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2024-04-10 21:55:36

DOJ opens formal investigation of U.S. Steel takeover (Josh Sisco/Politico)
2024-04-10 19:57:06

This is how civilization ends, not with a bang, but with the whimpers of end-of-life devices no longer supported by the manufacturer. 😅
Critical takeover vulnerabilities in 92,000 D-Link devices under active exploitation
2024-04-11 22:31:08
2024-06-11 23:13:28


It's Gay Valimont, the only Democrat running against Matt Gaetz.
As of a new report this week, Gaetz was a TOP spender of taxpayer money on travel expenses under a new program with no federal oversight. This shouldn't shock anyone. He spent our district's money on his nonsense projects.
Meanwhile, MAGA money continues to flow into our district in droves, with millions in TV ads about how great Gaetz is.
Something tells me if taxpayers knew how he was spending …
2024-06-11 09:57:01

Just looked at that “vitals” feature that the upcoming Apple Watch OS will have: Apparently it'll be based on if 2 of your physiological metrics are outside the 'normal' range.
This seems like a good validation of my own "heuristic" approach that I made back in December 2022 (I’ve written up here later): #personalscience wiki here: #quantifiedself
2024-04-09 14:43:58

Paid to stay home
Suspended police officers cost Ontario taxpayers $134M over past decade
2024-04-10 21:55:36

DOJ opens formal investigation of U.S. Steel takeover (Josh Sisco/Politico)
2024-06-11 09:08:58

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-06-11 19:55:13

This gov't is going to demonstrate that NZ is a bad-faith international 'citizen'. WE'll default on our climate mitigation obligations. We're being screwed by these assholes and the industry 'leaders' who're unconscionably lobbying for this. We, the taxpayers, are going to be fined for agriculture's horrible performance, and paying it will mean we're massively subsidising their entirely unsustainable practice.