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2024-03-26 16:44:59

LTO Melkveehouderij: huilie-huilie-boe-boehoe - Nieuwe Oogst
2024-02-26 13:05:19

Vamos a dejar que sean los constructores los que validen y supervisen sus propios proyectos. ¿Qué mal puede pasar? Si a Boeing y la FAA les ha venido tan bien con el B737 Max ¿por qué no les va a funcionar al sector empresarial mšs corrupto que hay sobre la faz de la tierra?
2024-04-27 15:53:32

#MastoAdmin PSA: Vultr cloud storage costs are now down to $6/TB/mo.
Backblaze B2 still has the edge on data transfer costs (they bundle data transfer up to 3x the storage amount) but IIRC bandwidth is pooled with cloud servers on Vultr anyway, so you probably won't pay for outbound anyway, and it's one less vendor in the stack to manage. Which is nice when you have better things to…
2024-03-28 02:45:49

Is this Vultr stuff for real?
Surely there's gonna be an epic climb down if so.
2024-03-26 06:51:20

A Nonlinear African Vulture Optimization Algorithm Combining Henon Chaotic Mapping Theory and Reverse Learning Competition Strategy
Baiyi Wang, Zipeng Zhang, Patrick Siarry, Xinhua Liu, Grzegorz Kr\'olczyk, Dezheng Hua, Frantisek Brumercik, Zhixiong Li
2024-02-23 10:45:26

A look at Matthew Belloni's What I'm Hearing newsletter, which covers the structures of Hollywood's business and has become a must-read among the power elite (Nicholas Quah/Vulture)
2024-03-26 09:01:53

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2024-03-28 00:53:23

🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
Antoine Villoutreix:
🎵 La falaise
2024-04-25 09:03:28

In the past month, the e-bike library has made 36 bike loans.
In the past month, borrowers from the library have purchased 14 bikes. (that I know of -- at least one is one I only found out by accident!)
Pretty good conversion rate.
Now if only more bike companies were like Velotric and saw donating a bike as a way to get more sales.
2024-03-27 08:26:21

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