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2024-11-10 04:56:21

Thank you, @… . It's been decades since I thought about DOS Shell.
Our first PC came with MS-DOS 5 and also Windows 3.1. So even then DOS Shell seemed quaint and antiquated. But in a fun way.
2024-11-09 11:12:17

Series D, Episode 02 - Power
GUNN SAR: Go where?
NINA: Escape. B7B2

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "The image depicts a scene from a science fiction television show. The setting appears to be a futuristic or space-based environment, suggested by the high-tech console seen in the background with various colored buttons or lights.

There are two characters in the scene. The person on the left has long, blonde hair and is wearing a metallic, armor-like outfit with studs, indicating a possible warrior or guard. They are holding a piece of fabric and seem to be fo…
2024-12-07 12:34:17

da bemühst du dich tagtäglich, trotz vieler vielleicht wichtigerer dinge, vielleicht nicht allen dingen #müll auf einen haufen zu werfen, und wenn du ihn dann wegbringst, hat ein (kleiner!) teil deiner nachbarschaft die ungeliebten prospekte auf der kellertreppe verteilt, den siffigen toaster in die hecke und den plastikstuhl mit kaputtem holzbein vors
2024-10-14 16:26:08

Old graphical editor prototype (2019/20) with various ways of managing multiple selections of graphical entities, incl. align/distribute, duplicate, invert, select/deselect region (box/convex hull). editor is generic. items could be files, shapes, mesh vertices, 2d/3d points, graph nodes, whatever...
Been re-animating this prototype and toying with integrating it into my personal note taking & media management tool to organize items into piles for batch-processing and to easier app…

Screenrecording of a graphical editor prototype showing a number of circles being duplicated/manipulated and re-arranged via a sequence of mouse gestures and keyboard commands (the most recently executed command is shown in the top-left corner). The steps are:

- turn on grid
- create/duplicate circles (with grid snapping)
- selecting all
- duplicating selection(s) to form an 8x8 layout
- manually selecting 4 circles and then all circles in the convex hull
- drawing multiple box selectio…
2024-12-12 12:20:16

«Kritische Infrastruktur–Bund muss mehr in Cybersicherheit investieren:
Das eidgenössische Parlament pocht nach dem Xplain-Skandal auf verbindliche Cybersicherheitsprüfungen wichtiger Produkte und rennt damit bei der Landesregierung offene Türen ein»
Unter anderem wäre zB das blinde Vertrauen in IT-Verkäufer sehr wohl zu überlegen und nicht alles nur kurzsichtig anzunehmen.
2024-12-16 17:43:58

Felicemente, le servitor ancian ha revenite in linea durante tempore sufficiente pro permitter me de terminar le migration.
In ultra, io ha notate que es ben possibile migrar verso un conto ja establite; le sequites/sequitores del conto ancian simplemente se fusiona in le nove conto.
Iste guida me ha adjutate multo al migration: #Mastodon #AccountMigration
2024-11-25 08:21:07

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is per 21 nov officieel gestopt met het plaatsen van berichten op X. Volgens mij werd er al lang niet meer actief op X gecommuniceerd maar toch een mooi bericht.
"Medewerkers die een verwijzing in hun emailhandtekening maken naar het ‘X’-account van VU Amsterdam worden verzocht de verwijzing aan te passen of te verwijderen."
2024-11-28 02:12:25

"yeah just blur em out it'll be fine"

a selection of various mechanical warrior chinafakes (resembling robot octopi) including Spider-Man variants. the faces of the Spider-Man versions are blurred out.