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2024-03-06 19:56:32

#SouthAfrica today filed a new application for additional #Gaza measures with the International Court of Justice.
It accuses Israel of deliberate acts that are causing famine, and says the ICJ has one last chance to save many lives.
Make Israel halt its attack on Gaza or Palestinians will starve, SA tells ICJ in new filing
2024-05-04 10:30:17

Digital Reading Tools for K-5 Readers #tcea #tceajmg:
2024-03-06 19:56:32

#SouthAfrica today filed a new application for additional #Gaza measures with the International Court of Justice.
It accuses Israel of deliberate acts that are causing famine, and says the ICJ has one last chance to save many lives.
Make Israel halt its attack on Gaza or Palestinians will starve, SA tells ICJ in new filing
2024-03-06 20:03:03

People kept asking me to change usernames and deactivate old accounts on my website, so tomorrow I'm releasing an update that will finally let them do it themselves. I will finally be able to forget about this :neofox_sob:

Screenshot of the top of the settings page on Text reads as follows:

User settings
Username: demirramon (change)
Email: (change)
Change password
Popup that shows up upon clicking on the "change" link next to the username. It contains the following text:

About changing your username.

You can only change your username once every 3 months.
If someone chooses your old username, you will not be able to get it back.
We will attempt to change mentions to your username in comments, bios, and user content descriptions.

Do you understand and want to continue?
A title that says "danger zone", with a red button below with the text "deactivate account".
Popup that shows up after clicking on "deactivate account". It contains the following text:

You are about to deactivate your account!
Doing so means the following:
- Your account and profile will be disabled.
- Your user content will be unpublished.
- Any content bookmarked by other users will be locked and unusable.

Do you want to continue?
2024-04-03 10:00:55

Sources: crypto VC firm Paradigm is in talks to raise $750M to $850M for a new fund, which would be the largest since the crash; a16z raised $4.5B in May 2022 (Hannah Miller/Bloomberg)
2024-06-05 12:37:37

More #godotengine goodness is coming in the next release of #JetBrainsRider.
The support for #GDScript is going to be awesome.

Prosecutor aims to show Trump at center of personal and company finances as Trump Organization controller testifies – live
Trump lawyer McConney acknowledged that Cohen’s reimbursement for $180,000
– which prosecutors allege was falsely recorded as “legal expenses”
– was the only expense in his roughly 35 years at Trump Org he knew of that was grossed up for tax purposes.
2024-06-05 22:41:25

Ep 1978: Anger and despair at the the West’s callous indifference to Palestinian suffering. #Gaza-born @ShahdAbusalama talks to Eamon<…
2024-04-30 02:32:42
2024-04-04 10:50:19

This story will be news to exactly no one who follows online transit talk. (So much so that I'm not going to use up one of my gift links on it.)