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2024-05-04 23:44:29

Out and about in [[Winterthur]]
2024-04-29 18:56:22

Is [[Putin]] a cryptofascist or something else? Just a garden variety [[totalitarian]]?
All takes welcome! Please be civil in comments -- I am asking earnestly and I hope we can use the internet to have an honest conversation about facts and opinions with global relevance without violent interactions. If you like Putin, please also feel free to engage and voice your opinions!
2024-04-29 11:14:53

Started listening to the [[Digha Nikaya]], enjoying it right away :)
2024-04-29 11:13:10

I'm back (after 10-14 days)!
What did I miss? :)
2024-05-28 20:42:28
Content warning: Philosophy

Could [[bugs]] be conscious?
If not individually, maybe in numbers. As they swarm and explore the universe like we do.