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2024-06-05 07:33:53

There is a woman -- an immigrant -- living in a tent hidden in the woods two miles from here. She's in her fifties and has mental health deficits. As far as I know, she lives entirely on charity, mainly from local #Quakers. If found, she has no security where she is.
I have land; I could offer her a secure pitch. But I fear my own mental health would not cope.
It gnaws at my consci…
2024-05-03 21:47:25

Via Quite Interesting @qikipedia
Over €1,000,000 are thrown into Rome’s Trevi Fountain every year. The money is donated to a local charity.
2024-05-02 06:03:33

"Lately I’ve started to argue that we should never refer to single projects as mutual aid. After all, mutual aid describes a relationship, it is a pattern that stretches across entire ecosystems. And it’s one of the most revolutionary concepts and practices at the heart of anarchism, and of stateless societies throughout history. With the explosion of “mutual aid projects” in the wake of the pandemic, it’s only healthy to worry about leftists1 and NGOs stealing the word from us and watering it down into a hip new form of charity, the way they systematically try to steal subversive concepts from us and pacify them, stabilize them, as they’re doing with transformative justice and abolition, intersectional and queer, as they did a long time ago with socialism (which referred to all currents of anticapitalism, until 1876 when a certain academic broke solidarity and destroyed a growing tool of internationalist organizing to keep from losing control over it...)
Scarcity and lack of care make us afraid in a way that roots deeply in our bodies and hearts. If we find something free, we take it, maybe we take a whole lot of it so we can stockpile, and we don’t look back. And we’ll take it again and again and again—whether it’s food or love or medical supplies or respect—before we notice the expectation that there isn’t going to be any tomorrow, the deep-seated belief that we don’t deserve this thing… before we’re able to stop, and turn around, and notice the person taking care of us, and give back."

Reflections on #MayDay, #MutualAid and #DisabilityJustice by @….
2024-04-29 00:59:27

EDIT-TAKEN! <3 No need to boost anymore.
I got this lovely handmade leather notebook/journal with handmade paper several years ago in a Hackers For Charity raffle, I think.
I’ll ship it free to the first person who emails me a proof pic of a $50 or better donation to the #EFF at @… here’s a link
2024-04-02 18:00:05

"Three-quarters of children want more time in nature, says National Trust"
#UK #UnitedKingdom #NationalTrust #Nature

Elon Musk’s charity may bear his name, but it can’t seem to match his penchant for high-dollar spending.
According to a New York Times analysis of his charity’s giving in 2022, the #Musk #Foundation gave out just $160 million in grants
—a whopping $234 million
2024-04-25 20:19:20

Thanks for this, @…, but you've got a #grammar error in the first sentence. Its subject is "we," i.e., Meta. The introduction starting with "as a donor" modifies that. You're saying *you* have previously donated: "As a donor…, we are l…

Hello Dallman, 

As a donor who has previously donated to support a charity on our platforms, we are letting you know that starting 1 July 2024, fundraising tools will no longer be available on Facebook and Instagram to countries in the European Economic Area (EEA). The last day you can make a donation to benefit a charity is 30 June. After that, our fundraising tools will no longer be supported in the EEA. 
2024-06-01 16:43:34

I'm beginning to understand why #GOP #Republicans #MAGA say "they all do it" ( Yes, #Democrats have their …
2024-06-01 16:43:34

I'm beginning to understand why #GOP #Republicans #MAGA say "they all do it" ( Yes, #Democrats have their …
2024-04-13 14:48:28

"Official" #GreatLakes rankings are out. Highly quantitative 😁
2024-03-15 11:30:14

As a greyhound charity, sometimes companies with a "Corporate Social Responsibility" programme ask us if they can come and do some volunteer greyhound walking.
Here's some employees of Toshiba UK doing just that!
#Greyhounds #AdoptDontShop

A view from below of a smiling human taking a selfie with a black greyhound boy. The hound's jaws are open and his tongue is lolling out.
A photos of a group of 5 humans standing outside in the kennel yard. Behind them is a white wall with a silhouette of two greyhounds and the words "Welcome to Greyhound Welfare"
A photo of a smiling human woman kneeling behind a black greyhound boy, her arms around his back and chest,
A photo of a smiling human sitting behind a picnic table with a black greyhound boy squeezed in front of her, His eyes are focuses off camera, probably at a bag of treats, and he stretches his head in that direction.
2024-04-25 20:19:20

Thanks for this, @…, but you've got a #grammar error in the first sentence. Its subject is "we," i.e., Meta. The introduction starting with "as a donor" modifies that. You're saying *you* have previously donated: "As a donor…, we are l…

Hello Dallman, 

As a donor who has previously donated to support a charity on our platforms, we are letting you know that starting 1 July 2024, fundraising tools will no longer be available on Facebook and Instagram to countries in the European Economic Area (EEA). The last day you can make a donation to benefit a charity is 30 June. After that, our fundraising tools will no longer be supported in the EEA. 
2024-03-11 21:34:17

Great #AndysManClub tonight. Got some anxieties off my chest about my relationship with C, and shared my hurt and frustration at how my ex wife has been poisoning my #kids against C and I again. I can’t really put into words how important this group of brothers are to me. I’m doing my first
2024-03-16 11:00:00

"Lib Dem Leader Ed Davey Gifted £2,500 Gala Ticket by Fossil Fuel Firm"
#UK #UnitedKingdom #FossilFuels
2024-05-23 22:23:43

The Chatteratti are saying that the #Conservatives can't find enough candidates. Is it time for those of us on the revolutionary left to accept our patriotic duty, bite the bullet, scrub up, cut our hair, raid the charity shops for suits, and rock up at Central Office chorusing "pick me"?

How $50 for Ukraine led to desperate battle to free LA ballerina held in Russia
Amateur ballerina #Ksenia #Karelina, an American and Russian dual citizen who celebrated the new year with a trip to Istanbul with her partner Chris van Heerden, a South African professional boxer, before heading to Russia to visit fam…
2024-03-18 19:13:27

I have seen a greyhound and a borzoi. The greyhound came from Whittingham Kennels in nearby Waltham Abbey. 😀
2024-03-18 01:18:39

What's your preferred software for library barcodes or RFID reading? Preferably for raspberry pi or android.
Got a library collection for a charity that isn't a library, that they'd like a pretty simple check out system, beyond the honor system.
#FDroid #raspberrypi #library #libraryworker
2024-03-07 09:02:57

Community is everything. This club is transforming mens’ lives #mentalhealth #AndysManClub
2024-03-07 21:13:20

Sometimes I feel like 95% of the work involved in helping this charity with their Facebook is reminding them that if they're gonna ask me to post something, there is no formulation of words I can come up with that is as impactful as A PHOTO OF AN ACTUAL DOG.
Give me a photo of a dog.
People want dog.

A large black greyhound girl stands on her hind legs, resting her front legs on the chest of a human and looking excitedly up at the human's face. The human pets her behind her left ear.
2024-03-18 13:00:00

"UK scheme to spur take-up of heat pumps delayed after gas lobby pressure"
#UK #UnitedKingdom #HeatPumps #Energy
2024-04-11 15:08:32

This afternoon I was interviewed by Gary.
He's a sensitive sweet boy who doesn't like it when his humans go away so he needs someone to take good care of him. It's quite rare I unlock the upside down achievement during the interview, so I think we're good to go. ❤️
Gary was also homed by the charity I volunteer at so I remember him from kennels!

A photo of a large black greyhound boy upside down on his back next to an armchair and a human's leg. His back legs are propped against the sofa and his front legs are tucked against his chest.
A photo of a large shiny black greyhound boy laying left to right on his left side on a sofa. He's looking at the photographer with interest and his ears are at half attention.
A close up photo of the head of a black greyhound boy snoozing on an orange sofa cushion. He' having trouble keeping his eyes open.
2024-05-09 15:00:01

"UK public invited to dance for worms to help assess soil health"
#UK #UnitedKingdom #Worms #Gardening