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2024-04-24 14:07:13

#UV to zaiście przyszłość instalowania paczek Pythona.
Tyle że testy są w pełni zależne od tego, że konkretne wersje przypadkowych paczek są w danej chwili najnowszymi na #PyPI (i jeszcze jakimś przypadkowym indeksie, obsługiwanym przez osoby trzecie). Co oznacza, że testy przestają działać już *kilka godzin* p…
2024-04-27 08:16:12

Time for your daily dose of #RustLang complaints. Yep, the ecosystem is doing great.
#UV depends on tokio-tar library. Tokio-tar is broken on #PowerPC, doesn't have a bug tracker (!) and seems to be quite dead, with a bunch of PRs ignored since 2022 (last activity mid-2023). Nevertheless, I've filed a PR to fix PowerPC, with little hope that it'll be merged, released and that we could get UV working on PowerPC.
On top of that, it seems that tokio-tar was forked in early 2021 from async-tar. It doesn't seem to have synced the few commits from 2021, and async-tar is dead since late 2021. But at least it has a bug tracker to keep track of how dead it is.
Rewriting stuff in Rust is great. Maintaining it afterwards for the sake of reverse dependencies isn't.
#Gentoo #Python
2024-04-24 14:07:11

#UV is truly the future of #Python packaging.
Except that its test suite relies on specific version of random packages happening to be the newest in #PyPI (and some other random third-party package index) at any given time. Which means that the test suite already fails *a few hours* after a release.
Oh, and upstream does drive-by updates to these broken assumptions while making other changes.
So… how are we supposed to mark any version stable in #Gentoo if we can't even hope for any single version to pass tests for a few days?
Also, that test is actually meaningless now, due to test assumptions no longer matching.
2024-04-24 14:07:11

#UV is truly the future of #Python packaging.
Except that its test suite relies on specific version of random packages happening to be the newest in #PyPI (and some other random third-party package index) at any given time. Which means that the test suite already fails *a few hours* after a release.
Oh, and upstream does drive-by updates to these broken assumptions while making other changes.
So… how are we supposed to mark any version stable in #Gentoo if we can't even hope for any single version to pass tests for a few days?
Also, that test is actually meaningless now, due to test assumptions no longer matching.
2024-05-07 14:53:49

Followup on `tokio-tar`. As expected, nothing happened so far.
Apparently there is also a `tokio-tar-up2date` crate which is exactly the same thing as `tokio-tar` right now. Probably it was created as a temporary hack while `tokio-tar` was unresponsive.
Then, there is a `krata-tokio-tar` crate that's more recent. However, this one really seems like fork of a fork that was created for the same of some specific project and still without any hope of long-term maintenance. I've refiled my pull request there as well.
I've also filed a bug for #UV, since using dead dependencies is not a good practice.
#RustLang #Gentoo
2024-03-28 18:17:20

#RustLang idzie super!
Pewnie słyszałoście, że #uv jest przyszłością instalowania paczek Pythona. Niestety, pośrednio zależny jest od crate "ring". Ring używa sporo nieprzenośnego C/asemblera, więc działa tylko na kilku architekturach (znacznie wężej niż sam Rust, a na Rusta narzekałem…).
2024-04-25 14:54:23

Essentially, distro developers are firefighters, putting out fires made by careless upstreams.
What I've wasted time on, today:
- making the non-standalone test suite of #Hatchling (sigh) work without #UV again, so that a critical build dependency of a growing number of #Python packages could be tested everywhere
#PassLib not to break random stuff via printing warnings when using newer #BCrypt versions
#ImageIO work using an offline copy of test data, rather than cloning its git repository at the beginning of tests
2024-03-28 18:17:19

#RustLang is doing great!
You've probably heard that #uv is the future of #Python packaging. Unfortunately, it indirectly depends on "ring" crate. Ring uses a lot of non-portable C/Assembly, effectively meaning that uv only runs on a handful of architectures (much fewer than Rust itself, and I've been complaining about Rust…).
Well, there are some good news. Rustls 0.23 no longer uses ring by default, so there's hope. But to realize that hope, first all dependency graph must switch to the new Rustls version, people need to make releases, update their locks…
Yes, it's a great design!