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2024-06-07 16:36:59

:kitten: Say hello to the new Kitten web site! 🎉
Like Kitten itself, it’s a baby but will be evolving quickly as they approach API version 1 together.
PS. Of course it’s written in Kitten itself. It doesn’t do anything fancy but here…

Screenshot of the main page of the Kitten web site at

Title: Kitten

Nav: Home, Tutorials, Reference, Credits, FAQ, Fund Us

A 💕 Small Web development kit.

Build using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Progressively enhance with Streaming HTML and htmx.
Go beyond traditional web apps to create peer-to-peer 💕 Small Web apps.
Free as in freedom, small as in Small Technology.

Callout with pink background:  🍼 Kitten is still a baby. Expect breaking changes until API versio…
Screenshot of Kitten web site; main page, scrolled with the System requirements collapsible area under the Get started heading open:

System requirements

- Linux, macOS, and Windows (WSL 2).
- Bash version 5.x+.
- Common developer tools and system utilities (git, tar, tee, and xz).

Heading: Install
Tabs: Linux (selected), macOS, Windows

Selected Linux tab:
Run the following command in a terminal window (or, use curl):

wget -qO- | bash

Copy button
Screenshot of the main page of the Kitten web site, scrolled to the Play section showing a video of yours truly (white-passing guy with short brown hair and glasses in a room lit with a blue-lit background. I’m looking at two windows superimposed on my screen. Top window is a browser with a tab titled Counter. In it is a counter at 5 with plus and minus buttons. Under it is an editor showing the code for the counter component that rendered it:

const Count = () => kitten.html`
Screenshot of a tutorial page (Index > 6. Kitten’s interactive Shell (REPL) 🐢) on the Kitten web site.

A callout is partially visible under the title/breadcrumb navigation:

Explore Kitten’s interactive shell (REPL) to inspect your database and get introduced to the concept of Kitten components.

Topics covered
How to launch and use Kitten’s interactive shell (REPL).
Exploring the global kitten object.

The heading and navigation is the same as in the first screenshot.
2024-06-06 20:38:12

I am increasingly feeling like this has to be a bad dream.
The entire #GOP has been falling in line behind #Trump and openly promising increasingly unhinged anti-American behaviors as a group both now in reaction to the convictions and in their fever dream future of a “trifecta" in January.
2024-06-06 01:33:36

Former top Justice Department prosecutor Andrew Weissmann raises concerns about the 2.0 version of Donald Trump's White House. - Raw Story
2024-06-06 10:12:06

This has been replaced.
2024-06-06 20:38:12

I am increasingly feeling like this has to be a bad dream.
The entire #GOP has been falling in line behind #Trump and openly promising increasingly unhinged anti-American behaviors as a group both now in reaction to the convictions and in their fever dream future of a “trifecta" in January.
2024-07-03 11:23:04

“Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.””
John 20:29 NRSV

A group of men dressed in robes are gathered in a dimly lit room. A man kneels before another standing figure, both at the center, while the rest sit around. Text overlay reads, "…Blessed are those who have not seen
2024-06-06 07:33:03

Recurrent neural chemical reaction networks that approximate arbitrary dynamics
Alexander Dack, Benjamin Qureshi, Thomas E. Ouldridge, Tomislav Plesa
2024-06-18 13:33:10

Det är häpnadsväckande, men ändå inte i denna alltmer bisarra värld. Regeringen väljer att ge sitt stöd till version 2 av Chat Control, något som innebär att flera partier gör en tvärvändning gällande det motstånd till Chat Control som de förmedlade i sina kampanjer till EU-valet för bara ett par veckor sedan(!)

Det är också riktigt, riktigt illa, för denna dröm för diktatorer kan klubbas redan imorgon. 😡

Oerhört viktigt gräv av Emanuel Karlsten:
2024-06-06 07:33:03

Recurrent neural chemical reaction networks that approximate arbitrary dynamics
Alexander Dack, Benjamin Qureshi, Thomas E. Ouldridge, Tomislav Plesa
2024-06-16 15:19:24

"Reuters leaked one of the document’s previous versions. In it, leaders agree on a framework addressing nuclear safety, food security, POW exchanges toward comprehensive peace in Ukraine based on international law. Notably, the draft communiqué didn’t urge Russia to withdraw its troops from Ukraine’s sovereign territory."
**Eighty countries sign communiqué of Ukraine Peace Summit in Switzerland - Euromaidan Press**