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2024-06-05 16:54:03

🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #MorningShow
Star Anna:
🎵 Pure Magic
2024-06-05 17:00:07

Oh, so we've been on the verge of viable fusion energy for more than a decade, and all it took was unlocking a couple hundred Billions of VC to actually make it happen, but only to power Grand Theft Autocomplete magic bullshit machines?
#Energy #AI

Headline screenshot from 'Recharge News': "Sam Altman's OpenAI eyes deal for fusion powered data centres to meet soaring energy needs"
2024-06-04 15:16:59

Ich nenne es „near mint“. 😛
Die Kinder wollen magic „wie früher“ spielen. Extrazug für 2 Mana. Lächerlich.
#mtg #magic

Auf einer Schneidemaschine liegen 8 selbst gedruckte „Time Walk“ Magic the Gathering Karten
2024-04-05 14:37:11

Yeah WE’RE DOING THIS! If you live in Camberville, we need YOUR help!
Peabody #BikeBus is doing a special ride on Wed, May 8, (7:30-9AM) for Walk/Bike/Roll To School Day.... with the friggin HONK BAND!!!
But we need folks to haul band members in cargobikes, and other stuff. Can you help?

Smiling white guy me taking a selfie with a bunch of kids on bikes behind me
2024-05-05 10:06:27

🔊 Auf radioeins läuft...
The Magic Numbers:
🎵 Take A Chance
#NowPlaying #TheMagicNumbers
2024-05-04 07:15:35

It is absolutely mind bending how many options ffmpeg has. I've been trying to convince it to use the old Radeon 2600 Pro graphics hardware acceleration. No luck finding the magic command yet! :)
#ffmpeg #commandline

code GIF
2024-04-04 16:19:47

Angel of Indemnity, my latest Magic the Gathering card for Outlaws of Thunder Junction has just been previewed!
Oil Painting on wood. 50 x 70cm. Auction details soon!
#MTGThunder #MTGOTJ #mtgart

An angel in cowboy like attire. 6 wings outstretched behind her with a halo covering her eyes. Two cowboys stand in the middle of a dusty street as one is holding their torso after being shot. He looks up in hope towards the angel.
2024-05-05 19:28:53

#ListeningClub Anything’s possible in the world of magic.
2024-04-04 22:22:58

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #TrevorNelsonsRhythmNation
Robin Thicke:
🎵 Magic
2024-05-06 15:46:40

🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #MorningShow
Star Anna:
🎵 Pure Magic
2024-06-05 17:00:07

Oh, so we've been on the verge of viable fusion energy for more than a decade, and all it took was unlocking a couple hundred Billions of VC to actually make it happen, but only to power Grand Theft Autocomplete magic bullshit machines?
#Energy #AI

Headline screenshot from 'Recharge News': "Sam Altman's OpenAI eyes deal for fusion powered data centres to meet soaring energy needs"
2024-06-03 23:42:12

🎨 New magic for animations in CSS
#web #css

The official opening of Mr #Dambo's #trolls
- colossal installations that have been dotted throughout the world by the artist and climate activist
- took place, with state-wide excitement and unusual creatures already being spotted, and shared on social media.
The 12-month long exhibition not only brin…
2024-05-04 16:28:40

Tag 2 vom BarCamp Flensburg. Am meisten gelernt hab ich bei „AI sucks“. Die beiden „Coaching-Sessions“ waren so lala. Irgendwann hat eine das alles zum drölfzigsten Mal gehört …
Schön war‘s! Ich hoffe, ich seh euch alle noch in Kiel, irgendwann …
Gern teilen, aber kein eigener Upload irgendwo, bitte. Grüße aus dem Zug!

Am Beispiel der niederländischen/norddeutschen Schmalzgebäcks Pförtchen verdeutlichte Christian Wiele, dass KI vermutlich noch sehr, sehr lange nicht so schlau sein wird wie Menschen. Währenddessen meinen einige einflussreiche Leute, dass eine KI nur groß genug sein muss, „größer“ als ein Gehirn, dann kann sie auch mehr …
Eine Methode zum Erkennen innerer Blockaden mit Hilfe von kleinen Monstern erklärte uns Sonja Sinz. Am Ende hatten alle Konfetti im Haar.
Wegen seiner Auswirkungen auf allen Ebenen ist Alkohol objektiv die gefährlichste Droge. Während die als gefährlich dargestellten Drogen LSD und Magic Mushrooms relativ harmlos sind, berichtete Peter Mauer.
So richtig hat Olivia Densch nicht erklärt, was die Gefühle von Personen und die 4 Ebenen von Schulz von Thun miteinander zu tun haben. Vielleicht habe ich es trotzdem verstanden. Vielleicht.
2024-05-04 16:28:40

Tag 2 vom BarCamp Flensburg. Am meisten gelernt hab ich bei „AI sucks“. Die beiden „Coaching-Sessions“ waren so lala. Irgendwann hat eine das alles zum drölfzigsten Mal gehört …
Schön war‘s! Ich hoffe, ich seh euch alle noch in Kiel, irgendwann …
Gern teilen, aber kein eigener Upload irgendwo, bitte. Grüße aus dem Zug!

Am Beispiel der niederländischen/norddeutschen Schmalzgebäcks Pförtchen verdeutlichte Christian Wiele, dass KI vermutlich noch sehr, sehr lange nicht so schlau sein wird wie Menschen. Währenddessen meinen einige einflussreiche Leute, dass eine KI nur groß genug sein muss, „größer“ als ein Gehirn, dann kann sie auch mehr …
Eine Methode zum Erkennen innerer Blockaden mit Hilfe von kleinen Monstern erklärte uns Sonja Sinz. Am Ende hatten alle Konfetti im Haar.
Wegen seiner Auswirkungen auf allen Ebenen ist Alkohol objektiv die gefährlichste Droge. Während die als gefährlich dargestellten Drogen LSD und Magic Mushrooms relativ harmlos sind, berichtete Peter Mauer.
So richtig hat Olivia Densch nicht erklärt, was die Gefühle von Personen und die 4 Ebenen von Schulz von Thun miteinander zu tun haben. Vielleicht habe ich es trotzdem verstanden. Vielleicht.
2024-06-05 23:26:45

It's absolutely amazing that the same age group that is infamous for being disobedient, intractable, and stubborn as hell, the 14-18 crowd,
are simultaneously believed to be completely helpless against the magic brainwashing power of older men.
2024-04-28 18:05:48

While on vacation was able to finish this #book:
One of those "oldies but…
2024-03-28 17:28:23

🤔 Where do we stand re #geocoding? Still no magic #LLM bullet to solve our problems?
I must be missing something.
Any pointers, #GISChat?
2024-04-01 11:45:35

Announcing TransformersPHP: Bring Machine Learning Magic to Your #PHP Projects
#llm #ai
2024-04-03 06:38:31

Disco perfetto per iniziare la giornata:
Magic Tuber Stringband – Needlefall [full album]
2024-06-01 02:31:21

Hibiscus Shandy • 4.8% ABV
Contains no dye (or cicadas!)
Brewed exclusively for the #Beer Garden
Periodical #cicadas are adding a touch of magic to this summer! Inspired by these intriguing insects, Harbor Brewing Company in Lake Villa teamed up with the Forest Preserves to celebrate the cicadas’ 2024 arrival with a new beer! Brewed XIII (13) is aptly named after the brood of cicadas that emerged this summer after spending 17 years underground.
The shandy is deep red, inspired by the eyes of the insect. It bursts with refreshing tropical vibes thanks to infusions of lemonade and hibiscus tea. The beer, which contains no dye or cicadas, is floral and fruity.
2024-04-05 20:01:04

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #FutureDance with #SarahStory
Magic Dog:
🎵 Mirror Mirror (Mike Cruz Crash Mix)
#BBCR1 #MagicDog
2024-03-28 23:48:29

🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
Magic & Naked:
🎵 Desert sky
#Magic #Naked
2024-06-03 20:31:58

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #TheBluesShowWithCerysMatthews
Joanne Shaw Taylor:
🎵 Black Magic
2024-05-28 12:46:22

We have to talk about #chatcontrol again, unfortunately 🤦
There's lots of detail in the (German) article at #chatcontrol for secure E2EE chat/messenger services. What is similar to the original, widely criticized (#GDPR interpretations, that would not count as informed, freely given consent.
Summary: the latest proposal is still dangerous and needs to be rejected. Please boost, reshare, and tell your country's EU council/commission/parliament trilogue negotiation members!
2024-04-03 02:33:12

One of my favorite games is EABA. Like many people, I have never run it but I've built things with it. Especially with EABA2, everything is a power, even attributes.
It looks crunchy, but after you get used to the learning curve, it is pretty straightforward and forgiving.
When I want to be decoupled from WOTC/PAIZO/D20 as I design spells & magic items, EABA feels good.
Anyway, that is my ramble for the evening.
2024-04-02 14:29:05

Save the date! On 17th March, the #phpugmrn meetup is back with a fantastic event at the @… office in Mannheim. Learn all about Domain-Driven Design from the amazing @…
2024-04-01 02:29:37

Magic 8-Ball says “Situation unclear”.
2024-04-28 14:45:47

httrack backed up my wordpress blog in 9 hours! #Lucky #Thanks! Magic incantation: `HTTrack3.49-2 launched on Sat, 27 Apr 2024 14:07:52 at
2024-05-30 13:18:39

Fun little frontend experiences.
#design #frontend
2024-03-30 18:00:03

Because of Magic
#itchio #freegame
2024-04-01 00:55:39

🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
De La Soul:
🎵 The Magic Number
2024-04-18 17:40:57

Unit testing support in #JetBrainsRider for a #godotengine game is slick. Rather than fiddling with magic numbers, you can write tests using #GDUnit4 and get a better feedback loop.

Unit testing in JetBrains Rider for Godot
2024-04-30 22:09:58

Been re-reading The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett and it's such a good book, and so well written! I feel like I'm watching it as I read, the mark of a truly great author.
I'd love to see a film/show of it! Who would you pick as Rincewind? My mind went to a young Eric Idle, but maybe David Tennant would be a good substitute.
2024-05-19 14:32:24

Everyone knows that the show “Is it Cake?” is rigged, right? The host has a magic knife, and at the moment he goes to cut an item he either activates the magic and it turns that object into cake on contact, or he leaves it be. #IsItCake #CakeMagic
2024-03-18 23:19:05

Is it a magic trick, or just stealing someone's phone?
Uhhhmmm. Yeah....
Just stealing a phone.
#Phones #Stealing #Trick

A woman steals a phone -- using tremendous slight of hand!
2024-03-23 01:17:54

#NowPlaying - letting the cares of the week float away until they're snagged mid-air, stared down, & obliterated by the magic band. @…

Trout Mask Replica by Captain Beefheart with His Magic Band LP
2024-05-01 16:51:12

🔊 Auf radioeins läuft...
🎵 Heartbreakerei (feat. Magic Island)
#NowPlaying #Fuffifufzich
2024-03-13 04:28:20

Do you believe in magic? Now Shohei sure does
#MLB #Baseball
2024-04-08 12:07:18

Another bipartisan national data privacy bill appears in Congress. Does this one have the magic touch? #APRA #Privacy #uspol
2024-04-01 00:55:39

🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
De La Soul:
🎵 The Magic Number
2024-04-03 02:33:12

One of my favorite games is EABA. Like many people, I have never run it but I've built things with it. Especially with EABA2, everything is a power, even attributes.
It looks crunchy, but after you get used to the learning curve, it is pretty straightforward and forgiving.
When I want to be decoupled from WOTC/PAIZO/D20 as I design spells & magic items, EABA feels good.
Anyway, that is my ramble for the evening.
2024-03-29 13:55:33

"More recent research has documented the declining nutrient value in some staple crops due to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels; a 2018 study that tested rice found that higher CO2 levels reduced its protein, iron and zinc content."
The evidence that excess CO2 is just junk food for plants continues to grow. And unless we stop CO2 emissions, that problem persists, and #SolarRadiationModification
2024-03-29 13:55:33

"More recent research has documented the declining nutrient value in some staple crops due to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels; a 2018 study that tested rice found that higher CO2 levels reduced its protein, iron and zinc content."
The evidence that excess CO2 is just junk food for plants continues to grow. And unless we stop CO2 emissions, that problem persists, and #SolarRadiationModification
2024-03-21 19:53:29

The very best level on #pistolWhip is definitely just the first one. "Black Magic".
That bit where you get baddies coming from both sides alternatively as the beat builds and you're shooting them on the beat and then there's baddies in a planer of 8 that you can shoot with four double-shots, followed immediately by dodging your head as the the "whoaaahhh" happens before "Black magic" and you hit the armoured baddy in the face and dive into further action.
🧑‍🍳 💋
I don't think I shall ever beat my score that placed me currently 193 in it's chart-ratings. Timing I'm almost perfect on but aim is a step less than perfect and I blame the tracking. So that'll only get lower-ranked as more play.
Still always the first level to play though.
[the person in the video screws up that bit at the end, but they are on one gun! Not duel-weilding]
2024-03-14 10:51:42
Content warning:

When you can't get it up, fret not! Make a votive offering to the god of your choice and let the divine work their magic.
Clay-baked male genitalia, ancient Roman votive offering, 200 BCE - 200 CE
#PhallusThursday #GreekRomanArt

Clay-baked votive offering of a flaccid human phallus and scrotum. The tapered foreskin has broken off.
2024-05-27 18:19:16

I will refrain from looking up who decided that #FreeBSD needed to lose a magic comment line from every init script and config file but didn’t need etcupdate (or whatever we're calling mergemaster now) to understand that change as a no-op, because if I were to identify that person I would feel compelled to find them and extract my wasted time from the front end of their remaining lifespan.
2024-04-29 01:37:31

#NowPlaying The first recording ever of #Varese's “Ionisation” from 1934. And now, through the magic of technology, you too can listen to it through your phone as he intended!
2024-04-15 06:25:50

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart:
🎵 The Magic Flute: Overture
2024-05-21 08:15:27

So #Apple is really smart with their Magic Keyboard. They made use of Surface Tension to keep the #iPad upright.
Not just a balancing act after all.
2024-03-09 14:27:43

On the magic of #miyazaki in #ZetlandMag - in danish but try DeepL for translation- a beautiful and thought provoking piece...
🎁En af verdens mest elskede tegnefilm gemmer på en gåde. Jeg satte mig for at lŸse den
2024-05-30 03:05:49

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #OwainWynEvans
🎵 A Kind Of Magic
2024-03-20 15:16:50

I’m attending Building Bridges for America Action Fund’s event, “How to Be Politically Active- List, Listen to, and Engage Your Network” – sign up!
2024-04-26 01:59:19

So following on from the fascinating FCPX feature film workflow doc shared by @… I subbed to #Soundly today and holy shit it's like magic.
$15/mth, search for a sound, audition it, highlight the section you want, *add your choice of physical environment/reverb*, …
2024-06-02 00:55:53

🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
Star Anna:
🎵 Pure Magic
2024-04-23 18:06:06

You might know the Beatles song Maxwell’s Silver Hammer. (Not one of their seminal works, one might think.) Is the Maxwell in question James Clerk? OK, not that fun so far, but here comes the bombshell:
The Finnish version of the song is called Paulin Taikakaulin, which means Pauli’s Magic Rolling Pin. Can this Pauli be anyone except Wolfgang? Another physicist! Deep.
2024-05-27 04:50:48

🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
Cool Sounds:
🎵 Magic trick
2024-05-19 21:53:21

What kind of black magic is this? A web-based video editor / #AfterEffects that doesn't upload your video files anywhere?
2024-03-27 17:19:10

🔊 Auf radioeins läuft...
The Police:
🎵 Every little thing she does is magic
#NowPlaying #ThePolice
2024-03-20 02:39:27

I’m sure Donald #Trump will start calling Russian immigrants “animals who are poisoning our country” any day now, right? Right?

1/2 ton of marijuana, ‘magic mushrooms’ seized along I-40 in TN, Russian driver arrested
1/2 ton of marijuana. Courtesy: West Tennessee Drug Task Force
by: Melissa Moon
Posted: Mar 19, 2024 / 04:51 PM CDT
2024-03-13 10:37:36

Austernpilze, Pak Choi und Paprika in Sesamöl gebraten, magic sauce mit Sojasauce, Ahornsirup, Reisessig und ordentlich Ssamjang dazu sowie Udon. 15 Minuten. #nommention #homeoffice
2024-03-18 09:32:19

It's still 9 months or something away, but already the US Election is causing me to bounce up & down on my mute button like Zebedee from the Magic Roundabout.
#USPol people: I have copious filters to hide your stuff from my timeline, so if it gets through you're probably not following Mastodon/Fediverse best practices.
Put stuff behind CWs. Use hashtags. Don't deliberately mi…
2024-04-08 12:07:18

Another bipartisan national data privacy bill appears in Congress. Does this one have the magic touch? #APRA #Privacy #uspol
2024-03-15 12:54:08

I've sent this email to art directors I've worked with at Wizards of the Coast. I hope other Magic or D&D artists will do the same or similar.
#mtgart #dndart #MagicTheGathering

Hi all my amazing art directors. I just wanted to send out an email regarding some concerning messaging around AI I've seen online from Hasbro's CEO Chris Cocks in an interview with GamesBeat. "First off, we're doing R&D efforts around AI... D&D has 50 years of content that we can mine. Literally thousands of adventures that we've created, probably tens of millions of words we own and can leverage."

If Chris Cocks or anyone else in senior positions at Hasbro or Wizards of the Coast thinks th…
2024-03-29 13:55:33

"More recent research has documented the declining nutrient value in some staple crops due to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels; a 2018 study that tested rice found that higher CO2 levels reduced its protein, iron and zinc content."
The evidence that excess CO2 is just junk food for plants continues to grow. And unless we stop CO2 emissions, that problem persists, and #SolarRadiationModification
2024-05-11 17:54:19

#Texas is losing Californian transplants again. No surprise to me, as Texas politicans use Californians as rhetoric bait—at the same time boasting about how Californians are moving into the state to create the next Silicon Valley in Austin, while simultaneously scapegoating Californians as disgusting commie liberals invading their state, lumping them together with “illegal immigrants” in their xenopho…
2024-04-17 22:49:03
Content warning:

New story up for patrons of my writing! This time, we are meeting #Freyja, goddess of love, war, and magic from #NorseMythology 💖
2024-04-01 14:04:40

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Radio1Anthems
Little Mix:
🎵 Black Magic
#BBCR1 #LittleMix
2024-05-29 05:11:44

🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
Star Anna:
🎵 Pure Magic
2024-04-19 16:43:45

Hey! I just figured out how to totally destroy poor little #footiMac's Intel core2Duo, 16GB RAM world.
Throw 3 simultaneous 4K streams at it and demand it create a composite movie!
A little laggy! lol.
ffmpeg basically crashes. It doesn't end up writing the file. I'll try scaling down the inputs but creating a multi-screen layout may be beyond

A dual screen command terminal interface shows lots of coloured text. On the left is top showing a full CPU load on both cores plus full RAM usage. On the right is the ffmpeg command doing its magic.
2024-03-24 18:34:54

🔊 Auf radioeins läuft...
Joan As Police Woman:
🎵 The Magic
#NowPlaying #JoanAsPoliceWoman
2024-04-23 18:06:06

You might know the Beatles song Maxwell’s Silver Hammer. (Not one of their seminal works, one might think.) Is the Maxwell in question James Clerk? OK, not that fun so far, but here comes the bombshell:
The Finnish version of the song is called Paulin Taikakaulin, which means Pauli’s Magic Rolling Pin. Can this Pauli be anyone except Wolfgang? Another physicist! Deep.
2024-05-14 21:47:23

Ok, so I only read 25% of Equal Rights so far, but I deeply love it. The idea that earthly (homeopathic) medicine is Women's magic, and the "silly", "flamboyant" magic is mens magic resonates deeply with me, and I was told "he found his voice" in this book was dead on. It was like books 1 & 2 he was testing the waters of how absurd he could make it, and went all in on book 3.
2024-04-22 17:19:04

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #SaraCox
Bruno Mars:
🎵 24K Magic
2024-03-25 13:05:01

Join us on 17th March at the @… office in Mannheim for our pre-event of Sylius Days! Excited to have Oliver Kossin as our speaker to talk about Dependency Injection and #Symfony. Sign up now:
2024-04-22 23:47:21

🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
Donna Summer:
🎵 Could it be magic
2024-04-11 10:46:13

Hey! Here's a process video of the oil painting for Angel of Indemnity for Magic the Gathering's Outlaws of Thunder Junction set.
#mtgart #MagicTheGathering #mtgThunder
2024-03-20 02:39:27

I’m sure Donald #Trump will start calling Russian immigrants “animals who are poisoning our country” any day now, right? Right?

1/2 ton of marijuana, ‘magic mushrooms’ seized along I-40 in TN, Russian driver arrested
1/2 ton of marijuana. Courtesy: West Tennessee Drug Task Force
by: Melissa Moon
Posted: Mar 19, 2024 / 04:51 PM CDT
2024-04-23 02:48:07

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #PickOfThePops
🎵 A Kind Of Magic
2024-05-18 09:54:54

Hunan Chicken: bisserl viel Gefrickel, aber es lohnt sich. The magic of black fermented soy beans strikes again! #nommention
2024-05-11 17:54:19

#Texas is losing Californian transplants again. No surprise to me, as Texas politicans use Californians as rhetoric bait—at the same time boasting about how Californians are moving into the state to create the next Silicon Valley in Austin, while simultaneously scapegoating Californians as disgusting commie liberals invading their state, lumping them together with “illegal immigrants” in their xenopho…
2024-04-20 20:23:05
Content warning:

The völva Heiði, a Norse seeress, has trouble looking into the future. Praying to Freyja for help, she never expected such a hands-on approach by the Mistress of Magic...
2024-05-27 22:05:37

Doctor Who - 73 Yards
Doctor starts the episode stepping on a mine again. He's always causing trouble. Ruby stepped on a butterfly in Ep1 too. Will every episode start with stepping on a butterfly/mine
No idea how Ruby traveled back in time at the end of her life. Just spooky magic I guess. More spooky this season. It's okay, you literally can't have hard-sci fi about a time-traveler because time-travel is impossible, so it's fine to have witches and werewolves and yeti and loch monsters.
It was like a Doctor Who version of RTD's previous "Years and years" eh? That was pretty great too.
Kate Lethbridge-Stuart running away even from second hand contact with the distant lady was the scariest part. You can't win if she's running like that.
Amy Pond's aging makeup when she had to live a whole life abandoned by the doctor was done better than Ruby Sundae who just looked 20 in different wigs till she was 80.
The 2060s don't look as futuristic as they might do they? Still just using black-slates for a tricorder then.
#doctorWho #73Yards #watching #tv
2024-03-22 12:51:56

🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
🎵 Yesterday's forest magic (feat. SE)
2024-05-27 06:36:33

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Norwegian National Opera Orchestra, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart & Rinaldo Alessandrini:
🎵 The Magic Flute (Overture)
#NorwegianNationalOperaOrchestra #WolfgangAmadeusMozart #RinaldoAlessandrini
2024-05-31 21:20:53

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #PeteTong
Adam Ten:
🎵 Magic Circus
#BBCR1 #AdamTen
2024-05-07 21:05:28

Finished The Colour of Magic and swiftly moving on to book 2: The Light Fantastic.
This is one the quickest I've read any book (the last time being, I believe, the same book). I'm not usually a big reader, or a quick one, but these books seem to be just right for me.
#bookstodon #TerryPrachett

an infographic from the app Bookly showing the stats for my reading of The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett. 
pages read: 292
total reading time: 09 hours 39 minutes and 39 seconds
pages per hour: 30
most pages read in a day: 76
most minutes in a day: 133
2024-03-20 08:08:41

🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
Timber Timbre:
🎵 Magic arrow
2024-05-27 06:36:33

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Norwegian National Opera Orchestra, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart & Rinaldo Alessandrini:
🎵 The Magic Flute (Overture)
#NorwegianNationalOperaOrchestra #WolfgangAmadeusMozart #RinaldoAlessandrini
2024-04-16 14:23:52

🔊 Auf radioeins läuft...
🎵 Vision
#NowPlaying #Lúisa
2024-04-19 01:42:10

🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #DriveTime
Yellow Magic Orchestra:
🎵 Be a Superman (Towa Tei's Human Animal Mix)
2024-06-01 06:07:54

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Radio1WeekendBreakfast
Coldplay & Sabrina Carpenter:
🎵 Magic (Radio 1's Big Weekend 2024)
#BBCR1 #Coldplay #SabrinaCarpenter
2024-05-09 00:14:46

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #OJBorg
Bruno Mars:
🎵 24K Magic
2024-05-09 00:14:46

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #OJBorg
Bruno Mars:
🎵 24K Magic
2024-04-10 06:04:38

🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
🎵 Magic drips
2024-04-08 02:12:16

🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #SundaySoul
Clear Logic:
🎵 Magic Of A Woman
2024-04-10 06:04:38

🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
🎵 Magic drips
2024-05-11 11:32:36

🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
Amy Winehouse:
🎵 Mr Magic (Through the smoke)