, it's just connected to something that can decipher some bits of language in specific orders… try using the command line, it's about as forgiving).
If people are going to trust it then it needs to be transparent in how it works. Having Microsoft Windows feed usage behaviour, email content, and goodness knows what else back into "the system" to "improve things" with no up-front way to opt-out is abhorrent. (When you start Microsoft Mail #Outlook Express, it says two things: 1. We'll store all your email on our servers, 2. We'll share "things" with over 800 third parties. If you don't like either of those things, don't use Outlook).
We thought #Google
was bad when it started scraping our email to place ads … when the OS starts doing that, you're in trouble.
And I'll just leave this here… "An attorney says she saw her library reading habits reflected in mobile ads. That's not supposed to happen"