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2024-03-26 14:52:29

Random thought: are the 58 “Winnie the Pooh” models accessible on the China version of Bambu’s “Maker World” site? #3DPrinting #Bambu #geopolitics
2024-04-21 15:44:15

I don't trust many #3dPrinting YouTubers, but I do trust Igor.
He did a pretty comprehensive #Sovol SV08 review this morning. I'm still excited to get mine (ordered, no shipping info yet).
Does it look like Bambu-level plug and play? No. But I feel pretty comfortable fixing most of…
2024-05-24 19:58:08

I was somewhat skeptical of multi-color prints on the Bambu Lab printers using the AMS but now that I've started to design things I'm trying to be efficient and I've got it down to a single color change after the first layer and there is no tower of wasted filament.
For these prints it's just a single layer of text on the bottom but I'm pleased with the very minimal print time it adds and almost zero waste.
2024-05-11 23:07:34

My boss got sick of me bringing in prints from home off my Bambu Lab printer and comparing them to our Enders so he said “Fuck it!” and ordered two Bambu Lab printers for the office. #3DPrinting