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2024-05-05 13:44:00

This weekend it's "days of open atelier" in Brandenburg country. We've visited the wonderful place of Silke Schmidt. It's quite magical #Uckermark

Four-panel image showing sketches of a girl with flowing hair and birds flying around on the first two panels, and a sketch of a seated woman reflected in a mirror on the third panel. The fourth panel depicts the reflection of the girl sketch blurred as if
Artwork depicting a line drawing of a young girl's face with a bird perched to the right, set against a blue-gradient background, displayed on a wall.
A framed painting depicting an interior scene with a chandelier is displayed on a surface, with another artwork partially visible in the background.
2024-04-06 02:00:57

FTC lawsuit filings: Instagram had ad revenues of $22B in 2020, or 26% of Meta's total revenue, $32.4B in 2021, or 27% of Meta's revenue, and $16.5B in H1 2022 (Bloomberg)
2024-03-06 19:35:40

In a letter, 41 state AGs call on Meta to address the "dramatic increase" in Facebook and Instagram account takeovers and say hackers buy ads on its services (Dell Cameron/Wired)
2024-06-05 16:30:04

Can you name these CONVICTED FELONS?
2024-06-06 02:26:16

Mitt Romney bows to Trump, because that's what Republicans do -
2024-05-05 16:29:33

An den Bäumen war mir kein Rückstand aufgefallen, aber in Flensburg blühten gestern noch die Osterglocken.

Ein Narzissenfeld im abendlichen Gegenlicht
eine interessante Narzisse, den Blüten als Dolde wachsen. sie ist weiß und die Blätter werden von hinten angeleuchtet.
ein Feld mit weißen Narzissen, der inneres gelb ist.
zwei Narzissenköpfe als ne Aufnahme
2024-05-05 16:29:33

An den Bäumen war mir kein Rückstand aufgefallen, aber in Flensburg blühten gestern noch die Osterglocken.

Ein Narzissenfeld im abendlichen Gegenlicht
eine interessante Narzisse, den Blüten als Dolde wachsen. sie ist weiß und die Blätter werden von hinten angeleuchtet.
ein Feld mit weißen Narzissen, der inneres gelb ist.
zwei Narzissenköpfe als ne Aufnahme
2024-04-06 02:00:57

FTC lawsuit filings: Instagram had ad revenues of $22B in 2020, or 26% of Meta's total revenue, $32.4B in 2021, or 27% of Meta's revenue, and $16.5B in H1 2022 (Bloomberg)
2024-04-05 14:25:34

Meta plans to label a wider range of video, audio and image content as "Made with AI" starting in May, following feedback from its independent Oversight Board (Ryan Heath/Axios)
2024-04-05 14:25:34

Meta plans to label a wider range of video, audio and image content as "Made with AI" starting in May, following feedback from its independent Oversight Board (Ryan Heath/Axios)