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2024-04-29 19:13:46

"In the June 2022 election, [Neighbors for a Better San Francisco] spent more than $4.7 million — the most of any contributor — to boost the successful recall of progressive District Attorney Chesa Boudin."
they spent $9.43 per registered voter in *one* race, and they're just one of multiple dark-money groups that funded it. these are unprecedented levels of bullshit amplification. the votes we're seeing are not where SF voters would have landed organically
2024-03-28 23:11:09

Russia intensifies attacks on Kharkiv, draining Ukraine's air defense and civilian morale:
2024-02-29 06:55:29

On the $(1^2,2^4)$-packing edge-coloring of subcubic graphs
Xujun Liu, Gexin Yu…
2024-03-29 19:09:24

Clowney ready to bring prove-it mode to Panthers
2024-03-26 22:50:43

Despite a crypto rally, VC funds focused on crypto are struggling to raise money, as limited partners prioritize tangible gains after the 2022 wipeout (Ryan Weeks/Bloomberg)
2024-03-27 22:11:04

Der Preis für #Weizen ist nach dem Höchstwert 2022 wieder auf das Niveau von 2021 gesunken (Stand Februar 2024). Trotzdem verkauft #Harry Brot sein Toastbrot immer noch für 1,89 Euro während andere Hersteller den Preis für #Toastbrot

Diagramm zum monatlichen Weizenpreis im globalen Handel von 2021 bis Anfang 2024. Höhepunkt war im April 2022. Danach sanken die Preise wieder.
2024-01-30 05:59:16

Commutativity of involutive two-valued groups
Alexander A. Gaifullin…
2024-03-25 21:19:52

28/ So und jetzt noch mal einen letzten oder vorletzten Post zum Thema #Tesla. Ich war auch einer von denen, die sich erst über Tesla gefreut haben. Arbeitsplätze für eine strukturschwache Region (Osten, Nazis, Arbeit = gute Sache). Außerdem Ökoautos. Das mit dem Lithium ist mittelfristig wohl kein großes Problem, weil es natriumbasierte Batterien gibt, die jetzt auch schon Produktionsreife erreicht haben. Natrium gibt es wie Salz im Meer. (kleiner Scherz, Natrium ist im Salz enthalten)
Man kann sich auch denken, dass die Autos ja irgendwo hergestellt werden müssen. Also auch wenn wir hier gar nicht so viele haben wollen, wäre es gut, die für einen globalen Markt zu haben.
Aber der Punkt ist: Was in Grünheide hergestellt wird, wird nirgends gebraucht. Es sind SUVs, die für alle Einsatzzwecke auf der Welt zu groß sind. Und für Deutschland galt schon vor einigen Jahren #CarIsOver, denn die Herstellung eines SUVs verbrauchte damals das Restbudget, das jeder Person noch individuell zur Verfügung stand.
Inzwischen sind wir schon weiter: CO2-Budget ist Null, wie man der Pressemitteilung des @… von heute entnehmen konnte.
Also: Keine Monsterautos mehr. Ob aus Grünheide oder Stuttgart oder Wolfsburg. Die ungedämmte Krankenschwester, die pendeln muss, kann das mit einem kleinen E-Auto tun. Bis zum Stadtrand. Bis es auch dafür bessere Mobilitätslösungen gibt.
Car is over.
Tesla soll was Kleines bauen. Dafür reicht dann auch die bisher schon bestehende Fabrik.
2024-02-25 19:00:32

The Work Of Wellbeing
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: #GreatAusPods

The Work Of Wellbeing
Screenshot of the podcast listing on the Great Australian Pods website
2024-04-19 19:20:29

Post.News, the news-focused social platform launched in 2022 that offered micropayments to publishers, is shutting down after failing to grow "fast enough" (Emma Roth/The Verge)

The world’s five largest listed oil companies have made profits of more than a quarter of a trillion dollars since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine led to dramatic increases in energy prices and household bills.
The “super-majors” – BP, Shell, Chevron, ExxonMobil and TotalEnergies – have made $281bn (£223bn) since the war began in February 2022, according to Global Witness.
The UK-based pair, BP and Shell, have made a combined $94.2bn (£75bn) in profits since the conflict began. Glob…
2024-03-26 12:27:32

Manuel Ponce: Prelude Nr. 5 habe ich gestern gespielt. War in der Stimmung. Hier eine wie ich finde schöne aktuelle Einspielung von Anne Haasch. Hier finde ich das Tempo für Andante gut gewählt und auch durchgehalten. Habe auch schon viel langsamere Interpretationen dieses Stücks gehört, die mir zu schmalzig klingen. Auch zu starke Agogik (schneller und langsamer werden) finde ich nicht so angebracht. Ist vermutlich noch der Interpretationsschatten von Segovia.
2024-02-19 10:55:54

Flertall av (program)kode er koder? Og «»?
2024-03-19 17:30:13
Content warning: iran pol

Gestern stellte die Untersuchungskommission der UN ihre Ergebnisse zu den Frau, Leben, Freiheit-Protesten im Iran vor. Sie stellt "ungeheuerliche" Menschenrechtsverletzungen fest, Tötungen, sexualisierte Gewalt in Haft und vieles mehr. Hier ein Bericht:
2024-03-21 19:05:42

🛰️ The Amazon’s 2023 Drought: Sentinel-1 Reveals Extreme Rio Negro River Contraction
2024-03-18 22:50:23

Could have been a nice short film
I rated Brightwood (2022) 3/10
2024-04-19 20:03:31

TransLink set to receive $300M from B.C. for more buses, extra service
From City News
By Charlie Carey and Pippa Norman and Monika Gul
Posted April 17, 2024 12:08 pm.
Last Updated April 17, 2024 8:31 pm.

A newish (2022) articulated hybrid bus on a 99 UBC B-Line service

Stephen Rees picture CC licensed

The world’s five largest listed oil companies have made profits of more than a quarter of a trillion dollars since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine led to dramatic increases in energy prices and household bills.
The “super-majors” – BP, Shell, Chevron, ExxonMobil and TotalEnergies – have made $281bn (£223bn) since the war began in February 2022, according to Global Witness.
The UK-based pair, BP and Shell, have made a combined $94.2bn (£75bn) in profits since the conflict began. Glob…
2024-04-15 02:43:59

i had to look up the company that did the colourization on the tubi version. their website is confusing but i found this brochure (PDF). the brochure is also a mess but at least it's all in one file: #monsterdon
2024-02-12 21:55:27

D960,537 - issued in 2022 for a design for a "snow boot." #DesignPatents

design patent drawing disclosing a fur-lined boot with an angled zipper
2024-02-18 07:41:26

General Staff: Russia has lost 402,430 troops in Ukraine since Feb. 24, 2022:
2024-03-23 00:20:32

Joni Mitchell's music returns to Spotify after she removed it in 2022 in protest of what she called "lies" about vaccines on the platform, following Neil Young (Ben Sisario/New York Times)
2024-02-17 19:13:36

Kvällens öl är en Westmalle trippel med bäst före 28 januari 2022.
Lite grums i flaskan. Lätt doft av smågodis (inte som Grimbergen). Förvånansvärd humlebeska (för en sån här belgare, alltså). Trevlig. Men vann förmodligen inte på lagringen. #öltut
2024-02-16 05:02:19

Kommenterar diskussionen om senaste terrorrankningen (för åren 2007-2022) i Komintern och det faktum att nummer 20 på listan bara gjort ett enda terrordåd på de 15 åren.

Förstår att ni är besvikna på att det är så svagt i botten av terrorlistan, men mest besvikna borde Centerpartiet vara. Vad det här handlar om är den strukturella konsolideringen av marknaden. Små och mellanstora aktörer slås ut, större aktörer växer på deras bekostnad. Om vi inte gör något snart kommer vi bara ha The Big Four kvar. Vilka det kommer vara kan man bara spekulera i, men tydligt är väl att IS kommer vara en av dem.

Vad har lett fram till det? Enormt växande administrationskrav är …
Den begränsade uppmärksamhetsekonomin är också ett problem. Riktiga krig tar mycket fokus från terrorgrupper, men IS har också lyckats skapa en ny marknad med sitt intensiva egna PR-arbete via t.ex. sociala medier. Hur ska en liten terrorrörelse få plats då? Ska man lyckas rekrytera både fotsoldater och kommunikatörer?

Här borde Centerpartiet, som värnar den lilla entreprenören, hoppa in. De kanske kan skapa incitament att bli egenanställd istället för att ta jobb hos de stora? De kanske kan s…
2024-03-21 23:40:15

Prozess in Salzburg - Beifahrer (19) stirbt, Todeslenker (21) bereut #News #Nachrichten
2024-02-12 13:26:38

Geçenlerde yine bir şey oldu, Uzay'ı hatırlatan. Eh insanlar hatırlandıkları sürece yaşarlar sonuçta... Beni, öldükten otuz yıl sonra kimsenin hatırlayacağını sanmam...
2024-03-19 22:09:45

NFC foe throws painful wrench into Cowboys' free agency plans with defensive signing
2024-02-04 18:19:00

Satire is officially dead. It has to be noted that both senators and members of congress are allowed to trade stocks — many of them criticize fore…

A video of Senator Tom Cotton in front of the U.S. Senate questioning the CEO of TikTok
2024-03-11 14:42:14

Handy Oscar™ guide:
Awards are not for recognizing excellence. They are for upholding the status quo & consolidating power.
The Academy has greatly improved diversity in the last ten years, but it is still (as of 2022) 81% white, 67% men.
People vote for the thing which reflects their interests.
2024-03-19 20:21:39

Alexander Mattison: His Usage With The Las Vegas Raiders
2024-02-17 11:35:22

Was ich auch am Lesen von Büchereibüchern schätze? Dass ich manchmal welche nicht verlängern kann, weil vorgemerkt - und dann bisweilen versuche, sie noch am gleichen Tag zu starten und komplett zu lesen. Heute/jetzt: Gallant [2022] von V. E. Schwab; die Bib hat bis 19 offen, die Schrift ist normal bis groß bei knapp 300 Seiten... machbar, würde ich sagen. Wir werden sehen!
2024-03-21 19:05:42

🛰️ The Amazon’s 2023 Drought: Sentinel-1 Reveals Extreme Rio Negro River Contraction
2024-03-19 16:00:14
Content warning: iran pol

Gestern stellte die Untersuchungskommission der UN ihre Ergebnisse zu den Frau, Leben, Freiheit-Protesten im Iran vor. Sie stellt "ungeheuerliche" Menschenrechtsverletzungen fest, Tötungen, sexualisierte Gewalt in Haft und vieles mehr. Hier ein Bericht:
2024-03-05 19:40:40

Tweede Kamer wil vier grote kerncentrales in plaats van twee
Een brede meerderheid (PVV, VVD, BBB, Denk, Volt, CDA, ChristenUnie, SGP, FvD en JA21 ) gelooft dus in een sprookje dat je 2x zoveel kerncentrales over ruim 10 jaar draaiend kunt hebben. Plus het is aan een kom…
2024-03-06 19:26:05

Of course we end up where we expected to with this election, even though nobody wanted it. That's what plurality elections do.
All the more reason to get behind #RankedChoiceVoting
2024-03-06 15:19:11

Emma McIntosh, "Special project G*: Ontario government staff used code name for Greenbelt carveouts"
#onpoli <…
2024-02-07 19:56:44

It finally works! 🤞🏼
Here is a table of more than 1000 journalists on #Mastodon, that updates itself – showing the ones most active, most followed etc. I took the wonderful table by @… as foundation, but deleted some media organizations, so that it only c…
2024-04-05 19:25:54

Filings in FTC lawsuit: Instagram had revenues of $22B in 2020, or 26% of Meta's total revenue, $32.4B in 2021, or 27% of Meta's revenue, and $16.5B in H1 2022 (Bloomberg)
2024-03-31 19:00:07

at_migrations: Austrian internal migrations (2002-2022)
A network of migrations between municipalities in Austria, from 2002 to 2022. A weighted directed link from source to target indicates a migration flow from these two municipalities. Edges are annotated with migration volume (number of people), nationality, sex, and year.
This network has 2115 nodes and 2908569 edges.
Tags: Social, Economic, Travel, Weighted, Politlcal, Timestamps, Metadata

at_migrations: Austrian internal migrations (2002-2022). 2115 nodes, 2908569 edges.
2024-04-24 07:07:38

Impacting the dayside Martian ionosphere from above and below: Effects of the impact of CIRs and ICMEs close to aphelion (April 2021) and during dust storms (June-July 2022) seen with MAVEN ROSE
Marianna Felici, Jennifer Segale, Paul Withers, Christina O. Lee, Andrea Hughes, Ed Thiemann, Steve Bougher, Candace Grey, Shannon Curry
2024-02-07 23:19:07

@… Hast du gesehen? Das scheint der Hintergrund zu den Layoffs zu sein:
2024-02-06 19:55:30

Copper phone lines work, slow & ugly, but it works. During the ice storm of 98 and the storm of 2022 where we lost power for days the copper lines worked. If telcos ditch copper lines then what happens in a major disaster and there is extended power loss? Will the various towers have backup generators that can last days or even weeks?
2024-04-19 07:04:15

Oceanic influence on Large-Scale Atmospheric Convection during co-occurring La Nina and IOD events
Supriya Ovhal, Mujumdar M, Swapna P, Sreenivas P, Sandeep N, Ravichandran M
2024-04-03 05:28:22

Serum samples from the fall of 2023 indicate a rise in protective antibodies in the youngest...This suggests that the children have regained some of protection lost after the pandemic. It also reflects the high prevalence of infection in the 2022/2023 season.
2024-03-16 19:30:05
Content warning: iran pol

RT by @Khani2Mina: Happy freedom anniversary 🕊️
On March 16, 2022 Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe and Anoosheh Ashoori were reunited with their families in UK. Nazanin spent 6 years, Anoosheh 4.5 years as a hostage in Iran. #EndHostageDiplomacy #FreeNahid

The best bang for your bucks, if you have any bucks to spare, is in #state #legislatures, where we could flip multiple houses for what was spent losing to Marjorie Taylor Greene by 30% in 2022.
But why #Arizona? The Washingto…
2024-03-18 18:20:05

Cowboys star Trevon Diggs involved in strange feud with rapper Cam’Ron
2024-03-18 07:21:17

Measurements of All-Particle Energy Spectrum and Mean Logarithmic Mass of Cosmic Rays from 0.3 to 30 PeV with LHAASO-KM2A
The LHAASO Collaboration, Zhen Cao, F. Aharonian, Q. An, A. Axikegu, Y. X. Bai, Y. W. Bao, D. Bastieri, X. J. Bi, Y. J. Bi, J. T. Cai, Q. Cao, W. Y. Cao, Zhe Cao, J. Chang, J. F. Chang, A. M. Chen, E. S. Chen, Liang Chen, Lin Chen, Long Chen, M. J. Chen, M. L. Chen, Q. H. Chen, S. H. Chen, S. Z. Chen, T. L. Chen, Y. Chen, N. Cheng, Y. D. Cheng, M. Y. Cui, S. W. Cui,…
2024-04-10 12:01:19

How Ukraine found US startups' drones glitchy and pricey, turning instead to cheaper Chinese drones; PitchBook: ~300 US drone startups raised $2.5B since 2022 (Wall Street Journal)…
2024-04-19 07:19:56

Internet sentiment exacerbates intraday overtrading, evidence from A-Share market
Peng Yifeng
2024-04-05 19:00:14

The Startup Podcast
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: #GreatAusPods

The Startup Podcast
Screenshot of the podcast listing on the Great Australian Pods website
2024-04-04 19:16:16

WATCH: Tom Brady predicted Stefon Diggs' exit from Bills, warned Josh Allen 'someone's going to leave you'…
2024-02-07 23:19:07

@… Hast du gesehen? Das scheint der Hintergrund zu den Layoffs zu sein:
2024-03-04 08:36:03

This has been replaced.

The world can no longer afford two things:
🔸the costs of economic inequality;
🔸and the rich.
Between 2020 and 2022, the world’s most affluent 1% of people captured nearly twice as much of the new global wealth created as did the other 99% of individuals put together
And in 2019 they emitted as much #carbon #dioxide
2024-02-22 08:47:43

This has been replaced.
2024-04-03 05:28:22

Serum samples from the fall of 2023 indicate a rise in protective antibodies in the youngest...This suggests that the children have regained some of protection lost after the pandemic. It also reflects the high prevalence of infection in the 2022/2023 season.
2024-02-15 20:19:52

Cowboys insider names three new options for QB2 in Dallas
2024-03-04 08:36:03

This has been replaced.
2024-04-07 14:46:59

Patriots sign S Kyle Dugger to 4-year deal worth $58 million: Source