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2024-05-06 15:58:43

“A Brief Note on Highlighted Text”
TL;DR: If you plan to style text highlighted by the browser, you must give it sufficient contrast — 3:1 for the highlight block agains…
2024-06-05 16:04:00

Im Video: E-Book-Reader mit Farbbildschirm im Test
Bunte Comics auf dem E-Reader lesen: Wir testen vier E-Reader mit Farbdisplays in verschiedenen Preisklassen.
2024-04-06 11:13:15

Four (4) text based task management systems #OrgMode
2024-06-06 01:10:58

Amazon's robotaxi unit Zoox plans to start testing its autonomous vehicles this summer in Austin and Miami, the company's fourth and fifth public testing cities (Rebecca Bellan/TechCrunch)
2024-04-05 15:32:59

How A Race-Based Test Prevented Thousands Of Black People From Receiving Kidney Transplants | Atlanta Daily World
2024-06-06 08:15:00

heise | Schreibtischstudio: Teleprompter von Elgato im Test – für YouTube, Teams & Co.
Elgatos Prompter ermöglicht in Streams, Chats und Konferenzen beim Ablesen in die Kamera zu schauen. Lohnt sich das Mehr an Professionalität?
2024-04-06 16:47:36

Re: last retoot, a funny story:
Years ago, before I joined the SA team, I thought I might have found a hidden compromise in its extensive and somewhat opaque test suite. Long story short: no, it was a bug. The test interacted with how SA applied a specific uncommon ‘prefix’ config to accidentally inject test configurations under /etc/ if you ran the test as root. That experience greatly improved my operational hygiene.
2024-06-06 13:53:18

This is wild!
Starship Flight Test

Starship Flight Test, vivid colors, all still good
Starship Flight Test, things are breaking off, the image is shaking
Starship Flight Test, the camera is broken!
2024-04-06 17:12:29

Reminder that alt text should aspire to give the same info as is conveyed by the graphic - as if you were on the phone to a friend, describing the picture or reading out text.
What you're aiming for is that the people who _can't_ see the graphic are then on the same footing as the ones who _did_ see it - able to appreciate the joke firsthand, or participate in the ensuing conversation.
(If there's text, most times that means copying the text.)
#access #inclusion
2024-06-05 09:23:00

heise | Arbeitserleichterer: Keyboard Maestro 11 für Mac im Test
Keyboard Maestro automatisiert unter macOS wiederkehrende Aktionen und ist dabei äußerst mächtig. Wir haben die neue Version 11 getestet.