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2024-06-16 06:39:07

good thread on Biden's failings w.r.t covid
See e.g. this story of the flipflop from $2000 promised to $1400 delivered:
#Biden #covid

I’d wanted to interview Jennifer Harris for years.
She has been the quiet intellectual force behind the Biden administration’s economic policies,
and she seemed key to understanding why both parties in Washington had walked away from free trade and neoliberalism
— the belief that free markets will bring prosperity and democracy around the world.
These matters felt personal to me.
I spent much of the Trump administration following steelworkers in Indiana who los…
2024-06-17 23:31:19

I've long been fond of the phrase, "the bottom falling out of the bucket" as a reference in #Zen to a kind of irreversible awakening experience. It's used in the 12th c. *Blue Cliff Record.* This story appears to be from a century later, but it's nice (from Paul Reps' *Zen Flesh, Zen Bones*):

When the nun Chiyono studied Zen under Bukko of Engaku she was unable to attain the fruits of meditation for a long time.
At last one moonlit night she was carrying water in an old pail bound with bamboo. The bamboo broke and the bottom fell out of the pail, and at that moment Chiyono was set freel
In commemoration, she wrote a poem:

In this way and that I tried to save the old pail 
Since the bamboo strip was weakening and about
to break
Until at last the bottom fell out. 
No more water in th…
2024-06-16 23:01:59

Raiders Offense Is Playing Catch Up
2024-06-17 08:47:18

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-06-18 07:03:56

Time-dependent density functional theory study of induced-fission dynamics of $^{226}$Th
B. Li, D. Vretenar, T. Nik\v{s}i\'c, P. W. Zhao, J. Meng