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2024-04-02 16:47:33

✈️ Once high-flying bankers in Hong Kong become a lost generation
2024-06-01 06:26:32

Eine Person hat grad auf Facebook mitgeteilt, dass sie sich das Buch "Advanced Tactical and Strategic Missile Guidance" runtergeladen hat und nun lernt, Lenkwaffen-Steuerung zu programmieren.
Fühle mich unterlegen, hab bis jetzt nur das Schweizer Standard-Handbuch für Guerilla-Kriegsführung gelesen.

Buchcover Der totale Widerstand, Kleinkriegsanleitung für jedermann, Major Hans von Dach
2024-04-03 08:49:16

This has been replaced.
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2024-03-27 08:27:28

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2024-04-11 17:06:53

I think it's inevitable that AI-penned music will take over TikTok since they will not owe any rights holders money, which means they keep all of it.
UMG/Warner (and thence artists) will be fucked once we have a couple of viral AI songs on there
From: @…

A screenshot of a social media post announcing the return of Taylor Swift's music to TikTok following a breakdown in negotiations between Universal Music Group and TikTok earlier in the year.
2024-03-29 08:42:42

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2024-03-13 06:57:11

The Nikodym property and filters on $\omega$
Tomasz \.Zuchowski