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2024-04-04 19:10:08

The iOS #calculator meme that’s going around where “50 50×2=” yields 150 and not 200, is a great example of *hidden states* in UX design.
Low-cost desktop calculators perform (most) operations strictly left-to-right: press any operator button ( -×÷), and the display is updated to show the result of the calculation so far, and *that* result becomes an operand for the operation. There is no o…

Apple’s iOS calculator showing the result of 50 + 50 × 2 as 150, without showing the expression.
PCalc clearly showing the expression 50 + 50 × 2 resulting in the answer 150.
2024-05-04 15:46:00

AngryGF: KI-Chatbot für Männer soll beim Umgang mit wütender Freundin helfen
Die KI-Chat-App "AngryGF" will Männer helfen, wütende Freundinnen zu beruhigen. Ein Übungsszenario lautet: "Mutter zuerst aus dem Fluss gerettet".
2024-03-04 01:34:31

"If you ever looked at the actions of the Trump administration and wondered, ‘Are they on drugs?’ — the answer was, in some cases, yes. Absolutely, yes."

Trump’s White House Was ‘Awash in Speed’ — and Xanax
Under Trump, the White House Medical Unit was “like the Wild West,” and staffers had easy access to powerful stimulants and sedatives, sources tell Rolling Stone
By Noah Shachtman, Asawin Suebsaeng	
March 3, 2024
2024-04-04 13:52:47

Biden was “angry”, “heartbroken”, and “outraged” by the genocide of the Palestinian people as he sold weapons to Israel to carry out the genocide of the Palestinian people.
And *that*, there, is his difference, people. He cares. He’s compassionate. In fact, he’s likely the most caring and compassionate arms dealer to ever fund a genocide.
And they say he’s just as bad as the other guy.
2024-06-03 21:18:22

physical science technician positions at USGS observatories in Alaska, Hawaii, or Washington #geology
2024-04-04 18:56:14

New app opportunity just dropped:
2024-04-04 15:45:59

Google expands Search Generative Experience to the UK, after launching it almost a year ago in the US, starting with some logged-in users (Chris Vallance/BBC)
2024-06-04 16:04:41

Black Flag – "Six Pack" (1981)
7" 45 RPM
Original SST pressing with black & white cover
This class punk anthem reminds me of the initial appeal I found in punk rock and underground music in general. Savage mockery of the worst parts of popular American culture, as it was at the time anyway.
Angry outsiders. The innately anti-authoritarian. These are my people!
Released 43 years ago this month, as @…

Album sleeve front cover artwork. Typical style of artist Raymond Pettibon. Black and white drawing of a man crouched in the corner of what appears to be a small room. "Black Flag" in large black letters, next to their "bars" logo. "Six Pack" in bottom right corner. 

Below is black 7" vinyl disc with red label for side one. "Six Pack"
Back of album jacket has black hand written lyrics for all three songs, on white paper background. Band members listed in upper right corner. 

Below is side two of black vinyl 7" disc, with red label.
2024-04-04 18:56:14

New app opportunity just dropped:
2024-06-03 14:22:00

CDU-Angriff: Lücke in Check Point Gateway soll Einfallstor gewesen sein
Eine kürzlich geschlossene Schwachstelle in Netzwerksicherheits-Produkten des Anbieters Check Point soll laut Insidern den Angriff auf CDU ermöglicht haben​.