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2024-04-28 13:18:01

This would seem to indicate that we've seen a MASSIVE increase in slut-shaming over the last 20 years.
That coincides with the dramatic and unexplained decrease in the amount of sex young people are having.
#slutshaming #slutty
2024-05-23 06:59:56

This would seem to indicate that we've seen a MASSIVE increase in slut-shaming over the last 20 years.
That coincides with the dramatic and unexplained decrease in the amount of sex young people are having.
#slutshaming #slutty
2024-06-11 03:42:11

This would seem to indicate that we've seen a MASSIVE increase in slut-shaming over the last 20 years.
That coincides with the dramatic and unexplained decrease in the amount of sex young people are having.
#SlutShaming #slutty