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2024-06-01 13:30:20
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It's the #DayOfDionysos here at Erotic Mythology! 🍇
"Beardless #Ampelos, they say, a Nymph's and a Satyr's son, was loved by #Bacchus [Dionysos] on Ismarian hills. He truste…

Roman onyx cameo depicting the god Bacchus in the nude, his arm slung around his satyr friend. The satyr is wearing a kilt around his looins and holds the god's thyrsos as he gazes adoringly at him. The image is worked in white on a brown background.
2024-06-01 18:03:24

Yep one of these is goin’ on the Harley!
2024-06-01 18:03:24

Yep one of these is goin’ on the Harley!
2024-05-29 10:00:12

We are happy to introduce our Event & Media Partner -! Find out more about them by visiting their website #bbuzz

Event & Media Partner -
2024-03-27 16:33:45

Tell me, my Christian friends: Is a Bible more valuable or trustworthy when it is “endorsed” by an adulterer, fraud, and rapist?
2024-03-28 18:04:59

Costs and CO2 emissions to get across the Salish Sea for a family of 4. (Nanaimo-Vancouver)
One way totals:
BCF w/ car: $129.95 25kgCO2
BCF w/o car: $80.40 25kgCO2
SeaAir: $502.80 38kgCO2
Hullo Ferry: $180.56 46.8kgCO2
These are the kinds of conversations we should be having around carbon pricing, affordability, and responsibility. Not stupid nonsense "axe-the-tax” click bait crap.
See Image Alt for more details.

A screenshot of 4 panels in two rows and columns showing purchase screens from BC Ferries across the top and SeaAir and Hullo Ferry left and right respectively on the bottom row. I have added in red the Share of Sailing or Flight CO2 emissions in an appropriate place beside the total fares of each one way trip. I have also added a CO2 emissions total on the Total costs line at the bottom.  For BC Ferries it is 5kg per passenger, so 25kg for 4 people one way and 50kg return.  On $249 total with …
2024-03-29 15:53:32

"When we saw [RFK,Jr.]... use images of my father, and... heard about this event [honoring Cesar Chavez Day], it... prompted us to stand up and make sure that people understood that the Chavez family does not support his campaign.” Members are endorsing #Biden today.
2024-04-28 16:50:11

Selenskyj: Bald Sicherheitsabkommen mit den USA
Die Ukraine und die USA bereiten nach den Worten von Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj ein bilaterales Sicherheitsabkommen vor. "Wir arbeiten bereits an einem konkreten Text", sagte Selenskyj in seiner abendlichen Videoansprache. Ziel sei, daraus das stärkste von allen Sicherheitsabkommen zu machen. Kiew hat in den vergangenen Monaten bereits eine Reihe vo…
2024-04-25 02:57:33

'Donald Trump is incapable of running anything': Union
2024-03-29 15:53:32

"When we saw [RFK,Jr.]... use images of my father, and... heard about this event [honoring Cesar Chavez Day], it... prompted us to stand up and make sure that people understood that the Chavez family does not support his campaign.” Members are endorsing #Biden today.