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2024-06-14 20:40:23

So, today, a lot of folk are talking about how a very bad man named Sean Hastings has been violently threatening Adam Shostack for years and years.
I know Adam and think of him as a friend and we are connected professionally and personally, and of course I knew about Sean Hastings, but I was unaware that today was the day that Adam was going to finally talk about his nightmare, and he didn't ask me to say anything about my own experiences with Sean or coordinate with me on this.
I can't speak to Adam's experience but I do feel the need to tell people what Sean Hastings did to me.
The first thing Sean Hastings did to me was give me money in 2015. I didn't know him. You can actually see his name right in the front of the acknowledgements to my book on women in tech - because he contributed $500 to the 2015 Kickstarter I ran to fund it.
This is before I'd met Adam Shostack; Adam and I met in early 2016 when we sat on a Federal Trade Commission panel together in Seattle on startup cybersecurity. Adam's a major nerd and we bonded immediately over game design and his incorrect preference of Star Wars over Star Trek.
But soon, I would find out that there were strings attached to Sean's contribution. Apparently he thought that by contributing to a Kickstarter, he could turn guilt screws on me about who I could talk to, and demanded my time to help him publish books on girls in tech.
He began sending me harassing messages and emails after I'd probably RTed something from Adam, demanding that I pay attention to his claims about Adam Shostack. I did what any normal femme in tech does, which is go do the grey network check on Adam. In 2016, I spoke to several extremely prominent and trusted friends and members of the infosec community. The “Good Guy vs. Creeper” check on Adam came back from my folk with a resounding "Adam's the victim here". And I know some serious operators in the "keeping women in the infosec world safe" space.
Sean subsequently began publicly and privately bombarding my social accounts and email with demands and guilt and claiming that he was behind my success and funded me. This looked to me like a man who tries to control women and others with money, and I would wear out the red flag emoji if I tried to properly emphasize that. There's plenty more on Xitter if you want to go searching.
I didn't and don't want to think about this, any more than anyone else wants to think about awful things, but violent angry dangerous men like Sean do seem to operate on their own schedule, and I anticipate that Adam's public statement may trigger Sean Hastings making another outburst against me and the many other people I'm now seeing coming forward.
One last thing. I've experienced some of the same kinds of horrific stalker behavior that Adam and others in the community have, and while it's not relevant to this here, Adam was a profound support to me when my life was getting torn apart by two very dangerous, angry, violent people making false claims about me several years ago. He knows exactly what it feels like, because I think he's lived it for a couple of decades.
So, it occurs to me that I've actually continued to benefit from that $500 that Sean Hastings contributed to that Kickstarter. In my experience, it makes people apoplectic to learn that their money went to something that they hate. So, below, you'll find some screenshots, and the last image is my proof pic for a $500 donation just now to Operation: Safe Escape, which supports victims of cyber stalking and domestic tech abuse like those Sean Hastings has targeted. That makes me feel a lot better and I didn't even realize I was carrying any guilt over it until just now. I strongly urge you to donate there as well if you were affected by this.
2024-06-14 10:52:00

#TGIQF: Zeit, dass sich was dreht – Das Quiz rund um Fußball-Spiele
Nicht nur zur Fußball-Europameisterschaft bewegt der runde Ball die Gamer: Unser Quiz rund um Fußballspiele fasst einige Highlights zusammen. Raten Sie mit!
2024-06-14 11:43:15

They found the references before I was even out of bed. Which I missed because I was trying to find early-2000s projects where I know I was using print styles (but then I scrolled down on Masto and whoops). Anyway, I enjoy a good historical spelunking.
2024-06-14 20:40:23

So, today, a lot of folk are talking about how a very bad man named Sean Hastings has been violently threatening Adam Shostack for years and years.
I know Adam and think of him as a friend and we are connected professionally and personally, and of course I knew about Sean Hastings, but I was unaware that today was the day that Adam was going to finally talk about his nightmare, and he didn't ask me to say anything about my own experiences with Sean or coordinate with me on this.
I can't speak to Adam's experience but I do feel the need to tell people what Sean Hastings did to me.
The first thing Sean Hastings did to me was give me money in 2015. I didn't know him. You can actually see his name right in the front of the acknowledgements to my book on women in tech - because he contributed $500 to the 2015 Kickstarter I ran to fund it.
This is before I'd met Adam Shostack; Adam and I met in early 2016 when we sat on a Federal Trade Commission panel together in Seattle on startup cybersecurity. Adam's a major nerd and we bonded immediately over game design and his incorrect preference of Star Wars over Star Trek.
But soon, I would find out that there were strings attached to Sean's contribution. Apparently he thought that by contributing to a Kickstarter, he could turn guilt screws on me about who I could talk to, and demanded my time to help him publish books on girls in tech.
He began sending me harassing messages and emails after I'd probably RTed something from Adam, demanding that I pay attention to his claims about Adam Shostack. I did what any normal femme in tech does, which is go do the grey network check on Adam. In 2016, I spoke to several extremely prominent and trusted friends and members of the infosec community. The “Good Guy vs. Creeper” check on Adam came back from my folk with a resounding "Adam's the victim here". And I know some serious operators in the "keeping women in the infosec world safe" space.
Sean subsequently began publicly and privately bombarding my social accounts and email with demands and guilt and claiming that he was behind my success and funded me. This looked to me like a man who tries to control women and others with money, and I would wear out the red flag emoji if I tried to properly emphasize that. There's plenty more on Xitter if you want to go searching.
I didn't and don't want to think about this, any more than anyone else wants to think about awful things, but violent angry dangerous men like Sean do seem to operate on their own schedule, and I anticipate that Adam's public statement may trigger Sean Hastings making another outburst against me and the many other people I'm now seeing coming forward.
One last thing. I've experienced some of the same kinds of horrific stalker behavior that Adam and others in the community have, and while it's not relevant to this here, Adam was a profound support to me when my life was getting torn apart by two very dangerous, angry, violent people making false claims about me several years ago. He knows exactly what it feels like, because I think he's lived it for a couple of decades.
So, it occurs to me that I've actually continued to benefit from that $500 that Sean Hastings contributed to that Kickstarter. In my experience, it makes people apoplectic to learn that their money went to something that they hate. So, below, you'll find some screenshots, and the last image is my proof pic for a $500 donation just now to Operation: Safe Escape, which supports victims of cyber stalking and domestic tech abuse like those Sean Hastings has targeted. That makes me feel a lot better and I didn't even realize I was carrying any guilt over it until just now. I strongly urge you to donate there as well if you were affected by this.
2024-06-14 16:27:01

Anatoliy Voloshyn: It was a challenge for me Anatoliy Voloshyn, a veteran from Mariupol. He volunteered to go to the front. He was almost killed by a shell that exploded right in front of him.Read abo Source :
2024-06-14 21:54:34

The main thing that's different and much worse is the 360-degree panoramic stereoscopic render.
Unity had a plug-in, and then a version upgrade made it so you didn't even need a plug-in and it was faster and better.
I had to write the Godot version and as a result it definitely isn't really right in ways that warp the shapes because I don't understand the maths.
It's also very slow.
I made some code to enable me to do it on dozens of Amazon machines, but doing that means a jump in the particle positions as you switch between render-slots. And then it was buggy and didn't even work for reasons I don't understand so I just let it render for a week on my one GPU since I was otherwise busy anyway.
2024-06-14 07:14:01

Yesterday I informed someone that he was now under US sanctions.
Nobody had told him, because he's just this guy; no notable political or corporate connections.
The US considers him part of the Russian war machine – but he is a tiny cog. Last year he helped in some jungle survival training. The client was Wagner. As far as we know, and as far as the US alleges, that's it, that's his entire association.
Then there was a G7 meeting, and the US needed a press release.
2024-06-14 13:24:43

Folks, just a quick apology, I was wrong: I just heard that GNOME’s screen recorder is apparently only meant to be used to create low-quality recordings to be added to bug reports.
(Apologies for assuming it was a professional-quality tool. The screenshots it takes don’t look bad so I just went and assumed the screencasts would be usable also. My bad.)
So please don’t use it to create any actual screencasts or anything. (You can use OBS if you need a real screen recording tool.)<…
2024-06-14 20:45:37

I was doing some deliveries for our pharmacy and I hadn't really looked at the weather report.
(So I didn't bring my jacket... I was soon about a regret this decision) About 45 minutes into my bike ride, it started to slowly rain and I looked at my weather app and noticed a massive spike of incoming rain. So I went to a spot nearby that I assumed I would be able to get some shelter under the trees which was the case for a while but then it slowly got worse and worse and worse.…