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2024-06-06 00:58:06

Time For 9 o'clock #HashTagGames hosted by @…
Seems like the news is reporting famous people getting new felonies everyday. Let's play!

Poster Meme announcing New Game

Featured image, large blue hashTag and 
 9 o'clock Hashtag

How to play

 Write something awesome, Use the Hashtag, Toot/Post and Repeat!

Please Boost

Hashtag Games on Mastodon and the entire Fediverse.

 hosted by @paul@OldFriends.Live

Every Night, 9PM EST, (6PM PT / 1AM GMT / 2AM CET / 12PM AEDT / 2PM  NZST)
Proudly hosting daily games since November 16, 2022
2024-04-05 14:30:29

I have a longtime habit of abruptly making a flurry of clicking/popping sounds with my mouth as a way of expressing feelings, fulfilling a similar function to swearing, for example.
However, now that I'm going to college I've been struggling with occasionally starting to do this and then catching myself once I register what's happening. I can't tell if other people aren't bringing it up just to be nice, or really if my feelings of embarrassment are rational. What…

Edited screenshot of a tiktok with text that reads "I love hanging out w ppl that make random noises out of the blue. Like reajdiejdibeep bop boop dinggg to you too babe."
2024-05-06 19:37:45

Women’s Rights Are Essential to Democracy. Why Do Philanthropists Treat Investments in Women as a Special Interest? - Ms. Magazine
2024-05-03 08:18:38

Hi @…,
do you maybe have an idea, why your script ( f…
2024-04-03 09:48:03

Interesting research: Long #COVID in a highly vaccinated but largely unexposed Australian population following the 2022 SARS‐CoV‐2 Omicron wave: a cross‐sectional survey

Numbers of symptoms reported by adult Western Australian residents with long COVID who responded to our long COVID survey, 14 October – 1 November 2022*
2024-05-05 11:38:27

The swifts (Mauersegler) are back. We’ve been waiting for them for some days now. Today my wife and I were talking about it and then spotted the first scouts. We love their joy, play and acrobatics in the sky. Soon there will be hundreds around. But hard to photograph because they are so fast.

Swifts in the sky flying really fast
2024-04-06 06:38:29

Honestly, the worst effect of the xz/sshd exploit is the evaporation of trust in #OpenSource.
There's this new prolific contributor. I haven't looked in great detail, but they're seemingly doing great work. All pull requests are nicely annotated as to ease review. Really, everything you could wish for. But what if it's a bad actor trying to quickly build trust?
Then this contributor kindly pings assignee a week after filing the PR. Well, nothing wrong with that. It makes sense. But then, what if it's a bad actor trying to pressure maintainers?
Or perhaps it's just a great, well-organized #Gentoo contributor.
2024-04-06 09:57:10

"It’s a people problem, not an accessibility problem", by
2024-03-06 19:40:11
Content warning: #USpol

Good article on yesterday's voting results for POTUS.
I keep thinking of how the media is pushing these (inaccurate) polls. I expect it to be a key context for the inevitable shenanigans we'll see from Republicans.
They'll claim voter fraud (as always), find a way to push some swing state vote counts to the courts --> SCOTUS --> installation.
And even non-partisans will refer back to "all those polls over the past few months showed it was really cl…

Text from article: 

So, to sum up, the pollsters are using the 1% “weirdos” who bother to complete polls, whom they know are political extremists, to create datasets and publish polls that are way, way off, creating totally false narratives and expectations.

Pollsters can’t be too openly critical of their own industry because that would put them out of a job. But these polls are so useless and wrong that the public is actually worse off from being told about them at all.

If the national poll…
2024-05-05 17:34:41

Mostly good win. Kind of shows who #LFC really are. Streaky and turbulent, but overall capable of some beautiful play. For 70 minutes Liverpool looked outstanding and free-flowing in attack. Sadly, still guilty of some defensive narcolepsy at times.
Richarlison and Maddison coming on changed the game, while Liverpool’s subs weren’t at all impactful.