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2024-05-05 14:39:32

#sony giving #enshittification a good go - and faces user revolt. But will it matter?
Cc @…
2024-06-06 23:48:54

The terms look almost incoherent, which may be the point.
“If you are a professional, if you are under NDA with your clients, if you are a creative, a lawyer, a doctor or anyone who works with proprietary files – it is time to cancel Adobe, delete all the apps and programs. Adobe can not be trusted.”
Anyway, what the #enshittification team at
2024-06-03 17:01:34

while i'm almost impressed by's hall of fame level #enshittification, i'm still outraged that they more than doubled the monthly price for the same services & i now need to find a solid offline non-subscription #transcription app. recommendations (besides macwhisper…
2024-03-26 12:09:08

Dropping a pin so I can check back on things in the future...
The Enshittification of Affinity
2024-04-02 18:34:53

Me: Hmm, maybe I should look into Bun again and see how its Node.js compatibility is coming along.
Also me: I wonder who makes Bun…
Me, yet again: Ah, it’s a venture-capital funded startup called Oven (see what they did there?)
Finally, me: rm -rf ~/.bun
(Remember, kids: Venture capital is the fart that precedes enshittification. It’s best not to linger once you’ve caught a whiff of it.)
2024-04-07 09:04:09

Abair thusa gu bheil Facebook air dol a dholaidh cuideachd... tha cha mhòr gach dŠrnacha post de bhoireannach nach aithne dhomh le aodach gann oirre 🤦
#gàidhlig #enshittification
2024-05-27 06:23:27

#Google #ai #enshittification speedrun
“Google Search’s New AI Overviews Will Soon Have Ads”
2024-04-27 13:30:41

Et tu, DDG?
#AI #enshittification #DuckDuckGo
2024-05-27 19:54:04

YouTube deterioration
New enshittification just dropped?
Reading Fedi stuff (on Android phone).
Clicked a link to YouTube.
Ad starts playing.
Decided I didn't want to watch it, so hit "back" button back to Fedi.
Ad continues playing, in a small rectangle.
Exited to the phone's home page.
Ad _continues_ playing! No X in the corner to close it! WTF?
Solution: Had to click on the video to enlarge its rectangle to make the X visible.
YouTube hijacked my phone!
#YouTube #enshittification
2024-05-26 04:13:02

My TL;DR on this video: What happened to #Etsy? It’s floundering due to #enshittification generative AI.
2024-03-27 20:29:23

An update on the Affinity/Canva thing, though I still don't trust them...
➡️ #software
2024-05-22 20:10:50

LinkedIn, you know me so well...

You've been selected to answer: What are the best grinding mills for achieving fine particle sizes in ore processing?
2024-04-24 06:06:23

This is a very entertaining story about Enshittification, written from the inside of the enshittifier. #google #search /cc @…
2024-03-16 06:47:13

On the pollution of science with LLM-generated content: The exponential enshittification of science #AI
2024-05-01 23:47:36

This is perfect. #internet #enshittification
2024-05-12 06:43:19

"You want to watch the trailer for an upcoming movie on YouTube but you first have to sit through an ad. Then you sit through a preview for the trailer itself. Etc. pp."
A tale of #enshittification #tech.

Snapshot of a wall with a sign "not to spam" here. This is a spot where many Hanoians gather for portraits. The youth
2024-04-09 20:00:45

#enshittification in #hungarian would be #elszarasitás /cc @…
2024-04-17 10:30:10

So #enshittification is a thing 🤔
2024-05-17 13:11:53

The Slack website experience on mobile browser is shit.
2024-04-17 17:03:14

The enshittification of #Logitech begins - AI Prompt Builder in Options

A photo of AI Prompt Builder from Logitech.

 Logi Al Prompt Builder Introducing Logi Al Prompt Builder, a time and click- saving solution in Logi Options+ app. This new tool helps you rephrase, summarize, and create custom-made prompt recipes with ChatGPT faster, with virtually no disruption to your workflow. Simply update your Options+ under application settings or download the latest version.
2024-03-20 08:36:46

Glassdoor data privacy shenanigans
From comments:
"Gotta make it look like Fishbowl has tons of accounts? Just make everyone with a glassdoor account also a fishbowl user. Nevermind that one is designed for anonymity and the other isn't, let's just make glassdoor hostile to anonymity. What could possibly go wrong?"
"The best way to protect sensitive information is to not collect it in the first place."
#Glassdoor #privacy #enshittification
2024-05-13 17:28:05

I joke about Data on Star Trek TNG responding as a search engine when he should respond like social media; instead of spew tabled info, they'd use subspace transmissions to contact living expertise networks. "What do you make of this?" "Nebula Research at Rigel 12 suggest contacting Talos IV…"
Sadly our enshittification of search underlines my notion: by the TNG era no educated human would conceive of trusting search.
Data, what IS the big dot I can toggle in column 1 in #Emacs #OrgRoam? 🤣
2024-05-09 16:05:42

Depressingly accurate.
2024-03-14 05:57:17

2024-05-21 17:19:04

Welp shit - looks like AI enshittification has come even to the lowly terminal. #FML #AI #Enshittification #OpenSource

Screenshot of one of the “what’s new” informational boxes in iTerm v3.5.0, describing a “Codecierge” AI powered feature that will allegedly help the user to “write commands or guide you step by step through complex workflows”.
2024-04-09 18:42:09

to absolutely no ones surprise, the #germans already had a word for #enshittification: #verscheisserung. which means being scamed, being fooled. i think the english just got jealous and translat…
2024-04-14 05:58:00

« The Internet is starting to break - here's why: »
20-minute video-essay from Arun Maini.
Spoiler: The Internet is breaking because of
2024-04-08 12:26:51

A journey down the rabbit hole of #disinformation and #enshittification, specifically on YouTube
Today I discovered that one of my most-loathed channels, “Beyond Discovery” (part of a collection of garbage channels) bravely posted a “welcome” video with their actual faces

Screenshot of the opening image to the welcome video of the YouTube channel “Beyond Discovery”, just three people in a hostage video aesthetic waving hello in a cramped room with blank pale green walls
2024-05-10 07:57:58

💩 #Enshittification 3.0: #OpenAI will tie ads directly into #ChatGPT via RHLF training or as #RAG. <…

Participation boosts publisher payouts
According to the deck, publisher participation in PPP creates a better experience for OpenAI users, which will help shift engagement toward browsing, i.e. queries that result in responses with links.

Roughly 25% of ChatGPT users already use the browse function, but the company expects that a majority of users will do so once the feature is broadly rolled out. If more users engage with publishers’ links, the media companies could earn larger payments for t…
2024-03-08 00:17:54

From: @……
2024-04-14 05:58:00

« The Internet is starting to break - here's why: »
20-minute video-essay from Arun Maini.
Spoiler: The Internet is breaking because of
2024-04-09 21:11:25

btw in dutch #enshittification would be #verschijtering or #verpoepering #verstrontering