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2024-05-31 21:20:29

2024-06-04 07:22:25

Evaluating Uncertainty-based Failure Detection for Closed-Loop LLM Planners
Zhi Zheng, Qian Feng, Hang Li, Alois Knoll, Jianxiang Feng
2024-06-04 07:22:25

Evaluating Uncertainty-based Failure Detection for Closed-Loop LLM Planners
Zhi Zheng, Qian Feng, Hang Li, Alois Knoll, Jianxiang Feng
2024-03-09 14:54:01

Hi friends! I was just out for a quick hike with my wife. Lovely sunny weather with just some snow at the top. It's weird because I feel so tired. That's also why I haven't been posting for a couple of days. But I'm sure things are going to be better soon!
Enjoy your Saturday!

This image captures a serene, wintry landscape, dominated by a freshly snow-covered path that invites the viewer into a tranquil outdoor scene. The path, edged by the soft, undisturbed snow, meanders gently through a sparse forest of trees, their branches heavy with snow, creating a picturesque winter tableau. The sky above is a vast expanse of subtle gradations, from the lightest of blues to the softest of whites, with clouds scattered across it, hinting at the quiet cold of a winter's day. Th…
This image captures a serene, picturesque scene of a grassy hill adorned with sporadic trees, unfolding against the majestic backdrop of a mountain range. The lush greenery of the hill contrasts beautifully with the deep blue sky overhead, suggesting a clear day without a cloud in sight. The mountains in the distance add a sense of grandeur and wilderness to the landscape, evoking a feeling of tranquil highland scenery. The composition suggests the image could be situated in a national park or …
2024-03-21 06:48:40

CheckMate: Evaluating Checkpointing Protocols for Streaming Dataflows
George Siachamis, Kyriakos Psarakis, Marios Fragkoulis, Arie van Deursen, Paris Carbone, Asterios Katsifodimos
2024-05-13 15:13:16

Another great example of (charitably) Kruger-Dunning (or more realistically, towering naivity) among the vljmstoligy community.
The reason GHG emissions still aren't falling far or fast enough to avoid global catastrophe is "lack of political will" and "corporate vested interests". The fact is that governments of even nations with undemocratic and tyrannical regimes are in the hands of the populace in the medium to long term. How long would, say, Putin remain in power if he announced a ten year programme to tax meat to the point it's a rare luxury reserved for the wealthy, to transition from petrol and diesel fuels, a crash programme to dump coal and gas for power generation and heating and roll out renewables, abolishing hidden subsidies for concrete manufactures to ensure the the emission externalities are priced in, virtual bans on civilian aviation and so on? Certainly there'd be an interesting Keynesian multiplier effect from all the expenditure and investment*, but he'd still be dangling from a metaphorical lamppost within a few years.
*actually the debt incurred would cause huge inflation.
The other big problem, still, is lack of public understanding. There's "awareness", but here are still huge misapprehension. Eg., many people still seem to think thst net zero would mean a return to mid-20thC climates; people still don't grasp the consequences of passing major tipping thresholds, or that many climate elements (ice sheet melting, ocean circulations,..) have multi-decadal or multi-century lags before reaching a final equilibrium. And they still have no clue how fragile civilisation is, or what life in 2100 -- or 2050! - will be like.
I remain more optimistic than I was 25y ago when I first started taking an interest, though. 2.5°C still looks plausible to me, if current reductions continue to accelerate, given a few weather megadisasters to chivvy us along.
2024-03-21 06:48:40

CheckMate: Evaluating Checkpointing Protocols for Streaming Dataflows
George Siachamis, Kyriakos Psarakis, Marios Fragkoulis, Arie van Deursen, Paris Carbone, Asterios Katsifodimos
2024-03-19 07:31:48

Mechanical effects of carboxymethylcellulose binder in hard carbon electrodes
Anne Sawhney (Swansea University, SPECIFIC Information and Knowledge Centre), Emmanuel Shittu (Swansea University, SPECIFIC Information and Knowledge Centre), Ben Morgan (Swansea University), Elizabeth Sackett (Swansea University), Jenny Baker (Swansea University, SPECIFIC Information and Knowledge Centre)