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2024-12-17 23:05:07

This situation actually reminds me a bit of the dotcom bubble collapse in the late '90s / early '00s, with slight differences.
Declining stocks & VC led to a bunch of startups initially being unable to obtain additional funding. To make matters worse, ad demand started falling, leading to lower revenues for ad-based internet services.
In this case, a decline of ad demand is trailing dotcom revenue shortages. I suspect currency & stock weakness & a slowing econ…
2024-11-11 07:09:15

#Blakes7 Series D, Episode 08 - Games
TARRANT: Well not exactly. These things chuck the lot at you. Flying the real thing's nothing after one of these.
GAMBIT: Countdown eight minutes, still running.
2024-12-03 17:22:07

Der Trailer des Lernort Kislau. Ansehen und vor allem auch die Playliste weitergeben. Demokratie bewahren. Nie wieder ist jetzt.
2024-11-27 06:25:02

I think my daughter gets me. A for accuracy. Also, the disco ball is a nice touch.

Drawing of a skeleton, with it's eyes falling out, scratches and blood on it's skull, but happily listening to music on some headphones.
2024-10-25 06:54:07
Content warning: CN Antisemitismus (von Links)

#OTD Am 25.10.2009 verhindern anti-imperialistische Linke in Hamburg die Vorführung des Filmes »Warum Israel« von Claude Lanzmann im Kino B-Movie. Zuschauer*innen werden antisemitisch und homofeindlich beschimpft, einige körperlich attakiert. Eine Zäsur.

Fronttranspi am Startpunkt der Demo des Bündnis gegen Hamburger Unzumutbarkeiten am 13.12.2009:»Antisemitische Schläger unmöglich machen. Auch Linke.«
2024-11-04 19:18:30

Ce jeudi 7 novembre 2024 au Falamix Š #Renens 📌
Merci de partager !
#intergen #informatique #clicensemble #Vaud
2024-11-28 12:59:10

[ April 28, 2025] CFP for publication or other deadline: null