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2024-06-17 16:33:52

Do us all a favor, don't argue in bad faith.
If you're debating something and the person you're debating with has a genuine question, answer the damn question.
If you just say "do your own research", you immediately lose the debate because someone cannot debate something they don't know about. If you don't give an answer, the other person will assume you don't know and will move on.
2024-04-17 00:50:01

Technical sysadmin-ish question. We've had our family mail hosted at a bullshit rinky-dink server since forever, we pay too much, and today we had a mail glitch because some bullshit automated IP address filter triggered.
So, what's the process for transferring a domain name, plus all the IMAP mail on those servers? We have ssh access to a server, even. I researched this once, I think something like "Dovecot" is part of the answer. Not sure if I should look at blueho…
2024-04-17 20:55:59

It annoys me more than it should to be asked questions which imply things that no one who knows me would dream of being true. Because I like participating in research studies and more mundanely am an old man with lots of doctors & a psychotherapist, I frequently am asked to complete screenings & surveys that are written for neurotypical/sociotypical people.
I answer factually but it bothers me because in doing so I am injecting noise into data that will be analyzed with bad ass…
2024-05-18 07:52:05

I'm off to the Great Escape today
Going to hear a bunch of gigs, but I'm also flyering and bothering people about this personal project of mine:
Take the survey here:

An A5 flyer that says:

Where do you find new music?

I'm researching how a diverse range of people discover music - answer my single question survey 🙌

There's a link to

and an email address
2024-06-17 08:37:18

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-05-18 07:52:05

I'm off to the Great Escape today
Going to hear a bunch of gigs, but I'm also flyering and bothering people about this personal project of mine:
Take the survey here:

An A5 flyer that says:

Where do you find new music?

I'm researching how a diverse range of people discover music - answer my single question survey 🙌

There's a link to

and an email address
2024-05-15 11:55:08

Chaos in Tesla's EV-charging unit after Musk gets angry at (female) chief & fires entire staff.
Construction contractor says Tesla staffers now contacting his company “don’t know a thing.”
Announced $500 million investment means 77% fewer new chargers per month than last year & still requires 100s of employees. Yet work has now been turned over to Energy team which was already struggling to meet its workload.
2024-06-10 23:17:19

Tired of endlessly sifting through multiple documents and resources when studying or researching? 🔍 NotebookLM, Google's AI-powered tool, can revolutionise your workflow when it comes to analysing all this data. 🚀
NotebookLM can summarise complex information, answer your questions, and even analyse images and charts! 🤯 It can even help with generating study guides with short form and essay style questions for you!
And the best part is that you can have separate, saved noteboo…

YouTube Thumbnail Image highlighting the Google logo with the caption "NotebookLM! The AI Powered Research Tool"
2024-06-13 14:49:00

If I were still managing a development team, I would outright ban #AI in planning meetings where folks should be talking and listening to each other.
I can imagine a future where folks are just typing prompts and regurgitating answers in meetings without thinking just to avoid saying the three most dreaded words of "I don't know”.
2024-05-15 11:55:08

Chaos in Tesla's EV-charging unit after Musk gets angry at (female) chief & fires entire staff.
Construction contractor says Tesla staffers now contacting his company “don’t know a thing.”
Announced $500 million investment means 77% fewer new chargers per month than last year & still requires 100s of employees. Yet work has now been turned over to Energy team which was already struggling to meet its workload.