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2024-04-09 21:03:57

At the hospital ER today some angry dude walked out of the waiting room and up to the nurse at the triage desk:
“I've been here for 25 minutes! How long is this going to take? ____ is not feeling any better!!”.
The nurse, who was very nicely helping us check in, and had helped the dozen or so others there, turned off the smile and just looked at him... dead pan stare… and said.
Angry-dude said some other stuff, then turned around and went back to the w…

Angry Watch Out GIF by BrownSugarApp

Trump’s threats to the rule of law continue
With powerful evidence, a conviction is likely.
If convicted, however, Trump will not be incarcerated (if at all) before all appeals are exhausted.
And that is unlikely to occur before the election.
If his conviction stands and he is elected, we face a constitutional issue:
Must a state “let him out” to serve as president?
Perhaps yes, but the remainder of any sentence would need to be served when (if!) he le…
2024-04-22 02:42:36

#WordWeavers April 21: If your MC's main skill evaporated, would they survive the story?
But that's not the most interesting answer, so let's tweak the question.
Child: Hey Dad, I've been thinking. You know how we're gonna trick the Angel to get home?
Duplicator: Sure. What's up?
Child: I just, what if you didn't have your duplicates? Wouldn'…