Hey Canada, Greenland and Panama, did you know that "...the U.S. government argued that Bin Laden and Soleimani posed an imminent threat and that the killings were defensive and, therefore, justified under international law."
I'm not saying anyone should hurt anyone. Violence is never a good answer. I also think someone threatening to invade and take possession of you by force is...bad.
quote source:
Annan teada, et näidend David Kellnerist tuleb lavale. Ma pole ise tegelikult rohkem näinud kui lugemisproov, seega päris kindel ei ole mida seal näha saab. Üks asi, mida sai nii ja naapidi kaalutud oli pealkiri, lõpuks jäi selline, aga tõsi on see, et ma ise suhtun pealkirjadesse nagu Saussure, kes väitis, et sõnad on vaid kokkuleppelised märgid ja ei tähenda ise midagi. Minul oli tööpealkirjaks lihtsalt Kellner, aga selge see, et sellisega ei ole võimalik reklaami teha. Võib olla, et Sauss…
Today is the 100th anniversary of Edwin Hubble discovering that those fuzzy clouds were actually other galaxies! #lookup #space #Astronomy
Like Malaysia Airlines MH17 and Korean Air Lines 007, seems Azerbaijan Airlines J2-8243 may have been shot down. #russia just can’t stop hurting people.
“FlightRadar24…said…aircraft…faced ‘strong GPS jamming,’ which ‘made…aircraft transmit bad ADS-B data,’ referring to…information…allows flight-tracking websites to follow planes…Russia…blamed in…past for jamming GPS transmissions…”