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2024-05-05 20:06:31

🔑 Passkeys: Die passwortlose Zukunft ist da!
Bist du es leid, dir unzählige #Passwörter zu merken? Die neueste Technologie der #Passkeys verspricht eine einfache Lösung.
Aber wie nah sind wir wirklich an dieser Zukunft? In meinem neuesten Blogbeitrag werfe ich einen kritischen Blick a…
2024-03-06 10:13:46

📢 I’m happy to announce that #Apple has fixed passkeys fetch/lookup/whatever on #iOS 17.4, and I can use #passkeys on my #iPhone a…

Spirit Awards Omg GIF by Film Independent Spirit Awards
2024-04-26 08:46:16

"#Apple Keychain has personally wiped out all my #Passkeys on three separate occasions. There are external reports we have received of other users who's #Keychain Passkeys have been wiped just like mine.&q…
2024-04-27 00:30:23

Passkeys: A Shattered Dream #Passkeys
2024-04-03 09:13:04

I stopped messing with client certificates and went back to good old HTTP basic authentication for my little digital light switch panel.
It's a shame nobody cares about TLS client certificates. With a bit more effort we could've gotten rid of passwords a long time ago.
I wish there was something like SSH keys for the web.
Yeah I know, Passkeys are a thing... but also not really.
2024-03-19 17:02:07

#Passkeys – Under The Hood
2024-06-04 07:01:02

Using passcodes is so futuristic and extremely frustrating with Apple Passwords/iCloud Keychain! I will stop using it for now because the friction is too big. The lack of support on webviews is very strange. :neobread_sob_loud:
EDIT: I've just tried with the #SecretsApp and it worked great! As expected. Do I have to pay to have passkeys working as expected then? I don’t want to silo my p…
2024-05-15 23:14:26

ad176 Mildly Buttplug 4o mit Dill
Die vier lustigen drei sprechen viel über die Zukunft: #Passkeys, #AI, #AltStores, alternative
2024-04-06 13:47:25

Statt Passwörter: Wie Sie Accounts mit Passkeys schützen
Viele prominente Websites bieten das sichere Einloggen per Passkey an. Die Eingabe des Passworts fällt flach und Phishing gehört der Vergangenheit an.
2024-05-08 14:19:19

„Wächst auf 100 Passkeys an“?! Sagt mal, wieviele Logins habt ihr so in euren Password-Managern?
Bitte teilen!
#passkey #security #password
2024-03-09 16:00:11

it seems there is a problem with #passkeys when multiple clients want to use the same login. even though with password managers storing passwords this is solved, with passkeys this looks like a nightmare.
2024-04-28 10:52:25

The lack of support to #passkeys on web views is annoying. 🙁
#Apple #iOS
2024-03-13 23:23:11

Angeblich kann #Firefox ab Version 122 auch #Passkeys
Finde den fraglichen Einstellungs-Teil in den Settings leider dennoch nicht.
2024-05-14 21:06:03

Authentication with U2F keys (AKA Fido or Yubikey) works well for me. It's phishing-proof and as easy as tapping a button. I'm not in a rush to try #Passkeys.
2024-05-08 14:19:19

„Wächst auf 100 Passkeys an“?! Sagt mal, wieviele Logins habt ihr so in euren Password-Managern?
Bitte teilen!
#passkey #security #password
2024-03-11 06:08:11

Großes Release von #KeePassXC : Unterstützung von #Passkeys und ein Import aus anderen Passwortmanagern
KeePassXC 2.7.7 released – KeePassXC
2024-05-13 14:06:12

#passkeys seem to be not so easy to implement:
2024-03-21 19:50:18

Out of the loop: what are passkeys and how are they different and/or similar to passwords? What desirable properties do they have? TIA!
#security #auth