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2024-05-05 07:40:08

Wasn’t feeling it today
#CellTower 731
2024-06-05 13:34:31

🎉 You can now use components and fragments in your Markdown pages in Kitten.
Following on from yesterday’s Markdown pages feature, you can now import components and fragments and use them in your Markdown pages to add dynamic functionality (similar to how it works in mdx but without using JSX).
(The “SCARY” text in the screencast is being randomly animated by a component.)


On the right, a browser with the Kitten Persistence tutorial page demonstrating the word Scary being animated by a component called Scary that is imported from the front matter of a Markdown page, an excerpt of which is shown in an editor on the left:

layout: ../Tutorials.layout.js
  - import Scary from './Scary.component.js'
title: Persistence
description: Learn how to persist information using Kitten’s build-in JavaScript Database (JSDB)
  - Persistence.
2024-05-07 00:49:04

Hey, you should try our new prescription medication! 💊
Side effects include: sneezing, wheezing, labored breathing, trouble speaking, sleeping, eating, hemorrhages, internal bleeding, feeling short of breath, nausea, dry mouth, cough, and fever, blockages of the ureter, choking, bloating, tremors, coma, stroke, or death, mood swings, muscle aches, weight gain, fugue states, osteoporosis, sudden psychosis, supercalifragilisticexpialidosis, masochism, vampirism, sudden necromanticism, phantom limbs, fanaticism, chronic déjŠ vu, transient telepathy, changes in your destiny, ancient forms of leprosy, chronic déjŠ vu, loss of hair: hair, weight, smell, taste, balance, vision, hearing, strength, loss of memory, will to live, sense of self, fucks to give.
⚠️ Do not take this medicine if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or a human person. Ask your doctor if it's right for you.
2024-06-05 16:30:04

Can you name these CONVICTED FELONS?
2024-05-05 13:44:00

This weekend it's "days of open atelier" in Brandenburg country. We've visited the wonderful place of Silke Schmidt. It's quite magical #Uckermark

Four-panel image showing sketches of a girl with flowing hair and birds flying around on the first two panels, and a sketch of a seated woman reflected in a mirror on the third panel. The fourth panel depicts the reflection of the girl sketch blurred as if
Artwork depicting a line drawing of a young girl's face with a bird perched to the right, set against a blue-gradient background, displayed on a wall.
A framed painting depicting an interior scene with a chandelier is displayed on a surface, with another artwork partially visible in the background.
2024-06-06 02:48:40

What a BURN 🔥🔥🔥
“After its reputation went up in flames, Humane warns users its charging case may too”
#humane #ai #AIPin
2024-06-05 19:48:43

"where should we go today?" – "wherever the wind blows us!" #squirrelcontent

cartoon with two little grey-white flying squirrels sitting on the brach of a tree.
in the first panel the left one asks "where should we go today?", to which the right one says "wherever the wind blows us!" with its arms wide open. 
on the secobd panel the left one says "not much wind", and the right one says "you're right. let's stay home."
2024-06-05 12:37:37

More #godotengine goodness is coming in the next release of #JetBrainsRider.
The support for #GDScript is going to be awesome.
2024-04-05 15:53:18

uh oh!
The following warning/error was logged by the smartd daemon:
Device: /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST3320620AS_3QF00BSV, Self-Test Log error count increased from 0 to 1
$ readlink /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST3320620AS_3QF00BSV
Maybe you don't make your 15th birthday, sdd. 🙁
Need to speed up with getting shot of this machine.

Screenshot of the output of a Linux command:

'$ ./

sdd 123715 hours (14.11 years) 0.29TiB ST3320620AS
sdb 119080 hours (13.58 years) 0.29TiB ST3320620AS
sda 117550 hours (13.40 years) 0.29TiB ST3320620AS
sdk 82076 hours ( 9.36 years) 2.73TiB WDC WD30EZRX-00D sdh 71195 hours ( 8.12 years) 0.91TiB Hitachi HUA72201 sde 50923 hours ( 5.80 years) 0.91TiB SanDisk SDSSDH31 sdc 44356 hours ( 5.05 years) 0.29TiB ST3320418AS
sdf 33935 hours ( 3.87 years) 1.82TiB Samsung SSD 860 sdj 338…
2024-06-06 13:51:41

Ich hab grad mal einen Blick in die Allgemeinen Nutzungsbedingungen von Adobe geworfen.
Während auf Deutsch unter Ziffer 2.2 steht "Adobe darf nur in Ausnahmefällen und in begrenztem Maße auf Ihre Inhalte [...] zugreifen" steht in der englischen Fassung, welche gem. 18.1 massgebend ist, "We may access, view, or listen to your Content [...] through both automated and manual methods, but only in limited ways, and only as permitted by law."

2.2 Zugriff durch Adobe auf Ihre Inhalte. Adobe darf nur in Ausnahmefällen und in begrenztem Maße auf Ihre Inhalte (gemäß Definition in untenstehender Ziffer 4.1 (Inhalte)) zugreifen, oder diese ansehen oder anhören und nur im gesetzlich zulässigen Rahmen.
Our Access to Your Content. We may access, view, or listen to your Content (defined in section 4.1 (Content) below) through both automated and manual methods, but only in limited ways, and only as permitted by law.