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2024-06-05 13:34:31

🎉 You can now use components and fragments in your Markdown pages in Kitten.
Following on from yesterday’s Markdown pages feature, you can now import components and fragments and use them in your Markdown pages to add dynamic functionality (similar to how it works in mdx but without using JSX).
(The “SCARY” text in the screencast is being randomly animated by a component.)


On the right, a browser with the Kitten Persistence tutorial page demonstrating the word Scary being animated by a component called Scary that is imported from the front matter of a Markdown page, an excerpt of which is shown in an editor on the left:

layout: ../Tutorials.layout.js
  - import Scary from './Scary.component.js'
title: Persistence
description: Learn how to persist information using Kitten’s build-in JavaScript Database (JSDB)
  - Persistence.
2024-05-04 16:34:40

#BikeStreak, Day 34: Mostly #quaxing, especially doing groceries. Not many kilometers yet (1.75km), but many kilograms: Frontbag 14kg, rear bag 10kg (beverages), #Brompton with

A folded red-white Brompton sitting on a swung out platform at the rear end of a shopping cart originally meant to put crates of beverages there. It's saved against falling off with an orange strap between the bag hook of the cart and the trailer hook of the Brompton
A folded red-white Brompton sitting on a swung out platform at the rear end of a shopping cart originally meant to put crates of beverages there. It's saved against falling off with an orange strap between the bag hook of the cart and the trailer hook of the Brompton
2024-05-03 08:45:39

Filing: Google pushes back on Epic's demands following its antitrust win, says the proposed remedies are "unnecessary" and "far beyond the scope" of the verdict (Sarah Perez/TechCrunch)
2024-04-04 00:33:16

“Though the last Matrix movie was basically a warning about corporations sucking the life out of iconic pieces of subversive IP, Warner Bros. Discovery is already going back to the well.”
The Matrix is coming back for a fifth movie
2024-04-05 15:36:30

After getting yet another bug report about #Python package (this time #VirtualEnv) failing to build, because the user did not have new enough #TroveClassifiers installed, I've filed a bug asking #Hatchling to make trove classifier validation either optional or non-fatal.
Right now this simply is not feasible. Technically, every package would need to specify a *minimal* `trove-classifiers` package dependency based on the classifiers they used, and we would have to keep these versions in every #Gentoo ebuild. However, that's unlikely to ever happen, so we'd actually have to check all listed trove classifiers and map them back to package versions. Or, more realistically, just always depend on the newest trove-classifiers available and hope we don't forget to update the dependency.
#PEP517 #packaging
2024-05-03 01:30:43

Sometimes I'm like, "he's 12, he should really be packing his own school lunch now." And then he does shit like this.

A plastic takeout container filled with something red. It's a white bottom with a clear lid; clearly different (and incompatible) pieces. Because it doesn't close properly, it is sloppily wrapped in gray duct tape.
Side view of same container. You can see that it's overstuffed with red pepper; it should've been in a container twice the size. The tape is failing to keep the lid shut, and contents are spilling out.
2024-04-05 07:17:16

Even-Odd Layer-Dependent Exchange Bias Effect in MnBi2Te4 Chern Insulator Devices
Bo Chen, Xiaoda Liu, Yu-Hang Li, Han Tay, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Moses. H. W. Chan, Jiaqiang Yan, Fengqi Song, Ran Cheng, Cui-Zu Chang
2024-05-06 07:29:17

Angular momentum transfer in cosmological simulations of Milky Way-mass discs
Cameron W. Trapp, Du\v{s}an Kere\v{s}, Philip F. Hopkins, Claude-Andr\'e Faucher-Gigu\`ere
2024-05-02 15:31:24

If you need a super simple native feeling #Laravel Authorization #package, this one may tickle your fancy
2024-04-04 22:55:41

Filing: Meta rejects the FTC's bid to amend its 2020 privacy settlement, saying it voluntarily disclosed two Messenger Kids bugs and had no parent complaints (Leah Nylen/Bloomberg)