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2024-05-24 15:44:46

Putting the UK General Election on the Fourth of July, where nothing of importance ever happened in UK history, is an interesting choice.
#ukpol #elections #fourthofjuly
2024-05-22 20:51:51

re: ukpol election
It's quite the image to start an election with really isn't it. Hard to imagine anything more perfect.
Failing in the rain, wet and over.
Bye Bye
#ukpol #election
2024-05-22 16:57:49

Will the Mastobrits please converge on a hashtag for the July 4th election? Kthksby.
Candidates: #ukpol #ukpolitics #ukelxn
2024-05-22 16:28:24

Say what you will, the song is a banger
2024-05-22 16:25:03

Some top class trolling while a slowly soaking Rishi Sunak announced the general election for the 4th of July to the background music of Things can only get better. #ukpol
2024-05-22 17:36:47

Starmer says a vote for Labour is a vote for stability.
It's weird really, with the incumbent promising to fix things and be the change candidate while the challenger is promising that everything will be just the same and it's safe and nothing scary will happen.
2024-06-17 13:50:38

ukpol, Farage
So this one is straight out of the populist playbook.
Cut taxes, accuse foreigners of meddling in our politics.
Where on earth could well-known former racist party supporter Nigel Farage be going with this, I wonder?
#UKpol #ReformUK #Farage
2024-05-22 18:25:14

ukpol voting advice
Most of you should probably just stay at home and not bother voting at all. You don't understand the issues and you haven't really been paying attention and anyway you live in a safe seat where your vote makes no difference at all.
If you feel like none of the candidates are really speaking for you, it's because they take you for granted and are happy that they live in a corrupt fraudulent voting system that excludes you from power. They honestly don't care if you participate.
The country demonstrating complete apathy at the whole situation and giving as little mandate as possible might well be the best message to send.
For the one quarter or so of you who do live in an actual marginal constituency, vote anyone who could possibly win that isn't the Big Two. A hung parliament is the best hope and you get that by voting for the underdogs where they can make a difference.
Everyone outside England should vote for anyone offering to leave Westminster entirely of course. The house is corrupt beyond repair.
In Richmond, vote Binface to take out the trash.
#ukpol #voting #advice
2024-05-24 09:07:47

Green Party candidates in the Nottingham area
Nottingham South - Cath Sutherland
Nottingham North & Kimberley - Sam Harvey
Nottingham East - Rosey Palmer
Rushcliffe - Richard Mallender
Gedling - Dominic Berry
I don't know any of these people already, so I hope to see some good intros soon.
#GreenParty #Nottingham #UKElection #UKPol
2024-05-26 20:38:40

re: #ukpol #nationalService
Literally no one under the age of 21 could deliberately vote for Rishi's national service for 18 to 21 year olds plan, surely?
Lets see, do I really want every 3rd weekend ruined while I'm trying to do my degree or work a gig job to make ends meet?
If they really want the plan to work they should have said 16 to 18 year olds coz they can't vote anyway.
Or raise the voting age to 21!
Their whole campaign is going to be alienating one scapegoat after another until everyone other than the sputtering gammon and the billionaires enraging them swear off voting Conservative forever.
#ukpol #nationalService #election23
2024-05-01 09:03:35

Petition to change distance units in road transport in the UK from miles to km.
It won't work, but sometimes these tiny displays of defiance perform a wider function and makes me feel more European.
2024-05-04 19:04:37

Via Liam Thorp @LiamThorpECHO
In London the Britain First candidate was beaten by a guy with a bin for a head whose main policy is to reinstate Ceefax
2024-06-14 17:21:55

Of course lots of noise from somebody passing Torys in a poll, but less noted: now the Libdems only four points behind them in the same. Could they end up fourth?!
(I know this is just one poll, but entertaining)
2024-05-22 16:03:40

God, the Conservatives are terrible at keeping secrets eh?
Listen everyone, when Sunak comes out and announces an election at least try to pretend to look surprised.
The poor party has been planning this lovely surprise for us all day and it'll be such a disappointment for them if everyone looks like they already knew.
#ukpol #election
2024-05-26 20:26:00

#ukpol #nationalService
Dear candidates
I have become concerned that many members of a modern generation are becoming radicalized.
There are forces trying to divide our society in this increasingly uncertain world. Many of them have not had the opportunity to experience things outside their own blinded culturally impoverished tiny small minded horizons.
They need an opportunity that many of them have never had the chance at before.
Would you consider a policy to send this generation into national service?
It could just be one weekend a month, they could both give the nation a valuable service in return for their continued citizenship, and have experiences that would broaden their horizons and offer life changing opportunities to learn real world skills, and contribute to their community and our country.
Think of the renewed sense of national pride these people would feel knowing they belong to a country that can forcibly take time from their limited lives, and that they owe that country for it allowing them to live.
Naysayers may neigh that enforced service is a time-share enslavement of a whole generation but I say that these people are in danger of being radicalized and only putting them into enforced servitude for their country can possibly stop them hating it so much they destroy it's institutions in their incoherent rage.
So candidates, what do you say: Will you support a compulsory national service for all Baby Boomers, doing a few hours a week working at a gay-bar, or helping out at a gender dysphoria clinic, just something to broaden their narrow cynical view and prevent them being radicalized by extremists like the Conservative party spreading hate propaganda.
I'm not saying anyone would go to jail for refusing of course, they could just be transported to a safe third country. Or one that we define as safe at least.
Who will support an inquiry into the possibility of such a plan, at least just to get some headlines before the inquiry finds it's infeasible, unethical, appalling and legally indefensible.
#ukpol #nationalService #election23
2024-05-15 14:06:02

Imposing first past the post on these roles was a mistake n
2024-05-01 09:03:35

Petition to change distance units in road transport in the UK from miles to km.
It won't work, but sometimes these tiny displays of defiance perform a wider function and makes me feel more European.
2024-06-17 17:34:17

UKPol Reform "contract"
They don't have a manifesto, because they are a private company owned by shareholders (majority Farage), not a political party.
They wanna stop migration, exit international conventions on refugees and human rights and privatize the NHS.
That last one isn't very populist you wouldn't
No more detail from me on this "contract", can't bare to look at the odious fucker.
#ukpol #reform #Manifesto
2024-05-23 01:09:12

more election snark
Just saw the slogan "Vote out to help out"!
Of all the harmful things Sunak's been responsible for, I think his EOTHO scheme might be the one I'll remember longest. So ::applause:: to whoever thought of that one.
#UKPol #Sunak #EOTHO #ToriesOut
2024-04-27 19:17:47

#LizTruss #UKPol
Via Can we have a General Election now? @EdBish18
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls… one of the greatest headlines of all time!

Liz Truss 

Memoir of PM stint outsold by air fryer cookbook
2024-05-31 09:12:21

I've generally given up on cross posting Twitter posts but this is Breaking Truths
2024-05-22 18:45:00

covid-careful voting, UK, 2/n
The voting papers should then be posted to you. You get a ballot paper, an envelope to put it in so it's secret, another bit of paper which iirc you have to sign, & a pre-paid envelope to post it in.
Then you can either post back your vote in advance, or take it to the polling station on the day. And new at the recent local elections, if you take it to the polling station you have to fill in even _another_ little form!
#CovidCareful #UKElection #PostalVote #UKPol
2024-06-04 16:12:02

Ugh, suddenly I can't open any #UK news without Farage's muppet face. And now I'm doing it :(
2024-05-09 17:06:02

Senedd expansion is a pivotal moment for devolution #ukpol
2024-05-16 10:17:32

How it started... How it's going....
We seem to have gone from "Defend Migrant Rights" to "More Migration Cops".
We have gone from "Economic Justice" and tax-raises to "Economic Stability" (which presumably means "no change")
We have gone from "Radical devolution of power" and "Social Justice" to "Crack down on anti-social behaviour"
Common Ownership, Union Rights, and Promotion of Peace dropped entirely.
#ukpol #starmer #pledges
2024-05-22 18:35:54

covid-careful voting, UK
I don't want to take off my mask in the polling station! So my work-around these days is to get a postal vote.
You still have to register to vote "ordinarily" at, if you hadn't already - by 18 June 2024 for this next election.
Then you apply for the postal vote, by 5pm on 19 June:
#CovidCareful #UKElection #PostalVote #UKPol
2024-06-07 20:00:12

re: UKPol BBC election debate show
30 second freestyle round:
Lab: No more chaos, time for change. We already changed. Stability, NHS, and border-cops and teachers.
Scots: We will put scotland first. Action on NHS, rejoin single market, get green growth and don't collude with tories like Labour.
Greens: Labour offer more conservatives. We can break through, and will defend the future. no private NHS, vote green for hope.
Wales: Send Labour the message to stop taking wales for granted.
Con: It's been tough, labour will tax you and our plan is working, we'll cut taxes and keep pensions.
Lib: Crying out for change! Everything is broken. We'll fix the NHS and social care and get the shit out of the rivers.
Reform: Politics isn't working, the two parties are the same. We can be real opposition against Labour. Join the revolt.
Everyone thinks the conservatives are finished, and mentioned it.
#ukpol #election #debate
2024-05-23 00:26:22

Dunt on Sunak & the election announcement
Nothing vital, just snark really, but this bit did amuse me:
"... Sunak began to talk about his plan. He has a plan. Labour doesn't have a plan. Trust the plan. Don't go back to step one. But he was, quite literally, a man outside, in the rain, without an umbrella. He was the visual representation of someone who did not have a plan."
#IanDunt #Sunak #UKElection #UKPol
2024-06-07 20:10:26

re: UKPol BBC election debate show
The depressing thing is that what we have here a fairly wide range of ideas.
Quite a lot of the country realize that crime is solved by caring not a truncheon, that investing in a green economy can cause an economic transformation, that threatening to destroy cities full of innocent people is insane and wrong, that government should be local, that not everything is best run by corrupt businesses skimming profit, that migration can enrich a country financially and culturally.
But none of those voices will make it into the house because of the utterly broken electoral and media systems.
The two parties that can win disagree with everything I mentioned there, and can't do otherwise because of the dynamics of their coalitions.
Even if they do agree with any of that, they have to lie and pretend in order to get the positions they want.
That's what's broken, and switching to Labour for the next half-decade will be a relief, but it won't fix it.
Nigel Farage was right. The corruption is from the electoral system, and nothing can be fixed until we have a more proportional representative government.
That is literally the only thing he was right about though.
#ukpol #election #debate
2024-06-07 19:33:40

re: UKPol BBC election debate show
Questioner wonders why election campaigns are full of promises but governments never get anything done.
Conservatives would have loved to do things except for the pandemic got in the way!? They don't mention that they did in fact do a thing, because the thing was terrible: brexit.
Reform says it's coz the Lab and Con are too similar, and we need a new electoral system with PR (and I agree with him for once!)
Labour reckon they will keep their promises, because they've barely made any promises and all their plans are cheap.
Conservatives keep banging on about their made-up number that Labour will tax each family 2000 more. That is a lie, and anyway the same methods say Conservatives will cost 3000 more.
Greens want diversity in the commons. Lab and Con are barely a cigarette paper apart. Interrupted before a mention of PR but they do want it.
Scots list the things they have delivered: Cheaper homes, public water. And they say the Con/Lab are in fact being honest, and are thus offering crap all.
Cymru think it's about integrity, but also admits he's a journalist who also aren't really know for integrity. He's against corruption.
Libs, the very party of broken promises, just directs attention towards conservative broken pledges. Someone taunts them about breaking promises to students about fees.
Here is where I get to agree with Nigel. Corruption comes from the electron system.
#ukpol #election #debate
2024-06-02 14:07:25

UK politics
Nice line in this analysis from Stephen Bush:
"The UK’s electoral system, which punishes new entrants, also makes it much harder for the parties to be punished when they both take a holiday from reality at the same time."
2024-06-03 14:06:03

Over 100 seats haven’t changed hands for 100 years or more n
2024-06-04 20:02:44

ukpol tv debate
I was gonna ignore the tv debate but Novara have a troll-box live commentary going on so I might try that for a bit until they're too intolerable.
#ukpol #debate #tv
2024-06-04 20:59:18

Sunak on his #NationalService plan doesn't feel like it is landing well. #itvdebate #ge2024 #ukpol
2024-05-29 16:28:20

Best Labour policy poll
With the election imminent the whole country is excited to finally have a new government committed to the same spending plans as the old government.
But which policies are you most looking forward to from Labour? Which is the most exciting prospect?
#ukpol #election23 #vote
Economic Stability
Border Security
NHS privitisation
Crackdown on anti-social behavior
A new British energy company
2024-06-17 18:07:25

ukpol economics child-benefit cap
Apparently Labour are saying they need to get some economic growth in order to fund removing the child-benefit cap?
If they are saying that and meaning it and not just trying to manipulate voters, they do not understand economics in the tiniest little bit.
There are thousands of kids living in basically poverty conditions. They are not contributing to the economy, they have no money.
If they were to have some money, they would spend that money on good and services.
Those sales would be taxed! The wages of the extra staff employed to meet the increased demand would be taxed! The savings of the rich people who end up with that money in their off-shore accounts can be taxed!
Ending that benefit cap is how you get the growth! You give the poor money, they spend it, investment comes to meet the demand.
What is the actual plan otherwise? Let everyone stay poor so that there's no economic demand an so no private investment?
The idea that you can cut your way to growth is utterly deranged, the kind of backwards economic thinking you expect from a Conservative.
I do hope they're just lying to get elected again rather than actually believe the lunacy they say on the TV.
#ukpol #economics #childBenefit #Labour
2024-05-15 17:59:29

#ukpol #sexEd
What, what? I'm hearing the new suggested government recommendations on sex-education are to not talk to kids about how porn isn't real life until they're /thirteen/?
Here's hoping the parents step in and tell their kids that porn isn't real way before the schools get around to it then.
You definitely gotta tell 'em that before you give 'em internet.
#ukpol #sexEd
2024-06-11 11:31:17

UKPol conservative manifesto
Defense! They want you to feel threatened everyone! Only the Conservatives can protect you:
* From the country's "enemies" like China (who make most of our stuff).
* From "Immigrants" (who provide half of our services as the population-bulge retires).
* From Eco-zelotory and the expense of maintaining the planet (by building lots of dirty carbon-burning electricity stations to burn so much oil we'll have enough to sell to our neighbours, even though it's not really economical to export energy more than a few hundred miles and a decentralized green electricity network is cheaper and cleaner)
* From tax: Tax Cuts by cutting back on welfare other than pensions. Halving national insurance contributions, especially for self-employed. (Even though welfare is already cut to the bone, the working-poor are so poor they don't pay tax)
* From education and kids: Fewer university degrees, more training apprenticeships. Forced labour for national service. (Even though forced national service weakens an army)
* From homes: Build 300,000 houses a year (10% fewer than the Libs promise, but by abolishing building safety laws!).
No more stamp-duty. Help-to-buy schemes. (even though these things subsidize house-buying thus driving up house prices. They are good for landlords I guess?)
* From children: Free Childcare (so you can get to work on poverty wages instead of looking after your kids)
* More teachers! More cops! (Especially more cops)
* Sex means sex.
He says we need certainty, rather than the uncertainty Starmer would give us, but he doesn't seem all that confident of it.
#ukpol #election #conservative #manifesto
2024-06-10 17:40:44

UKPol Lib Dem Manifesto
If someone gave me loads and loads of money to run an election campaign I'm not sure I'd have any better ideas than Ed Davey seems to have had.
Not gonna win, might as well just go to theme-parks and water-sporting and play tennis.
Quite like it. Makes him seem more care-free and normal than standing in a factory or wherever.
The actual manifesto isn't terrible.
They wanna deal with asylum not by shipping people abroad, but in the sensible way of just funding the processing of asylum seekers.
On climate: Citizens assemblies like Just Stop Oil are asking for, ten years to insulate the housing stock, investment in renewables.
Unlike the big two, they actually say they wanna make the NHS more national and less private. NHS dentistry again.
Build 400,000 houses a year, more busses, more electric trains, maintenance grants for students.
And of course Proportional Representation.
But on the other hand, last time they had a sniff of power they became conservative bootlickers, fucked the students, privatized chunks of the NHS, and helped push forward the Brexit referendum.
Suppose they're mostly different people to that now? But how much can you trust 'em?
If the Greens didn't exist I'd likely end up on Lib-Dem.
#ukpol #libDem #Manifesto #election
2024-05-08 11:31:25

ukpol defecting mps
Natalie Elphicke has actually been a tory, voted tory, taken the tory whip, and is allowed to join Starmer's Labour party.
Dianne Abbot and Jerremy Corbin remain banned from Labour.
That's what Labour is now, a party where Tories are welcome.
#ukpol #mp #defect #natalieElphicke
2024-06-07 18:46:33

re: UKPol BBC election debate show
Everyone wants to spend more on war and everyone wants to spend most of it those really big weapons you can't even use unless you wanna destroy the world. They're all very keen to threaten entire cities filled with innocent people.
Except the greens who don't even like nuclear power, and the Scots and Welsh who realize nuclear bases don't *prevent* you being a target, they are a target.
Mostly they all really think it was very wrong to leave the D-day commemorations half a day early. You gotta stay till the final whistle.
#ukpol #election #debate #military
2024-06-07 18:59:18

re: UKPol BBC election debate show
What about the health systems?
Libs to the left of Labour here, they wanna get thousands of new doctors and spend to get it, whereas Labour's health spokesman (sponsored by private health companies) is always going on about private health care. Not keen to shout about that on the show though.
Mostly they just say spend more money, but Reform is much more open about wanting full on privatization. The model of public ownership is wrong they reckon.
#health #bbc #ukpol #election
2024-06-07 17:55:33

UKPol BBC election debate show
Well, I'll once again be watching Novara's hosts live-reacting and enjoying the youtube trollbox of their subscribers.
No ad-breaks for them to talk during on the BBC presumably.
I'm glad there's a show with the line of seven. I expect to agree with the Green more than the others, but only about half the time even then.
#bbc #election #debate #ukpol
2024-06-07 19:44:12

re: UKPol BBC election debate show
What's better, growth or climate?
Reform think doing anything about the climate is impossible and too expensive so the grown up thing is to give up even trying.
The greens say Nigel is a liar about the costs of green energy. They think Con and Lab have no climate policy at all. They are interrupted.
Lab say they have a green jobs plan, it's just no longer a thirty billion dollar jobs plan.
Scotland loves green energy, they have loads of wind. Westminster is betraying the future, and we gotta get to net zero because it's profitable in scotland.
The Libs want home insulation that will reduce energy useage, and bills, and create jobs.
Wales want more national investment in the welsh infrastructure.
Cons fearmonger that you might not be able to buy a petrol car, and want to ensure there's a future for carbon business rather than for actual people to live in. They are quite open about this.
At one point they even seem proud that they have ruined the economy so much Labour can't afford it's Green plans.
The greens and Libs and scots are right here. The truth is the question is flawed. Green energy investments are not growth-inhibiting, they cause growth not cost it.
#ukpol #election #debate #climate
2024-06-07 19:22:49

re: UKPol BBC election debate show
Questioner can barely afford to live and wonders what anyone would do to change anything.
Labour think the main thing is the government must not spend too much but should create a new energy company that employs some people.
Conservatives are appalled that the government (them) has let things get this bad for people and the only way to address the cost of living is tax-cuts.
Because that's worked so well for them over the last decade and a half. They hated having to put up taxes.
Greens point out there isn't a cost-of-living crisis, there's an inequality crisis. We can have investment in a green economy to get reductions in the cost of living. They offer a 15 quid minimum wage, and to remove the child-benfit cap to release kids from poverty.
Reform think the cost of living is mostly taxes, despite the fact really poor people hardly pay any taxes, and that it's migrants and the lazy unemployed of course. So they'd cut taxes and migrants.
The scots mention that Brexit has cost everyone a fortune and blasted the economy to bits. They want to seek to rejoin the single market. They chastise Labour for the conspiracy of silence on Brexit and that the Libs were in the government that caused brexit.
The libs want more windfall taxes on oil to help out.
#ukpol #election #debate #costOfLiving
2024-06-07 19:11:52

re: UKPol BBC election debate show
On Migration there's more disagreement.
The Scots realize the need for migration and want and value migrants. They know this war on migration is bad for the country, and get a fair applause for saying it. The welsh too think this anti-migrant rhetoric is bigoted and racist and counter-productive. Again the audeience clap.
Reform though, they think Blair opened a door and now there's many too many migrants, who he (wrongly) thinks aren't productive. He wrongly thinks migration makes us poorer.
Conservatives, who have been in power for ten years, think migration is too high. They must be very angry with the government for letting it get high. Now, finally, after more than ten years, they think the new government should cap it.
Labour at least address the point, that poor services are nothing to do with migration, they are to do with ruinous austerity, the government's false-economy cuts. But they still say migration is too high and there should be special border-cops 🙄
Libs too point out houses, roads, and GPs aren't poor because of immigrants, they poor because of terrible funding. It's not immigration that's to blame.
The green party too point out the services are run into the ground by the government, not by powerless migrants. They want a fair humane immigration system not driven by pointless target numbers.
Libs surprisingly good on that really.
#ukpol #migration #election #debate
2024-06-07 19:54:51

re: UKPol BBC election debate show
Green's friend's friend was stabbed once. "Toughness" doesn't solve crime. Care solves crime. Youth services reduce crime, not longer sentences. Reducing inequality stops crime. There should be a councilor in every school.
Reform wants to stop and search people, and the audience seem to like that. He doesn't care if it's racist he just wants to stop and search. He's concerned about a decline in law and order and will get tough. Also drugs are bad.
Libs reckon community policing, so more cops only the friendly kind.
Conservatives reckon if you ignore the new modern computer crimes then there's less crime now. You can't get stabbed in a hacking, can you? Labour areas are more crime-ridden they reckon (not noting it's because they are poor areas). They want more of the friendly cops with names too.
Labour are sad that young people are frightened and point out Con cut cops in order to then re-introduce them. They also think that if you know the names of the cops then maybe they won't beat you or do racist harassment.
Wales points out is poverty, and hopelessness which leads to crime. Devolve police stuff to Wales and they'll do it better locally.
Scots reckon they're not the worst for stabbings in the union, and that investing in reducing poverty gives people a hope that stops them doing all the stabbing. Westminster does not offer any hope so folks might as well do the stabbing.
#ukpol #election #debate #knifeCrime
2024-06-03 22:45:48

UKPol - Farage
I see Farage has made an announcement that tomorrow he will make an announcement that he will come back as leader of Reform and run yet-again for parliament.
Not sure in what sense that isn't in fact the announcement itself, but I guess we'll find out tomorrow when the actual announcement happens.
Millions of people he reckons basically forced him into it. He can't let the millions of people down. All of them clamoring, "come on Nige, do it for us" he reckons.
His country needs him I guess. America can wait.
It could have been an interesting election, between Reform and Workers UK and Green and Libs and Labour and Conservatives.
But sadly that isn't the kind of election system we have so the first three of those will be lucky to get a seat each and the next quite probably no more than a dozen.
Hope Nigel loses, but then I also wish they all could lose somehow.
#ukpol #farage #reform #election23
2024-06-13 10:57:04

#ukpol #labour #manifesto #election
Labour has changed, so they no longer want change, they want stability.
Stability will be achieved by:
* Tough spending rules to avoid inflation.
* No tax rises on working people
* Cutting NHS waiting times
* Border security cops
* New National Energy Company
* Half a new teacher for each school.
Starmer says "Stability" really a lot.
He wants to create economic growth, as number 1 priority. How?
* Reform employment law, more employment rights and higher wages
* Reform investment systems, national wealth fund to invest in steel and jobs.
* Reform planning rules, so we can build more.
* Being Pro Business
* Tax oil & gas to pay for new British Energy company.
* Chase tax-avoiders to pay doctors & nurses
What we have here is basically a promise to be like the Conservatives only less chaotic and broken and a bit more caring.
No radical ambition, no blue-sky suggestions, no desire to reform the country other than replacing the people at the top with less corrupt people.
Primarily, they want growth by fiddling with regulations to encourage the private sector.
They will not do extra taxes on people, they will not do big spending, they want stability not change. They've already changed.
Which is exactly what the last 3 prime tory prime ministers said they wanted too.
It isn't that a national wealth fund investing in a national energy company is a bad idea, it's just that it's unambitious and on such a tiny scale it can't really affect anything.
#ukpol #labour #manifesto #election
2024-06-04 21:23:04

re: #ukpol #tv #debate
Pick a side!
#ukpol #tv #debate
2024-06-12 17:30:40

#UKPol #Green #manifesto #election
Couldn't watch the launch, stupid jobs.
The gist seem to be tax the rich to invest in the country.
Hurray. Finally.
* Wealth taxes
The rich will finally have to sell some assets to pay their taxes. Anyone with ore than 10 million quid.
Wealth taxes are hard to implement, but you will never fix inequality with just an income tax and you can't fix asset-price inflation and so house-prices without fixing inequality.
They wanna raise a full 50 billion a year extra and then spend it on investment:
* Insulate homes
Insulate Britain would get their way! Hurray! Cheaper energy bills for everyone.
* Build homes.
Everyone's promising this. The green-party number is similar to the Conservatives number but the Greens will do it without lowering building standards to make it cheaper. They'll probably build good insulated ones one assumes.
* CEO/lowest-wage ratio set to 10:1
Currently CEOs earn about 200 times the average wage of their workers. They are worth, they think, ten classrooms full of other workers.
Maybe it'll encourage the CEO to actually give pay-rises?
* Scrap tuition fees & Ofsted
Education should be free.
* Personal Social Care free like the NHS.
No more Granny selling her house to be put into a home I guess?
* 15 quid minimum wage
Pay the workers what it costs to live damnit.
* More Rights to Roam
We will walk these green and pleasant lands even if the farmers don't like it.
* Stop All new Fossil Fuels
This is in fact needed, because "net zero" is bullshit, but not for the reasons Farage or Galloway say, but because carbon-capture is basically impossible. The "net" part is bullshit, it's gotta be actually zero
* Phase out nuclear energy
As is traditional, all parties must have at least one terrible policy which would lead to terrible results. The Green one is phasing out the only non-carbon energy source which is reliable and works all night and day every day.
* Wind power to 70% of all power.
Good, but the wind don't always blow, where are the nukes to back it up eh?
* Decriminalize possession of all drugs.
The drug war was always a counter-productive fraud, it's expensive, ineffective, encourages a police state, and doesn't even really stop anyone taking things. It's stupid, axe it.
Ought to make supply legal and licensed really too but they ain't promising that.
* Support Ukraine and Palestine against the aggressive countries attacking them.
War is bad.
* "No use first" on nukes.
Oh, surprising, they aren't promising to scrap trident.
* Brexit - Rejoin "when the conditions are right"
Well, not making as big a thing of it as the Libs, but it's there.
The Greens are clearly the sanest of the parties with the most progressive policies that would actually help people and help prevent climate change.
So of course the media tell everyone that they're crazy and the political system fixes it so they can't possibly win.
#UKPol #Green #manifesto #election
2024-06-06 21:17:15

This month's digest/newsletter is on it's way to all the kind and generous people who signed up for it. They are amazing, and they know it. Yay for you!
The rest of you degenerate scum can still read it here: #newsletter #digest #ukpol #recall