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2024-06-18 19:00:04

google: Google internal webpages (2007)
A directed network of webpages from Google's own sites, and the hyperlinks among them. Edge direction indicates that i hyperlinks to j.
This network has 15763 nodes and 171206 edges.
Tags: Informational, Web graph, Unweighted

google: Google internal webpages (2007). 15763 nodes, 171206 edges.
2024-06-14 19:40:45

"Die 40-jährige Olek­san­dra #Mat­wijt­schuk ist heute welt­be­kannt. Bei der inter­na­tio­na­len #Ukraine Reco­very Con­fe­rence in Berlin sprach die Vor­sit­zende des Center for Civil Liber­ties am 12. Juni 2024 über die Rolle ukrai­ni­scher
2024-06-16 07:00:07

scotus_majority: SCOTUS majority opinions
Network of legal citations among majority opinions written by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), from 1754-2002 (2008 version) and 1792-2006 (2007 version). In addition to the citation network, node metadata is included giving some description of each opinion.
This network has 25417 nodes and 216738 edges.
Tags: Informational, Legal, Unweighted, Metadata, Temporal

scotus_majority: SCOTUS majority opinions. 25417 nodes, 216738 edges.
2024-06-14 16:00:07

revolution: American Revolutionary groups (1765-1783)
A bipartite network of the memberships of notable people and organizations, from the American Revolution (1765-1783) between users and groups on YouTube, extracted from a larger YouTube network in 2007.
This network has 141 nodes and 160 edges.
Tags: Social, Affiliation, Unweighted

revolution: American Revolutionary groups (1765-1783). 141 nodes, 160 edges.
2024-06-17 18:20:47

The book #Flatland is all about the question "What would it be like to be a completely two-dimensional being? What would a three-dimensional being look like to a two-dimensional being? What would a four-dimensional being look like to us?" The questions were formative to me as a child. I found a feature length adaptation from 2007 to show to my kid, and WOW they made some... bold choices.<…
2024-06-14 19:40:45

"Die 40-jährige Olek­san­dra #Mat­wijt­schuk ist heute welt­be­kannt. Bei der inter­na­tio­na­len #Ukraine Reco­very Con­fe­rence in Berlin sprach die Vor­sit­zende des Center for Civil Liber­ties am 12. Juni 2024 über die Rolle ukrai­ni­scher
2024-06-17 21:11:05

🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #RileyAndCoe
The Fiery Furnaces:
🎵 Duplexes of the Dead / Automatic Husband / Ex-Guru (6 Music Marc Riley Session, 8 Nov 2007)