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2024-04-18 22:20:31

ATCO #customer hotline: "Our #billing system has been upgraded! Now of course your #wait times are longer."
2024-04-15 21:06:19

This was the answer to a question on Wait! Wait! Don't Tel Me this week ...
Via Quite Interesting @qikipedia
When performing at the Metropolitan Opera, Luciano Pavarotti would keep stashes of pasta in the wings to snack on between arias.
2024-04-18 22:20:31

ATCO #customer hotline: "Our #billing system has been upgraded! Now of course your #wait times are longer."
2024-05-20 08:54:02

NHS cardiology waiting lists
"The British Heart Foundation warns that heart care waiting lists are now at a record high, reaching 414,596 at the end of March 2024 in England, almost double what it was in 2020."
Another Guardian story about the NHS which ought to mention covid & doesn't.
(because having covid increases the likelihood of heart problems)
#NHS #heart #WaitingLists #covid