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2024-06-15 16:05:47

Apple may not be bringing Apple Intelligence to iPhone 15, which has 6GB of RAM vs. iPhone 15 Pro's 8GB, due to RAM requirements for on-device AI processing (Andrew Williams/Wired)
2024-06-13 18:57:52

Apparently OpenAI isn’t even getting paid by Apple. They’re giving their goods away for free — for •exposure•.
L friggin O L
2024-05-18 23:22:43

We are approaching the point where tens of millions of people in Miami, New Orleans, Houston, etc are not going to be able to sell their homes after insurers pull out and values crash. There's going to be a lot of bewilderment.
Temps in the mid 2020s could level off for a few years, after solar max and El Nino, but won't drop much, probably linger around 1.5C for a few years before climbing again. Time is short to sell property there while there are still ppl dumb enuf to buy.…
2024-06-06 05:49:00

Börse: Nvidia knackt 3-Billionen-Dollar-Marke
Nvidia hat einen Meilenstein beim Börsenwert erreicht. Das Chip-Unternehmen löst Apple als zweitwertvollstes Unternehmen ab.
2024-04-10 05:22:38

Of course, I can't start a day without being awfully angry about some shit.
So #Gentoo suddenly undoes USE=lzma [and USE=zstd] that used to be enabled by default in 23.0 profiles, apparently based on "consensus" on the mailing lists. The "consensus" boils down to one conspiracy theorist developer complaining, and being supported by 3 users whose Gentoo contributions boil down to having to express their opinions on everything on the mailing list.
This isn't only a problem, because Gentoo is letting itself be controlled by a vocal minority. This is a problem, because we've enabled something that can affect program output, told everyone to upgrade and rebuild their systems, then pulled the carpet from under them.
Wait, did that random app start using LZMA compression now that you've enabled it? Well, bad luck, you won't be able to open your files anymore. Surely, there's no better #security than not being able to do anything!
Unfortunately, sys-apps/kmod had explicit IUSE= lzma by default for a while now, so there's still a risk that you'll be able to boot your system. That's not good for security at all!
2024-04-17 17:18:03

Smartmatic ‘concerned about its ability to collect’ massive legal fees from MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, saying he’s ‘millions of dollars in arrears’ to his own former lawyers
2024-04-15 17:09:47

The Thymus is a critical component of your immune system. Without a well-functioning thymus, you'll eventually die because your body won't be able to learn how to fight new pathogens.
Unfortunately, the thymus degrades in function throughout your life. The maximum human lifespan of 120 years is due, almost exclusively, to thymic "involution" or degradation.
**Finding a way to slow or reverse thymic involution would improve and extend hundreds of millions of liv…
2024-04-17 17:18:03

Smartmatic ‘concerned about its ability to collect’ massive legal fees from MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, saying he’s ‘millions of dollars in arrears’ to his own former lawyers
2024-04-03 19:29:40

In 2022, prescription drug prices in the US were 278% more expensive than they were in similar countries.
Medicare being able to negotiate certain drug prices will lead to significant cost reductions for millions.
Don’t forget that every single Republican voted against this.
2024-06-07 11:18:27

Nur Microsoft bleibt mit 3,15 Billionen Dollar noch vor Nvidia. 📈
Zum Artikel:

Im Bild sieht man das Nvidia-Logo.

In der Überschrift steht: "Nvidia ist nun wertvoller als Apple" dadrunter steht "Der US-amerikanische Chip-Konzern Nvidia hat einen Börsenwert von 3 Billionen US-Dollar überschritten."