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2024-05-23 05:48:03

General Staff: Russia has lost 497,700 troops in Ukraine since Feb. 24, 2022:
2024-05-21 15:56:59

Visual Studio 2022 17.10 is available. This release features a new, single GitHub Copilot extension. To enable these AI experiences, activate your GitHub Copilot subscription today by signing in to GitHub and starting a free trial.
2024-05-24 05:34:56

General Staff: Russia has lost 498,940 troops in Ukraine since Feb. 24, 2022:
2024-05-23 05:14:12

Einige der zuletzt hier besonders häufig geteilten #News:
"Systematischer" Verstoß gegen Geldwäschevorschriften: Millionenbußgeld für N26
2024-03-23 15:30:29

🔭 Some photons that I rescued from crashing into my driveway back in 2022.
[Edit: added variant with popping colors]

The California Nebula in a narrowband combination color image, with stars removed. It's like a fluffy honey cloud.
Same image, but social media loves popping colors, especially on phones. :)
2024-05-22 23:00:05

dom: Animal dominance archive (2022)
Animal dominance interaction data published over a century of research. The archive contains 434 agonistic interaction datasets, totaling over 241,000 interactions. A directed edge (i,j) corresponds to an antagonist interaction between i (winner) and j (loser). If a 'weight' edge property map exists, it counts the number of such interactions.
This network has 10 nodes and 64 edges.
Tags: Social, Animal, Weighted

dom: Animal dominance archive (2022). 10 nodes, 64 edges.
2024-05-21 15:56:59

Visual Studio 2022 17.10 is available. This release features a new, single GitHub Copilot extension. To enable these AI experiences, activate your GitHub Copilot subscription today by signing in to GitHub and starting a free trial.
2024-03-24 06:01:13

How Ukraine recreated the Soledar Salt Mine in Minecraft to let players compete for prizes and donate to restore a school hit by a Russian missile (Justin Ling/Wired)
2024-03-24 10:41:09

General Staff: Russia has lost 436,750 troops in Ukraine since Feb. 24, 2022:
2024-05-22 12:01:00

"Systematischer" Verstoß gegen Geldwäschevorschriften: Millionenbußgeld für N26
Auch im Jahr 2022 hat die Neobank N26 gegen Vorgaben zum Kampf gegen Geldwäsche verstoßen, es ist nicht das erste Mal. Diesmal werden 9,2 Millionen Euro fällig.