Just came back from Las Vegas & had a really great time doing everything I wanted to do including everything at Area15. Sure glad I didn't miss any----- WHAT THE @#$% THE CRYSTAL METHOD PERFORMING LIVE GODDAMMIT
Warum ich aktuell eher dazu tendiere die Grüüünen zu wählen.
1. Die CDU wird die stärkste Kraft werden, solange Merz nicht an der falschen Stelle lacht. Dann habe ich als Koalitionspartner lieber eine starke Grüne als eine starke SPD.
2. Noch lieber hätte ich eine starke Linke.
Aber die Kackfaschisten sind gerade bei 20%, Leute. Wir können nicht 10 x% linke Stimmen an der 5%-Hürde scheitern lassen.
NERDS leave X, join Bluesky and LinkedIn
*The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocen…
I posted the assortment of tools I've found for #Bluesky in this post including 3rd pty Bluesky clients, list/starter pack mgmt tools, Twitter migration tools & statistics reports. (Also the #Microsoft #StarterPacks
Sounds like Russia's tech industry - including internet, software, etc. - is seeing sharp declines in revenue, with widespread, major layoffs.
"The economy is in s***. It seems like everyone really needed IT specialists, there was a shortage of personnel, and all that. But the market has no money for development, the marketing tools have collapsed. Although both marketers and IT specialists are needed, there is no money. But everyone is hiding this."
In celebration of #Microsoft Corporation officially joining #BlueSky (per Comms Director, Frank X. Shaw)...
...here's a "Microsoft Product Group" Starter Pack of about 15 accounts so far. (I expect a lot more tomorrow. 😁)
The ruble has lost 1/3rd of its value vs. the yuan, but if you factor in OTHER extra costs...
China strongly limits Russian access to tech in mech. engineering, aviation, and microelectronics.
"...they openly tell us: if you want to get some technologies, buy the product as a whole. We say: no, at best we need components that we'll replace soon. They tell us: we understand this, but aren't going to do it at normal prices. Here is double the price - please.&…