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2024-03-27 19:34:35

Whenever I walk through some backwater towns, I'm surprised how many young people walk on the right side of the road. Do schools no longer teach pupils to walk on the left side?
At least I think I was taught that at school. We've also gotten the reasonable explanation: you're walking on the left side, because cars drive on the right side, so you see the cars driving on the same side of the road coming from the front, and you can jump away before they hit you. If you walk on the right side, you either have to look behind you all the time, or you won't even notice when a car drives into your arse.
Curious enough, much time later I've heard a myth. Apparently, soldiers traditionally walked on the right side of the road, but Napoleon Bonaparte sent his troops walking on the left side, to confuse the enemies who were listening to the foot traffic. In my opinion, that's absurd, but what do I know?
2024-04-26 18:54:15

Having so much fun with today's #FotoVorschlag (photography suggestion of the day, curated by @…), which is 'Wohnformen' (forms of housing).
So much combined photography geekery with
2024-03-27 05:15:56

Whenever Facebook employees say other companies only pretend to care about privacy, they’re projecting. Zuck truly gives zero fucks about anyone’s privacy and the fish rots from the head.
2024-04-26 16:25:54

These three hounds are just sitting staring at me and occasionally letting loose a little whimper. It's 37 minutes to their dinner time.
I have strict instructions from their human: "They will harass and guilt trip you before it's dinner time. I recommend not giving in else they will do it constantly until the early hours of the morning."
2024-02-26 18:55:29

Yesterday I made it to level 75 in Fallout 76 due to this double XP event combining with massive amounts of lunchboxes from the kind folks at the event!
That means I've gotten 2 legendary perk slots now!
Also, I'm a big idiot...this whole time I didn't realize you could just swap perk cards whenever you want on the fly...🤦‍♂️
I thought you needed to use one of those Perk Machines to do that and boy oh boy am I a little upset at myself that I potentially missed o…
2024-02-27 11:37:14

I had to rewrite so many toots in the last few days because #Tusky keeps crashing and taking the text with it whenever you send a toot 😭
(yes, I am aware that this can happen when you use nightly builds and that there is a fix incoming but I just want to express how much I am used to Tusky at this point that I keep forgetting that I can't just write/reply with it atm 😛)
2024-04-27 15:53:25

It was really sad to leave Cabo, we had a blast for sure. Met some cool people, saw some cool things, relaxed a ton.
Whenever I travel now I am almost amazed how connected and easy everything is. Anything you want, anywhere you want it, just make sure you have a wallet with you.
Anywho, back at it now. It will be good to dive into the markets and some code when kids go back to school on Monday.
2024-03-27 12:21:04

Just had a really weird issue with a user's laptop: when we built it, we tested the camera using a website. Now, the user is getting a really weird issue whenever they use MSTeams. The check we did worked fine (still does). But for reasons known only to itself, teams doesn't use the camera, it uses the ambient light camera! So the picture is B&W and flickering. No obvious way of changing it. 🤷🏻‍♂️
2024-03-28 06:51:07

Quantum Algorithms: A New Frontier in Financial Crime Prevention
Abraham Itzhak Weinberg, Alessio Faccia
2024-04-27 15:53:25

It was really sad to leave Cabo, we had a blast for sure. Met some cool people, saw some cool things, relaxed a ton.
Whenever I travel now I am almost amazed how connected and easy everything is. Anything you want, anywhere you want it, just make sure you have a wallet with you.
Anywho, back at it now. It will be good to dive into the markets and some code when kids go back to school on Monday.