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2024-06-04 15:30:07

Begärde att Meta skulle respektera att jag inte vill att de tränar AI på min data (även om jag inte använder FB mer än som ett sätt att titta på vad andra gör) och fick ett snabbt beslut att det godkändes. Det känns för lätt - var det inte så SkyNet lurade mänskligheten? 😃
2024-05-17 22:02:14

La Cina Lancia Smart SkyNet per Sfidare Starlink di SpaceX
La Cina Lancia Smart SkyNet per Sfidare Starlink di SpaceX La Cina ha lanciato
2024-05-11 16:09:25

Oh look, the Chinese have unlocked the capacity to execute a Torment Nexus rhetorical fault at nearly Silicon Valley levels of efficiency
#Cyberpunk #WarningNotAManual
2024-05-17 20:46:58

I mean, I already can't fathom why anyone would work for OpenAI in the first place. But imagine quitting your job there because you think the are “overdue in getting incredibly serious about the implications of AGI”? 🤔
Or as someone in the comments wrote “Dude helped build a souped up Clippy and thinks it’s skynet” 🙈
2024-05-14 16:32:07

Skynet scheint noch ein ganzes Stück entfernt... #LostInTranslation
'Auf der Bahnfahrt zwischen Nürnberg und Hof wollte ein Mann wissen, wo der Zug geteilt werde. Eine Mitreisende verstand die Übersetzung auf seinem Handy als Bombendrohung. Bei der deutschen Übersetzung las die Frau, dass der Zug explodieren werde. Die Polizei evakuierte die Regionalbahn.
Warum sein Handy s…
2024-06-14 08:31:16

2024 Business Card Challenge: T-800’s 555 Brain
2024 Business Card Challenge: T-800’s 555 Brain In Terminator 2: Judgment Day it’s revealed that Skynet becomes self-aware in August of …
2024-06-10 18:12:45

Now they're talking about "Apple Intelligence", so given that this is Mastodon I expect I'll be seeing a ton of posts here that are very very critical.
Preparing to read "It's using all the water and electricity on earth, huge privacy issues despite assurances that 'privacy is respected at every step', why would I want that I just want bugs fixed, the skynet clock is near midnight, why would I want that I just want to see Craig F do parkour again,&quo…
2024-06-10 18:12:45

Now they're talking about "Apple Intelligence", so given that this is Mastodon I expect I'll be seeing a ton of posts here that are very very critical.
Preparing to read "It's using all the water and electricity on earth, huge privacy issues despite assurances that 'privacy is respected at every step', why would I want that I just want bugs fixed, the skynet clock is near midnight, why would I want that I just want to see Craig F do parkour again,&quo…