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2024-06-07 01:00:20

Tome & Tome Again
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: #GreatAusPods

Tome & Tome Again
Screenshot of the podcast listing on the Great Australian Pods website
2024-06-06 23:25:47

Telegram launches Stars, a new in-app currency for the purchase of digital goods and services in Telegram mini apps; developers can convert Stars into TON (Sander Lutz/Decrypt)
2024-06-07 20:50:48

In light of NY's awful governor torpedoing #CongestionPricing, a few facts worth noting:
1) Transportation is the largest share (28%) of the US's #CarbonEmissions by sector. The next biggest sector, electricity, has been shrinking for the past two decades:

"Total US Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Economic Sector"

Pie chart showing Transportation at 28%, followed by Electric Power at 25%, then Industry at 23%, then Residential & Commercial at 13%, and finally Agriculture at 10%.
"US Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Economic Sector, 1990-2022"

A graph ordered by most-to-least amount per sector, in million metric ton emissions over time. Transportation is on top (it's hard to tell, but either staying the same or actually growing larger since 1990). Then Electric power sector, which grows a bit between 1990 and 2000, then levels off, and finally starts shrinking to actually a size that's below 1990. Under that, Industry; it shrinks slightly from 1990 to 2022.
Table from wikipedia showing countries and their fossil fuel emissions from 1970 to 2022. 

China is in first place, but having 0.91 mil tons/yr back in 1970, then 2.4mil in 1990, then 6.2 in 2005, and in 2022 12.6mil. % of world, it's just under 33%.

Next is the US, with 4.6mil in 1970, then 5mil in 1990, then 6.8mil in 2005, and down to 4.8mil in 2022. % of world, it's 12.6%

Then India, growing from 0.213mil in 1970 up to 2.7mil in 2022, and about 7% of the world's emissions.
"Cumulative CO2 emissions (1850-2021)"

A bar graph ordered by billion tonnes of CO2 for each country. The USA is in the lead, at around 425 bil (or over 500bil if you include "Land use, forestry"). Next is China, at just under 250bil (just under 300 including "Land use, forestry").
2024-06-06 12:02:28

"Where there have been changes in tone from #Labour, they have come after being punished at the ballot box. Politicians who are more concerned about losing votes than children losing their lives shouldn’t be allowed near power."
2024-06-07 01:19:10

Taiwan prohibits export of essential component for shells to Russia and Belarus:
2024-06-07 21:00:13

dbpedia_team: DBpedia athlete-team affiliations
Bipartite network of the affiliations (employment relations) between professional athletes and their teams, as extracted from Wikipedia by the DBpedia project.
This network has 935627 nodes and 1366466 edges.
Tags: Economic, Employment, Unweighted

dbpedia_team: DBpedia athlete-team affiliations. 935627 nodes, 1366466 edges.
2024-06-07 18:57:39

Heute mal kurz "Im Paradies" vorbeigeschaut …
#Kanalrunde #Hannover #List

Foto: Über einem Gartentor aus Metall ist das Schild 'Im Paradies' angebracht. Die einzelnen Buchstaben sind mit Pflanzen- und Blumenoranmenten verschönert. Im Hintergrund Büsche und Bäume (ein Kleingartenkolonie).

Researchers found that facial
infrared thermography can predict
coronary artery disease more accurately than traditional pretest probability tools,
using deep-learning algorithms to analyze temperature patterns.
2024-06-07 11:17:44

Newly Found Dinosaur Seems to Have Had Arms Even Smaller Than T. Rex
2024-06-07 18:57:39

Heute mal kurz "Im Paradies" vorbeigeschaut …
#Kanalrunde #Hannover #List

Foto: Über einem Gartentor aus Metall ist das Schild 'Im Paradies' angebracht. Die einzelnen Buchstaben sind mit Pflanzen- und Blumenoranmenten verschönert. Im Hintergrund Büsche und Bäume (ein Kleingartenkolonie).