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2024-06-16 15:57:11

From San Jose Spotlight:
2024-06-16 00:32:34

Good to remember.

“Soul Train lasted longer than the Confederacy”

Meme featuring Soul Train dancers.
2024-06-16 20:00:28
Content warning:

Does anyone know an #anarchist or #feminist library that could use this copy of Black Flag magazine from 2008?
It has Nick Griffin on the front page and articles about anarcha-feminism, housing, Manchester, Marxism, the Russian revolution, the credit crunch, the far ri…

Magazine contents: 
Cover story: The ballot box can't beat a BNP which exploits disillusionment with both capitalism and socialism
Page 4
Expose: What is the true extent of poverty in Manchester? Jack Ray
Page 9
Theory: Placing the credit crunch in
Page 12
Interview: Members of the London
Coalition Against Poverty talk about their
fight against homelessness
In depth: Anarchist feminism, its
forebears and future. Including an
Page 16
Black Flag is for a s…
Black Flag magazine from mid 2008, issue 227, with a large photo of Nick Griffin and the headline Right Fright
2024-06-16 05:15:09

:roots: :roots: :roots: !!! #Soccer #USLC #NorCalDerby
2024-06-16 00:19:27

Fantasy Baseball SP Roundup: Freddy Wince Jr.
#MLB #FantasyBaseball #PitcherList
2024-06-16 19:51:02

On Office Comfort and Energy Efficiency - Sweating or shivering 9 to 5 at work? Small business or home office? Get comfy, save money, cut carbon! #office #frugal #thermostatWars -
2024-06-16 13:07:38

Gestern SF aus den 1970ern gelesen, die 2014-2019 spielt (Benford). Unsere nahe Vergangenheit kennt hier noch keine Personalcomputer, dafür 3D-Fernsehen, bemannte Raumfahrt, Triaden als anerkanntes Beziehungsmodell, Nacktheit als Modestatement, Privatflüge, aber Busse statt PKW (USA) und insgesamt eine eher krisenhafte globale Lage mit Hungersnöten und Verarmung.
Wäre interessant, das mal systematisch anzuschauen (also SF aus verschiedenen Dekaden, die jeweils 2010-2025 spielt).
2024-06-16 15:12:27

Quote "reboosting" @… because
plagiarism soup thieves
Is a wonderful phrase for this decade…
2024-06-16 20:14:32

Filling the pool on a hot summer day never fails to bring the rain.

A picture of an inflatable swimming pool, freshly filled with water, with a floating football, no children playing, with raindrops visible on the surface
2024-06-16 19:06:46

Holy shit zeg. "Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic"
Toen Trump daar nog de scepter zwaaide, dus.
Via nepaccounts op social media de Filippijnen bestoken met anti-mask en anti-vax leugens om China in een kwaad daglicht te stellen ...