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2024-03-29 02:11:34

These retrocomputing-before-it-was cool Direct-to-TV Commodore 64’s from 2004 are so amazing. Made by the legendary Jeri Ellsworth.
2024-03-29 02:11:34

These retrocomputing-before-it-was cool Direct-to-TV Commodore 64’s from 2004 are so amazing. Made by the legendary Jeri Ellsworth.
2024-02-28 23:00:20

montreal: Montreal street gangs (2007)
Network representing relationships between gangs, obtained from Montreal Police’s central intelligence database, spanning 2004 to 2007. Nodes are gangs, and an edge represents some kind of relationship between two gangs (as elicited from interviews with gang members).
This network has 35 nodes and 78 edges.
Tags: Social, Affiliation, Unweighted

montreal: Montreal street gangs (2007). 35 nodes, 78 edges.
2024-02-29 08:28:44

Damn! My left hip is painful. The prosthesis, the one with the short pin, was done in 2004, so it has done very well.
2024-02-29 23:28:30

One thing that drives me crazy about Gmail is the way it displays email addresses like Nelson Minar ( This is not correct. It should be Nelson Minar <>. I first reported this bug before Gmail launched to the public in 2004. Now a whole generation has grown up learning The Wrong Thing.
2024-03-29 17:01:16

“But within the context of Isaacson’s nine books, Musk is not an anomaly. In method and thesis, it is perfectly in line with a career built on promoting elite interests under the guise of biographical neutrality and insipid humanism. This time, though, his “genius” subject is idiotic enough to throw the bullshit at the heart of the project into stark relief.”
A Bullshit Genius - The Drift
2024-03-23 15:04:40

'Trading Jerry' torpedoed the Cowboys’ 2004 Draft in 1st round
2024-02-28 15:59:02

"Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the work force asking for zero defects and new levels of productivity. Such exhortations only create adversarial relationships, as the bulk of the causes of low quality and low productivity belong to the system and thus lie beyond the power of the work force."
W. Edwards Deming
2024-03-23 16:00:04

train_terrorists: Madrid train bombing terrorists (2004)
A network of associations among the terrorists involved in the 2004 Madrid train bombing, as reconstructed from press stories after-the-fact. Edge weights encode four levels of connection strength: friendships, ties to Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden, co-participants in wars, and co-participants in previous terrorist attacks.
This network has 64 nodes and 243 edges.
Tags: Social, Offline, Weighted

train_terrorists: Madrid train bombing terrorists (2004). 64 nodes, 243 edges.