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2024-03-18 17:12:49

Some mounts that I have either purchased or acquired over the last couple of days. #ffxiv #gaming #mmorpg @…
1) Crescent Moon - Bought from the FFXIV Store
2) Peatie - Acquired from the Little Ladies Day & Hatchingtide seasonal event.
3) Gloria-class Airship - Acquired from winning 200 Crystalline Conflict Matches.
2024-05-13 10:45:43

#FFXIV is on Sale
#mmorpg #pcgaming
FFXIV Complete Edition (all expansions 30 days free) for €15.99 (was €39.99)
FFXIV Complete Collectors Edition (all expansions 30 days free a bunch of in-game items/mounts/minions/etc) for €39.99 (was €100)
2024-04-22 10:34:51

Wow. A new Tales of Tribute deck in the new ESO update.
I actually didn't think there was a significant amount of players that played it. Am I wrong? Is this in-game card game more popular than I thought?🤔
#ElderScrollsOnline #ESO #Gaming #MMO #MMORPG #Games #VideoGames
2024-04-16 00:39:40

RIGHT when I decide I want to get some ESO in, the servers decide to die....🤦‍♂️ Guess it's back to Fallout for now.🤷‍♂️
If only Bethesda would listen to my pleas and turn on Fediverse sharing on Threads, I might have found this out sooner.....but they have ignored me so far unfortunately.
#Fallout #Fallout76 #ElderScrollsOnline #ESO #Gaming #Games #VideoGames #MMORPG #MMO #Threads
2024-04-08 17:06:50

I feel like I have successfully shed my ESO anxiety for the most part and jumped in. Gotta figure out some stuff from where I left off, but I'm ready to get back into this fantastic game!
#ElderScrollsOnline #ESO #MMO #MMORPG #Gaming #VideoGames #Games #PCgaming
2024-04-08 15:27:00

So, today I'm pretty free and have 2 choices of games to play.
1 of them I've been playing pretty regularly. Fallout 76. There's a new season out and an event going on right now that's pretty cool.
The other is ESO. I downloaded it again the other day. I have some anxiety about getting back into it cause I haven't played in months and I have that ADHD thing that gives me anxiety about restarting things I previously abandoned....😬though ESO also has an event going on right now that seems cool.
Help. Do I try to get over the anxiety and jump on ESO? Or fall back to the "safe" game of Fallout 76 and do that? CHOICES!!!😩
#Fallout76 #Fallout #ElderScrollsOnline #ESO #MMORPG #MMO #Gaming #Games #VideoGames #PCgaming