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2024-05-17 17:31:41

Your next brain implant will be a xenotransplant? Rat neurons thrive in a mouse brain world, testing "nature versus nurture"
2024-05-13 22:29:43

"... if you don’t look at your data first, you might invent solutions that are simply different from how the brain solves a particular problem you care about. When artificially placed on either end of an analytic spectrum, the two approaches expose an epistemological schism: Should we first choose what to look for (computation) or instead interrogate our data (network) before trying to figure out how the brain solves the task?"
2024-05-13 22:29:43

"... if you don’t look at your data first, you might invent solutions that are simply different from how the brain solves a particular problem you care about. When artificially placed on either end of an analytic spectrum, the two approaches expose an epistemological schism: Should we first choose what to look for (computation) or instead interrogate our data (network) before trying to figure out how the brain solves the task?"
2024-05-10 20:38:02

"'We know that blinks cause better vision,' but whether or not that is put to use for human perception remains to be seen. That is something that the researchers could test in future experiments—such as whether manipulating an environment to be more visually challenging results in more blinks, [Rolfs] says."
Very interesting, but please PLEASE remember not to blink in the presence of a Weeping Angel.