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2024-04-24 21:50:41

Thought I'd try reading a Star Trek novel so I went for The Antares Maelstrom by Greg Cox.
It had good characterizations of the familiar star-ship crew but felt slow and poorly paced. I guess coz it's so much longer than a 50 minute TV show.
The way the Federation has supposedly done away with money and need makes a gold-rush story difficult to fathom. How can you have a gold-rush ("pangeum" rather than actual gold) of people heading to a mining-planet if nobody uses money or has any personal wealth?
By making the planet only a potential Federation member, it turns out.
Then everyone can act like a Ferengi.
Anyway, it was okay, but didn't really feel much like watching the old TV shows did.
#reading #books #starTrek
2024-05-24 02:27:17

30 years ago tonight #StarTrek: The Next Generation ended: #Starlink satellites were launched: #anniversary mean something? I don't know ...
2024-05-24 22:11:02

Since it's just been 30 years since the end of ST:TNG, I watched Star Trek: Insurrection. Who is your favourite TNG character other than The Captain? (Only allowed 4)
#starTrek #theNextGeneration
2024-05-21 18:06:23

„Wir sollten nochmal neu denken!“
#starTrek #StarTrekDiscovery
2024-05-21 12:00:16

Creation myths are part of every culture in the #StarTrek universe. And we'll look at one many seem to share for today's #TrekTriviaTuesday question.
As always no googling and no spoiling the answer for others. Please boost after voting! :BoostOK:
Vote will run for 24h.
2024-05-18 10:26:34

The last episode of #StarTrekDiscovery reminded me of Tenant-era #DoctorWho .
2024-05-16 01:09:09

Model suggests subluminal warp drives may be possible #StarTrek
2024-06-18 12:00:32

Since one of the #StarTrek themed holidays was just last Sunday, it seems only appropriate to take a closer look at it for today's #TrekTriviaTuesday question.
As always no googling and no spoiling the answer for others. Please boost after voting! :BoostOK:
Vote will run for 24…
2024-05-04 19:30:02

May the 4th be where no one has gone before!
#maythe4thbewithyou #StarTrek

Destroy Star Wars GIF
2024-06-04 16:23:09

🎵 It is life but not as we know it... and I feel fine... 🎼
-- Michael Spock
#StarTrek #REM
2024-05-11 19:17:51

Is Joost Klein secretly a Romulan? #startrek #eurovision

The Romulan Tomalak. He looks a bit like Joost Klein during Eurovision this year with his suit with wide and high shoulders. Joost Klein's hair also looks a bit like Tomalak's because they both have a bowl cut.
Joost Klein during Eurovision this year.
2024-06-03 16:17:00

Very excited that #StarTrek
Prodigy season two is dropping on 1st July!
2024-05-29 22:18:33

2024-05-11 13:29:45

Unpopular Opinion: The Borg Queen ruined what made the Borg a great nemesis.
In "First Contact", they needed to put a face to the enemy to market the movie. Thus, the queen was born. But now instead of being a scary unique adversary, the Borg are just another evil genius with minions.
2024-04-30 03:16:23

I give you, William Shatner's 1978 interpretation of Rocketman.
#StarTrek #Rocketman…
2024-06-07 07:29:15

#StarTrek so: "Wir entwickeln mächtige Technologien und Computer, um die Gesellschaft voranzubringen, Wissenschaft zu betreiben und unsere Lebensräume zu schützen. Und wir sorgen dafür, dass niemand mehr schuften muss bis zum Umfallen, alle jederzeit ein Dach über dem Kopf und genug zu essen haben und Bildung ein Allgemeingut ist.
Unser #Kapitalismus so: "Wir entwickeln mächtige Technologien und Computer, um damit Produkte zu erfinden, die niemand braucht und die noch den letzten Rest der verfügbaren Ressourcen unseres Planeten zu verschwenden, nur um Nutzer*innen mit kuratierten Halb- und Unwahrheiten zu versorgen und irgendwelche Tech-Faschisten noch überreicher und damit mächtiger zu machen, als sie ohnehin schon sind."
Das Leben als naiver Teenager mit Vorfreude auf die Zukunft, in der alles besser werden wird dank Technologie, war mir lieber...
2024-05-28 17:15:24

TEMPORAL ANOMALY! Spock appears in the background of a recently discovered painting by Caravaggio. What will Federation bosses say when they find out?

Actor Ethan Peck as Spock, holding up his hand in the "Live long and prosper" gesture.
religious painting by Caravaggio, depicting three guys, one of whom is naked and bleeding. Spock is clearly seen behind the naked man, in the process of wrapping a red blanket around the naked man's shoulders.
2024-05-30 14:56:05

Watching a show shouldn't feel like a chore
#startrek #discovery
2024-05-28 19:04:10

Bom, galera, vou passear umas horinhas e espairecer. Boa tarde a todos. Que a força fique com vocês, mesmo sendo verdade que a franquia do #StarTrek seja melhor do que a do #StarWars! rs
2024-05-31 17:49:43

#dadJoke #startrek :startrek:
2024-06-04 03:19:03

Wild that Vaalians have the VMware Workstation logo on their faces. #StarTrek
2024-05-11 19:17:51

Is Joost Klein secretly a Romulan? #startrek #eurovision

The Romulan Tomalak. He looks a bit like Joost Klein during Eurovision this year with his suit with wide and high shoulders. Joost Klein's hair also looks a bit like Tomalak's because they both have a bowl cut.
Joost Klein during Eurovision this year.
2024-05-14 12:00:07

Taking command of a new vessel is always a big ceremony in #StarTrek. But in the military, everything needs a proper order, which we will look at for today's #TrekTriviaTuesday.
As always no googling and no spoiling the answer for others. Please boost after voting! :BoostOK:
2024-05-11 13:29:45

Unpopular Opinion: The Borg Queen ruined what made the Borg a great nemesis.
In "First Contact", they needed to put a face to the enemy to market the movie. Thus, the queen was born. But now instead of being a scary unique adversary, the Borg are just another evil genius with minions.
2024-06-11 12:00:16

Everyone knows the iconic #StarTrek starships you have seen on TV or in movies. But most people don't know much more than the name and maybe the registry number. So let's test your starship knowledge for today's #TrekTriviaTuesday question.
As always no googling and no spoilin…
2024-05-31 20:36:46

Finishing my Star Trek DVD film collection with ST: Nemesis. At school, I loved it. Sadly, it seems to have aged... Poorly. But I still love it. Tom Hardy's performance is excellent.
2024-06-04 00:31:33

I'm loving the @… solo movie!
#startrek #starwars #hanSulu
2024-05-07 12:00:10

In #StarTrek the answer to the age old question 'what happens after death?' is sometimes a simple 'a new life in a different body'. Reason enough to look at this closer for today's #TrekTriviaTuesday question.
As always no googling and no spoiling the answer for others…
2024-06-04 12:00:37

Not a lot is known about the extended family of some of the more prominent characters in #StarTrek. But we will take a closer look at one of them for today's #TrekTriviaTuesday question.
As always no googling and no spoiling the answer for others. Please boost after voting! :BoostOK: …
2024-04-30 12:00:07

Even in the #StarTrek universe, alien encounters are not always peaceful. And for today's #TrekTriviaTuesday we'll look at a particular devastating one.
As always no googling and no spoiling the answer for others. Please boost after voting! :BoostOK:
Vote will run for 24h, …
2024-05-28 12:00:44

Distress calls are a fairly common occurrence in #StarTrek. But in the case of today's #TrekTriviaTuesday question, the response came a bit too late.
As always no googling and no spoiling the answer for others. Please boost after voting! :BoostOK:
Vote will run for 24h, then I …