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2024-05-27 17:20:02

Dynamic #Watermarking of Bitmaps in Databases
2024-05-01 21:58:02

Mattermost - the new place to be for all things Koha Community
"The platform is a place to ask questions, discuss bugs, raise issues or find out news about the Koha project.#
2024-04-18 18:27:21

Coming soon, views of your databases in your Kitten* app’s Settings page (/💕/settings) pages. And, after that, data export and import.
* #SmallWeb

Screenshot of Databases section of the page at https://localhost/💕/settings/ showing a subset of the internal database contents:


This is Kitten’s internal database.


"_Users_aral_.local_share_small-tech.org_kitten_app_web": "0bc06fa89d0433a676c120723e48da80e2ced4b57b00a22cc372fe77d79fe484"

"jaDizugCxDEia_dHqa90IPek": {
  "createdAt": 1708942108012,
  "authenticated": false
"_t7_omrRoJ_s5HwjZK3yVGi-": {
  "createdAt": 1713293743005,
Screenshot of https://localhost/💕/settings, showing the App section of the databases view as well as the Evergreen Web section and a portion of the Identity section:


This is your app’s database.


"count": 30
🌲 Evergreen Web

Did you have a site here before?

You can preserve it and keep existing links to it on the Web from breaking.

Redirect pages not found here to the older version of this place that’s now hosted at:
Not sure what to enter here? Please see…
2024-03-14 18:52:29

This is a cool #rustlang project for accessing #SQL #databases.
2024-03-29 22:00:05

topology: Internet AS graph (2004)
An integrated snapshot of the structure of the Internet at the level of Autonomous Systems (ASs), reconstructed from multiple sources, including the RouteViews and RIPE BGP trace collectors, route servers, looking glasses, and the Internet Routing Registry databases. This snapshot was created around October 2004.
This network has 34761 nodes and 171403 edges.
Tags: Technological, Communication, Unweighted, Multigraph, Timestamps

topology: Internet AS graph (2004). 34761 nodes, 171403 edges.
2024-03-25 15:06:39

15 presentations x 4 min at #OpenLegalLab - provocative questions, deep research, thorough testing of alternatives, and, of course, public domain legal content collected in various formats and databases 📜🖱️ Explore the results at app.ope…

Team presentation at a hackathon
2024-04-24 14:00:29

Vector databases give you the infrastructure to store the embeddings, but how those embeddings are made is the most innovative part of all. Join Sonam Pankaj at this year's Berlin Buzzwords for her short talk on metric learning. #bbuzz

The Unsung Hero of Vector Database -- Metric Learning
Photograph of Sonam Pankaj
9th-11th June 2024, Kulturbrauerei & Online,
2024-03-26 09:47:03

I had to get used to a new UI first, but now #DBeaver is my new default go-to tool for accessing databases.
2024-04-19 20:04:52

Transactions on Graph Data & Knowledge (TGDK) is indexed now in the
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Transactions on Graph Data & Knowledge (TGDK) as on the webpage of
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
2024-04-26 14:00:49

Permanent position #geology - metamorphic #petrology (and/or bedrock #geochemistry, #mineralogy) and experien…
2024-04-08 14:50:39

Ever wanted to do something with the #stackoverflow data dumps but found their multi gigabyte XML files too hard to deal with?
SEqlite's for you! It's the info from the dumps you probably care about, preprocessed into SQLite databases with indexes.
The 2024-04-01 version is now up at

sleeping shaq meme

stack exchange data dump in pile of xml files: i sleep

stack exchange data dump in sqlite databases with indexes, y'know so you can actually use it: real shit
2024-04-18 15:23:27

💪 Introducing Google’s new Arm-based CPU
2024-04-17 09:30:05

What Is a #Streaming #Database?
2024-05-21 08:20:05

There has been a recent boom in specialised vector databases. At the same time, almost all popular database projects have added support for vectors. At this year's Berlin Buzzwords, Tudor Golubenco will look at two vector search implementations and discuss when it makes sense to use a dedicated vector database. #bbuzz

Short talk - Comparing vector implementations in generic databases
Photograph of Tudor Golubenco
9th-11th June 2024, Kulturbrauerei & Online,
2024-04-20 04:00:05

topology: Internet AS graph (2004)
An integrated snapshot of the structure of the Internet at the level of Autonomous Systems (ASs), reconstructed from multiple sources, including the RouteViews and RIPE BGP trace collectors, route servers, looking glasses, and the Internet Routing Registry databases. This snapshot was created around October 2004.
This network has 34761 nodes and 171403 edges.
Tags: Technological, Communication, Unweighted, Multigraph, Timestamps

topology: Internet AS graph (2004). 34761 nodes, 171403 edges.
2024-04-26 14:00:49

Permanent position #geology - metamorphic #petrology (and/or bedrock #geochemistry, #mineralogy) and experien…
2024-04-18 14:00:14

At this year's #bbuzz, join Joel Knighton for a speed run through the last ten years of research and development in approximate nearest neighbour search algorithms and vector databases, covering the major advances, the current state of the art, and possible future directions.

Talk - Under the hood of vector search with JVector
Photograph of Joel Knighton
9th-11th June 2024/Kulturbrauerei & Online/
2024-04-13 20:00:06

topology: Internet AS graph (2004)
An integrated snapshot of the structure of the Internet at the level of Autonomous Systems (ASs), reconstructed from multiple sources, including the RouteViews and RIPE BGP trace collectors, route servers, looking glasses, and the Internet Routing Registry databases. This snapshot was created around October 2004.
This network has 34761 nodes and 171403 edges.
Tags: Technological, Communication, Unweighted, Multigraph, Timestamps

topology: Internet AS graph (2004). 34761 nodes, 171403 edges.
2024-05-16 14:00:05

Apache Pinot is a fast database that powers real-time applications in various industries, similar to how people use OLTP databases. At this year's Berlin Buzzwords, join Chinmay Soman for a deep dive into what makes Pinot so fast, what use cases fit Pinot vs. OLTP, and where it complements existing solutions. #bbuzz

Talk - Can Apache Pinot replace your OLTP database?
Photograph of Chinmay Soman
9th-11th June 2024, Kulturbrauerei & Online,
2024-05-06 14:00:13

At this year's Berlin Buzzwords, @… dives deep into the world of managing transaction and validity times in data storage using examples, highlighting how bitemporal databases are a great way to help with this process and discusses the complexities of implementing such solutions. #bbuzz

Talk - Back to the Future! Time Travel with Bitemporal Databases
Photograph of Tim Zöller
9th-11th June 2024, Kulturbrauerei & Online,
2024-05-08 01:00:06

topology: Internet AS graph (2004)
An integrated snapshot of the structure of the Internet at the level of Autonomous Systems (ASs), reconstructed from multiple sources, including the RouteViews and RIPE BGP trace collectors, route servers, looking glasses, and the Internet Routing Registry databases. This snapshot was created around October 2004.
This network has 34761 nodes and 171403 edges.
Tags: Technological, Communication, Unweighted, Multigraph, Timestamps

topology: Internet AS graph (2004). 34761 nodes, 171403 edges.
2024-05-06 14:00:13

At this year's Berlin Buzzwords, @… dives deep into the world of managing transaction and validity times in data storage using examples, highlighting how bitemporal databases are a great way to help with this process and discusses the complexities of implementing such solutions. #bbuzz

Talk - Back to the Future! Time Travel with Bitemporal Databases
Photograph of Tim Zöller
9th-11th June 2024, Kulturbrauerei & Online,
2024-04-12 12:00:12

Log-structured merge-tree databases rely on a combination of in-memory buffers and hierarchies of immutable on-disk structures, two cases where a trie data structure is most efficient. Attend Branimir Lambov's talk at this year's Berlin Buzzwords to see how Apache Cassandra uses and benefits from this combination. #bbuzz

Talk - Applications of Tries in Apache Cassandra
Photograph of Branimir Lambov
9th - 11th June 2024/ Kulturbrauerei & Online/